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Everything posted by Crazyfox

  1. Crazyfox

    View Distance

    Walker, we are discussing the viewdistance for Arma2 here and not for Armed assault. I've been reading these forums for more than a year, Im just not someone who like to post just to make myself heard. :rolleyes: If you are implying Im being wrong in any of my statements, please say so.
  2. Crazyfox

    View Distance

    I say that if you don't have the rig to run arma2 at at least a viewdistance of 2km (which is the maximum distance you cat get sniped at) and 6km of viewdistance when flying, then your rig don't meet the minimum requirements to play the game. Not PvP play anyway. People should be able to change viewdistance for their needs when playing online. Honestly how many of you here tink servers will use scripts like Celery's?
  3. Crazyfox

    View Distance

    I know of the setviewdistance function. I'm guessing almost all missionmakers and server admins use that function, but they only use it once. I can't think of ever seeing anyone putting in diffrent viewdistances for diffrent vehicles. But maybe you are saying I should contact all missionmakers and server admins and tell them to use scripts similar to Celery's? Overall I think that the viewdistance should be set by the client user only. Why aren't the missionmakers able to set the level of anti-aliasing for each mission?
  4. Crazyfox

    View Distance

    Guys, you don't seem to get my point. If it's not implemented in the official game people will still do CQB air fighting. Even if someone puts a script in a mission/server or some people use a mod. Im just tired of playing online as a pilot and having a gunner who can't shoot until he is within 1000m range of the target becouse he don't have and has never heard of a certain mod.
  5. Crazyfox

    View Distance

    But if BI don't implement it, you can't run that on servers that only uses signed files. But that not the biggest promblem. I have Instant viewdistance mod for arma, and it works pretty good. My issue though is that not many players have it and therefore go CQB with aircrafts. I honestly can't fly without at least 6km of view.
  6. Yeah, a timelimit or an admin is alway good to have. ;) DM is not my cup of tea, but here are some suggestions if you wanna do some no respawn missions: One team drives a convoy one team ambushes, and tries to kill something of importance. One team try to rescue someone while the other team try to assasinate the same. Then there is the usual Attack/Defend something/someone. As long as you don't make an "wipe out the whole other team" mission or make the missions to advanced there shoulden't be any long waiting times. You could also respawn dead people on an remote island and let them shoot each other there until the main mission ends. Hope you manage to get something nice up. :)
  7. The last preview vid's had some bad sounds. Now these guys records a vid while playing with 5 fps.. I think the game looks great, if you got the PC for it.
  8. "don't act like AI"? I don't see why you would want players to be like that?:p No, honestly I know what you mean. Ai soldiers are the best targets for an ambush. But if you don't have a too short timelimit you can acually do a suprise attack. I know i have. What you describe though just sounds like a poorly made mission. Were there only open ground, making it ideal for snipers? And were there only one way to get to the objective, since it sounds like the defenders knew where to wait for the attackers? And I think the last guy wouldn't be so hard to find if there is an objective he is supposed to defend. I've played several Team vs team games, and I think they beat all the other gameplays. But unfortunatly these servers have coop missions as well and people who prefer coop is usually the majority.
  9. Crazyfox

    View Distance

    BI must make the player able to lower the graphics and to increase the viewdistance when going into aircrafts. The least realistic thing in Arma1 were the flying. Planes were used at distances WW1 fighters usually flyed at. The Ka-50s vikhr's are capable of hiting targets at least 8km away. Same goes for the tunguska surface to air missile. The aim-9x has a range up to 18km. Please set the viewdistance accordingly. I don't want to see aircrafts engaging in a "Hollywood less than 500 meters" style.
  10. Having respawn in PvP missions automaticly makes it into a run n' gun game. Even if you have some respawning time or the respawn points are placed far away from the action this happends. If you play without respawn, as soon as you enforce a little bit of team play you get an advantage. BI should add some sort of round feature for Arma2. Something that could restart the mission fast when a mission is over. All this to lower waiting time for dead players which is the main reason people don't play without respawn. Also if you play it right there isn't any long waiting. If you stay in your team, you either die with your team or kill the other team. Ai can surely be used in PvP. They can add some flavour to the mission, like blocking some paths for one of the sides. But the main purpose shouldn't be to fight Ai when there are human players around. Since some people here seems to long for some good PvP i hope we get some PvP servers for Arma2.
  11. So who will set up a TvT server for arma2 then? A server with mandatory team play, containing only TvT missions with no respawn. Ive never seen such server on Arma. Plz set one up for Arma2 and I'll play there all the time. :292: