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About Conor1994

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    Arma !
  1. Conor1994

    Project RACS

    well no the majority are all being tested and then released and a few are still wip but not much left to do on them
  2. Conor1994

    Project RACS

    hey thanks gnat and soldier2390 i always try to put a good amount of effort into my project. i have a bunch of smaller ships that are not pictured there thats like the main rsn fleet but there are a bunch of smaller ships namely Skjold class missile boat freemantle class patrol ship (highly modified) Visby class corvette PBR and a few little transport and landing ships also mebey a sub or two all depends on the compatibilty with Arma 2 thanks conor1994
  3. Conor1994

    Project RACS

    hey everbody got some pics of the Pracs ships everthing is almost about done just needs checked not long now:):bounce3: there are a lot of pics most are PRACS ships but some are of my own mod (ANWM) if you want me to point out witch ones just say. i took them all with the idea of making a nice bunch of combat pics so i didnt really think about seprating them out. :) pics: i also made a video to show the VLS missile system in use ill add the link soon youtube isnt happy with it at the moment
  4. Conor1994

    Project RACS

    ok this has been raised on another website aswell ................. the missile fires from the HARPOON LAUNCHERS... its not a bug... its a feature.. one without the ship would have been out about over a month ago.. (thanks to calm terror for the script) http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=Ex_TDv9RC6Q that should explain this FEATURE and yes the missile fires off the optic but turns and attacks in flight...
  5. Conor1994

    Project RACS

    yeah this is the "vairant" we based our Type 21 on. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Niteroi_class_frigate and for the weapons we changed it since the sea cat is very old.
  6. Conor1994

    Project RACS

    no its completly script free + thanks
  7. Conor1994

    Project RACS

    Hey The Type 21 does have a boftors for air defence But its meant to be slightly weak in the air defence role.. :P but strong in anti shipping. On the other hand the Type 42 is the RSN dedicated Air Defence ship and that is Unable to defend against surface threats... in a whole I’m trying to make them rely on each other for protection (These ships rely on other classes of ships for other types of defence e.g. from submarines and sea skimming missiles) Thanks conor1994
  8. Conor1994

    Project RACS

    yeah like Londonderry (ulster) it has a "berlin wall" dividing the Catholics and the Protestants, i like the idea of driving through corozol, but getting the feeling that somthing over the wall.....
  9. Conor1994

    Project RACS

    well we have the navy sorted out... the largest gun in the fleet will probally belong to the Type 42 destroyer and Type 21 Frigate.... also they way i picture the navy in both Financial and physical strenth is.. a small navy funded by the western goverments to fight the north commies (the us and uk done that during the cold war everyday eg the taliban) and large oil exports.. and actual man power around 3,000-4,000 and consisting of about 20-30 ships with aboit 8 main combatants.. thats my Stupid little idea lol the ships are as follows Type 42 Destroyer (the royal navy will be selling them soon) Type 21 Frigate (the pakistani navy will be selling them) "Advanced Force Projection Vessel" AFPV- a version of the Galacia class Fremantle class "Corvett" Gepard class Armed patrol PBR (Patrol boat River) and our fav ship the Roboat thanks conor1994
  10. Conor1994

    Project RACS

    hey im conor ive been working with the RAC team for a while now, just been working on the ships, my first post kinda bored so just saying hi but ill post some pics later