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Posts posted by cdn_biggdogg

  1. 1 minute ago, FireWalker said:



    The way I have it now is there is a certain number of editor placed vehicles in the map with the rvg_owned variable on them so they always spawn ready to go. Those certain vehicles automatically save to inidbi2 and they have a "blue" colored addAction on them that lets the player know that they can save gear inside and be persistent. It actually works really well, its just clunky script wise.


    Ahh. I had the vehicles spawning randomly in as well I had my own loot script running that I could save those containers as well, which spawned in randomly. I had to get creative to get it all to work.

  2. 22 hours ago, FireWalker said:

    I kinda like that idea, I hadn't thought about giving the players the option.



    Don't get me wrong, it'll be some work to implement. I had to get only the types of vehicles and containers I wanted to be saved to have the addaction. Then I had to replace that addaction to remove the object from the saved list. And I had to add all the correct variables when I reloaded them from the database on a server restart etc.... Took me quite a while to sort all through it but it's possible.

    Then you'll have to add all the actions ravage uses like refuel, repair, salvage etc.....


    Good luck!!

    • Like 1

  3. 13 hours ago, zigeris said:

    I have player persistence working (with a mod from Ravage), but I need something for trucks and helis and containers (like tents). Anyone use inidbi2 for that? Or have an examples? 


    I used code34's OOPDW (Object Oriented Persistent Data World) script for that. It's basically an extension of inidbi2 (and needs it to run). Then I put an addaction on the vehicles and the players set which ones to save by setting a variable for that object. The server scans all the objects and saves whichever ones are marked to be saved. (May not be the best idea in the world but it's what worked for me!)

    • Like 1

  4. 10 hours ago, accuracythruvolume said:

    Hey Zen,


    I'm still trying to get jip syncing working with tasks.  I assign tasks with a global variable such as:


    _task1text = "Go here, break stuff";
    _task1title = "Break all the things";
    Task1 = [playerList,_task1text,_task1title,"Mk_Task_1",true,'','meet'] call Zen_InvokeTask;
    publicVariable "Task1";


    And when a player jips I do have a working script that fires and does:


    publicVariable "Task1";
    sleep 6;
    0 = [Task1,player ] call Zen_ReassignTask;


    But the get this error:



    "-- Zen_GetTaskDataGlobal Error --"
    21:45:20 "Given task does not exist."
    21:45:20 106.039
    21:45:20 ["Zen_task_global_NR1$Nzlf#|"]
    21:45:20 ["Zen_GetTaskDataGlobal",["Zen_task_global_NR1$Nzlf#|"],106.039]
    21:45:20 ["Zen_ReassignTask",["Zen_task_global_NR1$Nzlf#|",B Alpha 1-1:1 (AccuracyThruVolume)],106.039]
    21:45:20 "-- Zen_ReassignTask Error --"
    21:45:20 "Given task does not exist"
    21:45:20 106.039
    21:45:20 ["Zen_task_global_NR1$Nzlf#|",B Alpha 1-1:1 (AccuracyThruVolume)]
    21:45:20 ["Zen_ReassignTask",["Zen_task_global_NR1$Nzlf#|",B Alpha 1-1:1 (AccuracyThruVolume)],106.039]


    Any ideas?


    I also tried 


    _clientID = owner player;

    _clientID publicVariableClient "Task1";


    But no joy either.



    Might I suggest using the BIS task system that they reworked a while back. They made it simpler to use and added built-in JIP functionality. You can research it here : BIS Task Framework


    I'm a huge fan of Zenophon and his framework but I personally found that his task system wasn't really designed for persistent missions where there would be cases that no player would be connected to the server and no AI would be present. I found work arounds but ultimately the native (reworked) BIS system was easier and more reliable to use in these circumstances.


    Sorry Zenophon, this is in no way meant to disrespect your work. The truth is I use your framework in every mission I build and find it irreplaceable!!

  5. Hey Zenophon!

    Spawns (4) units of side (2) as a group with skill (3) at (1).  (5,6) are based upon
    config file organization and are subject to change by BIS.
    Usage : Call
    Params: 1. Array, group, object, string, the spawn point
            2. Side, of the units to spawn
            3. Skill, see Zen_SetAISkill documentation (2) (Object Functions)
            4. Scalar, how many units to spawn
            4. Array:
                1. Scalar, the minimum number of units to spawn
                2. Scalar, the maximum number of units to spawn
            4. Array:
                1. Scalar, minimum value of a Gaussian distribution
                2. Scalar, center (average) value of a Gaussian distribution
                3. Scalar, maximum value of a Gaussian distribution
     (opt.) 5. String, the type of soldiers to spawn, (default: 'Men'), 'MenDiver' 'MenRecon' 'MenSniper'
     (opt.) 6. String, the faction of soldiers to spawn, (default: 'All'), 'BLU_F', 'IND_F', 'OPF_F', 'BLU_G_F'
     (opt.) 7. Array of strings, classnames to blacklist from spawning, (default: [])
     (opt.) 8. Array or string, DLC type(s), 'All' for all DLC, (default: '')
    Return: Group



    Using the config viewer in the editor, 5, 6, and 8 would be 'vehicleClass', 'faction', and 'expansion' data fields.  Note that units are sorted and categorized in the editor based upon these, so e.g. all the Apex guerrilla units share the same 3 values (and thus are all in the same unit submenu).  You can also make use the blacklist argument to exclude any units from that set you don't want.  The code for those Apex units would be:

    _group = [_pos, resistance, "infantry", [3,4], "Men", "IND_C_F", ["I_C_Soldier_base_unarmed_F", "I_C_Pilot_F"], "Expansion"] call Zen_SpawnInfantry;

    where we've left out the unarmed unit and the pilot (and confusingly the expansion value is 'Expansion', but that's the value for all Apex classes).


    I think in your next update that you should include the descriptions of 5,6 and 8 in your documentation so that people know what exactly to look for in the config viewer especially when using AddOn units! I know I stumbled through this on my own and was able to figure it out but it took some time. The info above would have been immensely helpful to know!

  6. It's likely that the vehicle isn't correctly configured so as a work around you'll have to spawn the vehicle using

    Spawns a vehicle of (2).  If the height is greater than 0, the vehicle starts in flight.
    Uses ASL over the ocean.  Do not use a human classname, only inanimate objects.
    Usage : Call
    Params: 1. Array, group, object, string, the place to spawn
            2. String, the classname of the vehicle to spawn
     (opt.) 3. Scalar, the height above the ground to spawn the vehicle, (default: 0)
     (opt.) 4. Scalar, the direction the vehicle faces, in degrees, (default: 0)
     (opt.) 5. Boolean, true to set the vehicle's position exactly at the point, (default: false)
    Return: Object

    then spawn the crew using

    Spawns each of (2) at (1).  Makes the group the side of the first classname given.
    Do not use a non-human class name, only soldiers or civilians.
    Usage : Call
    Params: 1. Array, group, object, string, the spawn position
            2. Array of strings or String, classname(s) of the units to spawn in order
    Return: Group

    then use this to move them into the vehicle

    Places all (1) in (2) instantly.  It is fully multiplayer compatible and synch'd.  Extra
    units will be left behind.
    Usage : Spawn
    Params: 1. Array, group, object, side, units
            2. Object, the vehicle
     (opt.) 3. String, where to put the units, 'Cargo', 'Driver', 'Turret', 'All', (default: 'Cargo')
     (opt.) 4. Array, string, turret to put units, 'All' 'Commander' 'Gunner' 'CargoFFV', (default: ['All'])
    Return: Void


    If you read a few posts above, we discussed another user having the exact same issue. There is some info there as well.

  7. On 3/28/2017 at 6:08 PM, duda123 said:

    There are now a few feature requests out there and they all seem nice. Post if you have a preference which one comes next!

    • Support for A2 tracks & some custom trains
    • Train sounds
    • Vehicle loading/unloading onto train cars (including mounted guns)
    • Ability to derail/crash/damage trains
    • Ability to script trains to move on their own
    • Ability to load/unload AI on the train


    "Ability to script trains to move on their own"


    I think this would be awesome! A couple things though:


    It would need to run with a fairly low need for resources (none to small FPS hit for server)

    You mentioned that you plan to create a function for this, which is awesome, and can you include in that function to delete the train after it's reached it's destination or destruction(eventually).


    Thanks for all your hard work. Really adds to bringing the maps alive and feel populated!

  8. 15 hours ago, Mr. Lt. said:

    it worked for me. so after I got inserted, the heli goes back to spawn point.  and lands and waits forever, is there a way to despawn it? so if a new player joins midgame it will spawn again then despawn


    Option 7!!


    Orders (1) to go to each of (2) in order.  It waits for all (3) to get out of (1) at (2.1).
    Then, if (2.2) is given, it goes there and waits forever; otherwise, it stops at (2.1)
    forever.  Stops executing when (3) get out and (1) stops forever.  Works for all vehicles.
    Usage : Spawn
    Params: 1. Object, vehicle
            2. Array, the positions
                1. Array, group, object, string, the point to insert
         (opt.) 2. Array, group, object, string, where to land next
            2. Array, group, object, string, the position
            3. Array, object, group, side, the passengers to get off
     (opt.) 4. String, speed of (1), 'limited' 'normal' 'full', (default: 'normal')
        AND IF (1) is a helicopter
     (opt.) 5. Scalar, the height to fly at, (default: 40)
     (opt.) 6. String, insertion type, 'land', 'fastrope', 'parachute', (default: 'land')
     (opt.) 7. Boolean, true to delete (1) at the end, (default: false)
    Return: Void


  9. 15 hours ago, Mr. Lt. said:

    picthanks. i have tried it as soon as ive seen my reply. im not an expert as you can see, and i get an error message. so i have this code, but it manages to transport me to the insertion point and wait for me to get out then they take off. (that's good) but the error i get isn't ,check out the pic. thanks.

    I had to spawn a group to be the heli pilot because the spawnvehiclecrew in the spawnhelicopter.sqf does not work for me. if anyone can show better solution it would be helpful thanks!"


    _heliSpawnPos = ["lzblu", [1000,1200]] call
    _helicopter = [_heliSpawnPos, "GR_UH1H_2", 80] call Zen_SpawnHelicopter;
    sleep 0.5;
    _grp1 = ["startblu", ["uns_pilot1","uns_pilot2"]] call Zen_SpawnGroup;
    0 = [_grp1, _helicopter, "all"] call Zen_MoveInVehicle;
    sleep 0.5;
    0 = [_helicopter, ["startblu", _heliSpawnPos], (group player), "full", 80] spawn Zen_OrderInsertion;
    sleep 0.5;
    0 = [(group player), _helicopter] call Zen_MoveInVehicle;
    sleep 120;

    heres the pic





    Spawns a helicopter of side or type (2) at (1).  Spawns a crew of the correct side.
    A height of 0 starts the helicopter on the ground, otherwise it starts with its
    engines running and in flight. Does not work for UAV's.
    Usage : Call
    Params: 1. Array, group, object, string, the spawn point
            2. Side, the side of the random vehicle to spawn
            2. Array, strings, the classname(s) of vehicle(s) to randomly spawn
     (opt.) 3. Scalar, the height, (default: 40)
     (opt.) 4. Scalar, the direction that the vehicle is facing, in degrees, (default: 0)
        AND IF (2) == Side
     (opt.) 5. Array, string, the faction(s) of the random vehicle to spawn, (default: 'All')
     (opt.) 6. Array or string, DLC type(s), 'All' for all DLC, (default: '')
    Return: Object

    This will try to spawn the heli crew so I'm guessing that that helo is incorrectly configured. So to stop the error use :


    _helicopter = [_heliSpawnPos, "GR_UH1H_2", 80] call Zen_SpawnVehicle;
    Spawns a vehicle of (2).  If the height is greater than 0, the vehicle starts in flight.
    Uses ASL over the ocean.  Do not use a human classname, only inanimate objects.
    Usage : Call
    Params: 1. Array, group, object, string, the place to spawn
            2. String, the classname of the vehicle to spawn
     (opt.) 3. Scalar, the height above the ground to spawn the vehicle, (default: 0)
     (opt.) 4. Scalar, the direction the vehicle faces, in degrees, (default: 0)
     (opt.) 5. Boolean, true to set the vehicle's position exactly at the point, (default: false)
    Return: Object

    and then move the pilots into it!

  10. 1 hour ago, Mr. Lt. said:

    Yes thanks. Im going through it everyday. But i do encounter problems when i wanted to use addon units/vehicles.


    I have encounterrd a problem when doing the helicopter insertion where it calls the zenspawnheli which is also connected to spawnvehicle crew.


    I have used the classname for huey helicopter from unsung mod and used pilot from unsung. But when i start the mission me and my squad are in the heli for insertion but no pilot so we crashed to death. But when i use the heli from vanilla i can see the addon pilot driving the heli. 


    So i think the problem is using the addon heli? How do i overcome this?




    I don't use the unsung mod so I'm not sure why the pilot isn't there. The way around it would be to spawn the heli and then spawn the pilot on the ground then move him into the vehicle using:


    Places all (1) in (2) instantly.  It is fully multiplayer compatible and synch'd.  Extra
    units will be left behind.
    Usage : Spawn
    Params: 1. Array, group, object, side, units
            2. Object, the vehicle
     (opt.) 3. String, where to put the units, 'Cargo', 'Driver', 'Turret', 'All', (default: 'Cargo')
     (opt.) 4. Array, string, turret to put units, 'All' 'Commander' 'Gunner' 'CargoFFV', (default: ['All'])
    Return: Void

    I have used this method in several missions and it works fine (I recommend putting a sleep of 0.2 to 0.5 between spawning the heli and the pilot but you need to move the pilot quickly if the heli is airborne). This works especially well when you want to spawn a vehicle and put units in from another faction or side.

  11. 2 hours ago, Mr. Lt. said:


    Thanks. I have figured out the spawn infantry, in have used the view CFG in editor and to find out the paratmeters and it worked.


    regarding the capturable town, how would I make it so if the AI counter attacks and players are killed it will turn into their side. wanted it recapturable by East side again when no blu for are present.

    trying to find tutorial for this but cant find any.


    Look in the object functions section. You can use:

    Determines whether all (1) are inside (2) or the logical polygon.
    Usage : Call
    Params: 1. Array, group, object, side, objects to test
            2. String, a marker
     (opt.) 3. Array, markeMy Activity Streams rs units cannot be in, (default: [])
            2. Array, group, object, string, the center of the polygon
            3. Array, the dimensions of the polygon
                1. Scalar, the horizontal radius
                2. Scalar, the vertical radius
            4. Scalar, the angle of the polygon as rotated from 0 degrees
            5. String, the shape of the polygon, only 'ellipse' or 'rectangle'
     (opt.) 6. Array, markers units cannot be in, (default: [])
    Return: Boolean, true if all are inside

    and/or (probably this one)

    Determines whether none of (1) is inside (2) or the logical polygon.
    Usage : Call
    Params: 1. Array, group, object, side, objects to test
            2. String, a marker
     (opt.) 3. Array, markers units cannot be in, (default: [])
            2. Array, group, object, string, the center of the polygon
            3. Array, the dimensions of the polygon
                1. Scalar, the horizontal radius
                2. Scalar, the vertical radius
            4. Scalar, the angle of the polygon as rotated from 0 degrees
            5. String, the shape of the polygon, only 'ellipse' or 'rectangle'
     (opt.) 6. Array, markers units cannot be in, (default: [])
    Return: Boolean, true if none is in the given area

    to create logic in your mission to change colour of the marker and set conditions as you want them for who has control.


    I highly recommend going through all the documentation Zenophon has provided and you will find that most of the questions are answered in there! He's sub-divided it smartly into sections of what the functions do (e.g. spawning, positioning etc.)

