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Everything posted by DarkGiver

  1. DarkGiver

    1.07.5157 Optics bug

    It's not a bug... BIS simply changed some parameter in optic handle... and you're certainly running the game with the new exe.. but with the old data...
  2. DarkGiver

    SLX Desert Island Example

    Did you read this sentence ? : "The island and textures are only for example purposes." Using this method we can of course do better textures... If you want to always wait the tools, you will never do anything.... Â Fortunately... we are many to try to make with what is available... Congratulation Solus... very good job... another great step for the community
  3. Try to "triangulate" ( O2 Menu -> Structure -> Triangulate...) your model in O2... save.. and check ingame if your textures are still "deformed" ...
  4. You will have your nose inside the weapon and your sight in the sky
  5. Not with the same effectiveness... so we must do compromises... And about the AT4.. yes certainly...
  6. No no, the muzzles system is too complicated to use during combat... I use only 4 standards muzzles.. (single, burst, auto, grenade launcher) And for the grenade launcher, i simply use the natural up/down move when you aim to change the alignement. That works inversed from the reality (the first hole is used for the higher range.. ) but it works fine for the game. The GL_Eye is placed to the fourth hole.. and the GL_look to the Grenade Launcher Muzzle, i've done a little video :
  7. Here my try: Because the system of fixed view, it works inverted from reality, but it works.. you just need to move the mouse and aligh iron sight with the hole to choose the range. (I will add the gradiation later...)
  8. DarkGiver

    SLX Example Weapons

    Very good job Solus that's a great step for the community... And now.. we need to find the other secrets... Any idea on how to handle different muzzle on a weapon (by muzzle i mean.. another gun function.. like Grenadelauncher) to be able to animate the GL too.. i was not able to do that actually and it's very important... i also didn't found the source anim for fire selector... can be great too. Still searching... But we progress fast.. certainly faster than BIS had expected
  9. DarkGiver

    LSD Coopmappacket

    Thank you will of course have all the credits for those missions...
  10. DarkGiver

    transparent weapons

    Simply use software like Notepad++.. open all your .p3d at the same time.. and use a global search/replace .paa string in bin files to .pac.. in 30 seconds all the job is done And maybe the pac isn't used ingame.. but the paa format we use is obsolete too.. and there is not alpha issue with pac :P
  11. DarkGiver

    Public Beta Patch 1.07.5154

    Yes.. i've the same problems with my weapons.. the scope curstom model must be 5x smaller to work normally in 1.07, but there is another problem.. the scope is autocentered and auto scaled to fill the screen.. so to have the correct size, simply scale down to 0.2 and make a border with the old size. For the g36... they simply forgot to fix their scope
  12. DarkGiver

    1.07 beta 8800 GTX texture bug

    8800 owners are a very small minority.. but since the beta 1.07 is out we only hear them... New card.. unfinished drivers... maybe BIS need to work a lot to make ARMA perfect.. but nvidia too
  13. DarkGiver

    SLX Example Weapons

    I didn't exactly find this line.. but i searched in the game exe for the Animation controler.. and i've found an interesting line... with the unkown animation type message... and the list of the animation type : hide, translationZ, translationY, translationX, translation, rotationZ, rotationY, rotationX, rotation, disabled, Default_UVchange, UVchange, Mirror, Loop, Clamp... And using the same logic i tried to test the "hide" one... and i also found the "hidevalue".. after some test that worked fine... There is certainly some news things to discover
  14. DarkGiver

    transparent weapons

    which texture format did you use ? paa or pac ? Maybe try to investigate about the texture format to solve this issue... Personnaly i put all my solid guns textures in .pac and all that need alpha transparency in .paa and i have actually seen no problems...
  15. DarkGiver

    SLX Example Weapons

    I've just done an interesting discover when investigating the arma.exe : To use the hide magazine feature used by default in the game simply use this code : <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> class reload_magazine { type="hide"; source="reloadMagazine"; selection="magazine"; hidevalue=0.10; }; the 0.10 value indicate to hide the magazine after 10% of the reload sequence (when the hand is on it).
  16. DarkGiver

    SLX Example Weapons

    I think we are not speaking about the new red dot or something else.. but we are talking about the method... and the actual method works fine... for my version of the trijicon reflex i placed the reticle farther than solus to have a better aim at medium range because an aimpoint sight also had a "zero point" and must be calibrated. On the "real life" video.. maybe the red dot is on the center of teedy beer.. but not sure the bullet will really go at the same point except if the zero point is calibrated very close..
  17. DarkGiver

    SLX Example Weapons

    yes.. you're wrong
  18. DarkGiver

    SLX Example Weapons

    Here my attempt.. using the method i described : No alpha hide required.. so no bugs for everyone.. except those unable to have alpha transparent thing ingame.. cause drivers or graphic card issues. Now i have to add the spring and to optimize all the stuff. But that's another great step forward Thank Solus
  19. DarkGiver

    SLX Example Weapons

    Hmmm... the need of the alpha hidden part is not required for the transparent magazine technic... you just need to divide the bullets in 3 groups... when the first 10 bullets are hidden.. they stop to anim... (by calculating the motion range correctly) the second group continue to move.. and when hidden.. stop too.. (anim is finished) and the 10 last one (the third group) continue to anim to the finish pos... So... basically.. all the groups move at the same speed.. but they stop their anim at different moment. For my sg55x : The complete angle is 25 degree, the first group (close to the bolt) only 5 degree to be hidden, the second group 15 degree to be hidden, and the last 25 degree.. when all moved.. all the bullets group are on the same position and hidden. So.. for the first group i set a minValue of motion range of 0.8 (it stop the anim at 20% of the total sequence), the second use .033 and the third must travel during all the sequence so.. 1. I'm experimenting the principle on my sg55x 30 round mag.. and that works well... without any alpha hidden crap I will make a video to demonstrate that..
  20. DarkGiver

    SLX Example Weapons

    Hmmm.. very impressive Solus.. your transparent magazine method is amazing.. but not so easy to implement.. Thank anyway i will make some test...
  21. DarkGiver


    Yes the issue is resolved.. and everything will be included in the 1.1 release... you just have to be patient... SG550 with Kern scope (4x24)
  22. DarkGiver

    Warfare Designs

    haha, i hope you will change that... because that's strange to see russian soldiers with Switzerland-mod vest... (look the nice swiss cross on the belt...)
  23. DarkGiver

    SLX Example Weapons

    The anims are now fonctional for all the weapons of the Switzerland-mod (including of course the p226 like in the video) using the the animation methods of Arma. But only in the non released 1.1 version.. the version actually released is the 1.0 without any anims.. so be patient... we planned to release the 1.1 very soon with all the new features... (realistic reflex reticle with paralax, animations of bolt, slide, magazine... new balistic, enhanced sniper scope... and so on)
  24. DarkGiver

    SLX Example Weapons

    I implemented the method to the SWM Trijicon Reflex (and no more ghost by using a more transparent alpha hide texture...) : Here a test video :
  25. DarkGiver

    SLX Example Weapons

    Here a little demonstration of the anims on an assault rifle (sg551) and a pistol (p226) of the Switzerland-mod : That wooorks fine thank Solus