  12. 10 hours ago, Mr. Lt. said:


    Thanks it worked. I did try putting 4 men in there it just didnt work the 1st time.


    the zen_spawninfantry is easier as it can put number of units with just the the scalar value but I cant get it to work with the addon units. I have ready somewhere here i need to look at the cfg file of the addon? then put the faction name of that unit and its corresponding classname?




    Yes. Using addons you'll have to look for the correct parameters for options 5, 6 and 8 for it to work correctly.

  13. 17 hours ago, Mr. Lt. said:



    im doing a COOP mission for unsung vietnam, but i cant get the vietnamese enemy AI to spawn using Zen_SpawnInfantry can you please help me spawn specific unit.



    I have tried this


    _PatrolPosition = ["guard"] call
    _group = ["guard", "uns_men_VC_regional_AS1"] call Zen_SpawnGroup;
    0 = [_group, "guard"] spawn


    but it only spawn 1 enemy, i have added after the comma the same unit but I still get 1.





    As stated in the documentation the function that spawns a group:


    Spawns each of (2) at (1).  Makes the group the side of the first classname given.
    Do not use a non-human class name, only soldiers or civilians.
    Usage : Call
    Params: 1. Array, group, object, string, the spawn position
            2. Array of strings or String, classname(s) of the units to spawn in order
    Return: Group


    It only spawns one because you only told it to spawn one!


    _group = ["guard", ["uns_men_VC_regional_AS1","uns_men_VC_regional_AS1","uns_men_VC_regional_AS1","uns_men_VC_regional_AS1"]] call Zen_SpawnGroup;


    This will spawn 4 soldiers!


    Also this

    _group = ["guard", "uns_men_VC_regional_AS1"] call Zen_SpawnGroup;

    I believe will spawn them at the center of the marker named "guard". I believe you want to use:

    _group = [_PatrolPosition, "uns_men_VC_regional_AS1"] call Zen_SpawnGroup;


    _group = [_PatrolPosition, ["uns_men_VC_regional_AS1","uns_men_VC_regional_AS1","uns_men_VC_regional_AS1","uns_men_VC_regional_AS1"]] call Zen_SpawnGroup;

    You may also want to look at the Zen_SpawnInfantry


    Spawns (4) units of side (2) as a group with skill (3) at (1).  (5,6) are based upon
    config file organization and are subject to change by BIS.
    Usage : Call
    Params: 1. Array, group, object, string, the spawn point
            2. Side, of the units to spawn
            3. Skill, see Zen_SetAISkill documentation (2) (Object Functions)
            4. Scalar, how many units to spawn
            4. Array:
                1. Scalar, the minimum number of units to spawn
                2. Scalar, the maximum number of units to spawn
            4. Array:
                1. Scalar, minimum value of a Gaussian distribution
                2. Scalar, center (average) value of a Gaussian distribution
                3. Scalar, maximum value of a Gaussian distribution
     (opt.) 5. String, the type of soldiers to spawn, (default: 'Men'), 'MenDiver' 'MenRecon' 'MenSniper'
     (opt.) 6. String, the faction of soldiers to spawn, (default: 'All'), 'BLU_F', 'IND_F', 'OPF_F', 'BLU_G_F'
     (opt.) 7. Array of strings, classnames to blacklist from spawning, (default: [])
     (opt.) 8. Array or string, DLC type(s), 'All' for all DLC, (default: '')
    Return: Group


  14. 5 hours ago, HeroesandvillainsOS said:

    Can you provide a repro mission here the devs can look at?


    I was able to workaround the problem by deleting all traces of CS (saving), then adding the CS module (saving), then adding and syncing the CA Type modules again (and then obviously saving).


    I agree this is not ideal and there's a problem (and who knows if I genuinely "fixed it") but the devs can't do anything about it if they can't see it first hand.


    I'll have to make a separate test mission and restart the testing to see if I can repro the issues and maybe get a better understanding of what might be happening!

    • Like 2

  15. On 3/4/2017 at 11:43 PM, HeroesandvillainsOS said:

    @cdn_biggdogg Ok so I made some progress. Though unfortunately, I don't have a culprit or repro.


    After remembering this issue wasn't "fixed," it dawned on me I had this issue before and a buddy of mine helped me "solve" it. Basically, what we did was delete all the CS vehicles and modules, placed the CS module (then saved), then added the Transport and CAS modules, then synced them to the CS module (then saved).


    From there, we still had to do some trial and error for which vehicles classnames would all show up on a dedi. For instance, when using RHS, I couldn't get multiple AH1Z models (even if they all had different classnames) to appear on a server at the same time. Changing one of the vehicles to a UH1Y model suddenly made them all appear on a dedi again.


    TLDR: If you have this issue, use the modules rather than the vehicle init code, and keep trying different vehicle types until the issue goes away.


    Unfortunately, even though certain combinations of vehicles give me issues in my modded missions, these same exact vehicles won't fail in any of my tests, so I don't know what the real problem is. But until a dev actually sees it for themselves, just keep trying different vehicle types until they all stick.



    I've been testing and I'm not understanding the results. I can have all 4 of the helo's in each category (CAS and transport) or as few as 2 show up and any combination in between. I messed with mods and I don't think it's from other mods loaded (not really sure to be honest). For the most part I'm missing chopper number 3 but this varies as well. Adding more vehicles doesn't change the effect.


    I did try just repacking the mission several times (without changes) and it changed the outcome of which choppers displayed almost every time. Some times just restarting the dedicated server had an effect. Both vanilla and mod choppers were excluded equally.


    It does work flawlessly on a local server however. Which leads me to wonder if it's a loading problem. If you have several mods to load then it misses something (because the server is busy). Or perhaps a locality issue when loading maybe?



    13 hours ago, HeroesandvillainsOS said:

    @cdn_biggdogg I just ran 3 tests on a dedicated server. The mission has 5 CAS and 3 transport and I cannot duplicate with just ALiVE and CBA. I tried a seperate test with Advanced Rappelling thinking that might be it, but it's not. They all show up.


    Although there is definitely an issue, I don't think it's ALiVE/CBA related. At least not at this point, not on my end.


    EDIT: So I just went into my modded RHS/Project OPFOR/CUP Terrains mission, and even after deleting and replacing everything, the second Transport and second CAS vehicle never show up on the combat support list. This is very strange!

    12 hours ago, HeroesandvillainsOS said:

    @cdn_biggdogg Can you list the mods and scripts you are using? I just ran my same vanilla test with RHS USAF and AFRF only and that's not failing combat support on a dedicated server either. I'm guessing we're using something in common here that's impacting this and I'd like to figure out what it is without adding my mods/scripts back in one by one.

     I'm not at my own computer and won't be for a couple days. I'll be a few days before I can get back to you. Thanks for your info. I'll get back to you as soon as I can!

    • Like 1

  17. 9 hours ago, HeroesandvillainsOS said:

    I can confirm there is an issue, at least with MODS and some combat support not showing up on a dedicated server only. I have an RHS USMC D mission going, and only three of my four CAS vehicles appear on the Combat Support list (all four always show up in SP).


    I manually enter the CS code in the vehicle inits, and am using in order the AH-1Z (Close-Support), AH-1Z (Ground Suppression), UH-1Y (Ground Suppression) and the A10A (CAS). For whatever reason, the second one (AH-1Z Ground Suppression) never appears on a dedi. And note it is fully operational on the dedi because I teleported there and checked.


    Seems like the exact same bug that was squashed. Though of course I'm using mods, but I am definitely seeing this too.

    My issue is the exact same except with CUP vehicles. It will only display three of the four CAS and Transport vehicles. Mine are module placed, not manually placed. Only an issue on a dedicated server. I'll investigate further to see if I can narrow it down. As of right now it looks like the GUI of the tablet won't include anything if it has to make the selections scroll. (GUI has room for 3 vehicles but 4 would require it to be scrolled to so it's not included) I can swap the vehicles to change the selections but it will only display 3. But I've only tried 4 vehicles, something else I'll investigate to be sure of. I'll look at which vehicle is being excluded as well to see if it's also the second vehicle.


    I use many mods so I can't discount that being the issue. I'll look into it further! I'll get back to you with my results.


    BTW this is an old mission that I didn't have issues with previously.

    • Like 1

  18. On 1/31/2017 at 3:13 PM, Zenophon said:

    Zen_OrderAircraftPatrol does have a bug; for some reason ArmA didn't print an error for an undefined variable.  Line 45 should have '_center' replaced with '_movecenter'; I've checked other patrol scripts and they don't have this bug.


    if (typeName _movecenter == "STRING") then { \


    However, this is not the cause of the [0,0,0] bug; it was only preventing Zen_OrderAircraftPatrol from negating that bug.  After a quick test, that bug is not caused by the framework; it is a result of spawning an aircraft using standard SQF script commands.  I tested this code in an empty mission with only the player (I didn't even save the mission):


    plane = createVehicle ["c_plane_civil_01_f", (getPosATL player) vectorAdd [0,0, 100], [], 0, "FLY"];
    createVehicleCrew plane;


    The aircraft always flies towards [0,0,0].  I have no idea what is causing this; however, it does not affect aircraft placed in the editor.  My guess is that BIS have introduced a bug with either createVehicle or something in the AI's flying code; it is possible that the editor-placed object is running some internal code when it spawns that fixes this bug.  I don't know what SQF commands to use to replicate this fix, if any can.


    Aircraft spawned with createVehicle will follow move commands and waypoints, but when their final waypoint is complete, they will always immediately move to [0,0,0].  One solution is to issue them new waypoints forever (through Zen_OrderAircraftPatrol or a similar script).



    Changing the variable to _movecenter fixed the issue. The [0,0,0] issue wasn't caused by the fact that on line 44 of the Zen_OrderAircraftPatrol is defined as:

    _mpos = [0,0,0]; \



    What about moveTo orders? Are aircraft ,created using createVehicle, going to move to the location of the moveTo order then go down to [0,0,0]??

  19. Hey Zenophon! I tested the new patrol functions and it looks like the aircraft patrol function is broken. I have a test mission that spawns helo's from all 3 sides and are all ordered to patrol the same area (designated by an area marker) around the main airport on Altis but after the last update the helo's all head down to [0,0] and stay there! This mission was built long ago and was tested and working(even on your last update). I have an identical mission for tanks and it is working correctly. I don't have a mission for boats or infantry so I haven't tested those but it seems to be limited to aircraft!

  20. Thank you for your answer. But I meant: How do I make sure that the guy I gave the RPG to uses it ;). How do I define all the beautiful data that ASR needs to understand, what kind of unit he's handling?


    I don't think ASR_AI works that way (I may be wrong) as it's more about the AI using cover and flanking as well as adjusting aiming and shooting and other skills.


     If your using ORBAT and your RPG guy isn't using his RPG! You might have to go back and create him by inheriting from an existing AT or LAT character to get the proper characteristics. Although I thought you could put a RPG on any character and he'd use it??

  21. Is there a guide somewhere how to write my own configs if I create a faction with ORBAT for example? 


    Meaning: ASR configs.


    In the the asr_ai3 folder inside the userconfig folder just edit the asr_ai3_config.sqf. Add your faction to the asr_ai3_main_factions array:


    The number is the multiplier for the skill level. Default coefficient for unlisted factions is 1, meaning no change.


    Note that all entries must have a comma after them except the last entry or it throws an error!

  22. Thank you - what would it take to make owned vehicles and tents persistant (and what would it take to own said items). 


    Im a well meaning noob in this and try to learn (this is hard for an old guy like me).


    I use inidbi2 and object oriented persistent world made by code34 to save vehicles and tents with their inventories. But I set them up so that you have to make them saveable through the action menu so it's not saving everything in the mission. Only what you choose gets saved. You'll need to have some coding skills to set that up however as it's not plug and play!

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