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About Crunch

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    Private First Class
  1. Crunch

    Analog Throttle Control

    Thanks for the info Lowe. I hope it does get addressed and it will be much appreciated! Very, very strange design decision. TrackIR support but no throttle support? Even the Battlefield games do this.
  2. Crunch

    Analog Throttle Control

    Yes Iantis, please share your settings. I think you may be mistaken? Thanks
  3. I see some posts here and there about the throttle control in Arma2. Using an analog control like my CH Throttle, there is no analog control available. The throttle is either full on or full off. I cannot believe this design decision and it makes flying the jets using an actual throttle impossible. Am I missing something? Any chance the developers are considering including full analog control in a patch. Again, I searched the forms but did not find a specific answer. Thanks
  4. Crunch

    The Dreaded Lock-UP

    Then think again. If it works on AMD/ATi graphics cards, why would it be BIS's fault? Well, since it seems that ArmA and Nvidia cards have this issue and no other particular games have this issue with Nvidia cards then I would say it's an ArmA issue with Nividia cards. Again if all other games don't have this issue with Nvidia then why would it be a Nvidia issue? Would it not be a problem with ArmA itself? Regardless, I have not had a crash in weeks. My issue was solved by ensuring that my graphics setting were turned down and that I am running a minimum 30 fps.
  5. Crunch

    The Dreaded Lock-UP

    It won't help, it might remove artifacts for a while but it will lock up. Only nvidia could fix the problem, but they aren't fixing anything. Hmm... I don't think we've determined with absolute proof that this is a Nvidia issue. I and some others only have this lock up with ArmA and no other game.
  6. Crunch

    The Dreaded Lock-UP

    I noticed this command today in the Wiki... FLUSHÂ Flush all video memory to cure performance issue caused by textures being placed in the AGP memory I realize most of us are using PCI-E video but perhaps this command used periodically could help? Anyone with tim to test right now please post your results. Thanks
  7. Crunch

    The Dreaded Lock-UP

    My I ask what setting you use? thanks
  8. Crunch

    The Dreaded Lock-UP

    Well, I just had a long 5 hour session and had no crashes. I set my graphic options to lower settings and it seems to be running fine. I had acceptable frame rates with my higher settings but I guess ArmA wants me to run it on low No worries still having fun and the image comprise isn't that bad. Plus I stay near 60 fps nearly all the time. Cheers
  9. Crunch

    The Dreaded Lock-UP

    Thanks for the replys. I guess I'll do some testing with graphics turned down and also try windowed mode. It still seems like some kind of bug though. This is not the kind of thing you normally have to do when running a game/sim. Usually running a game in windowed mode means lower frames per second. Anyone notice a peformance loss when runnimg in windowed mode?
  10. Crunch

    The Dreaded Lock-UP

    I also get this same issue and I know others who I play with while on Teamspeak will also get it, a corruption of graphics followed by a lockup that can only be corrected after a reboot. If you attempt to start any other 3D application after the Arma lockup without rebooting, the graphic corruption continues. I play other 3d intensive games with no such issue. Are there others with the same problem and as Ice mentioned, will it be addressed in a patch? Using Nvidia 8800GTX (not overclocked), Windows XP Thanks
  11. Crunch

    Look Ahead While Driving

    Good points by everyone! Agreed, small problem but should be a small fix. Now the REAL BIG problem I have is that Arma will crash after playing it for a but but I'll start a new post for that one. Thanks everyone.
  12. Crunch

    Look Ahead While Driving

    Kind of back to the start We determined it is vehicle dependant and it happens with Freelook on or off. Maybe it's part of the code and can't be changed?
  13. Crunch

    Look Ahead While Driving

    Thanks for everyone's comments. I myself use either keyboard keys remapped to Keypad 4 and Keypad 6 to steer or my joystick to steer. Both will move the view along with the steering with Trackir enabled. Perhaps steering with the mouse does not produce this effect? I have not tried any other settings but it seems Lee has tried freelook on or off and it had no effect. Many racing games have this effect as well but they usually let you disable it.
  14. Crunch

    Look Ahead While Driving

    Wondering if there is a way to disable the 'look ahead' when driving certain vehicles such as trucks and jeeps. By 'look ahead' I mean for example you steer to the right and your view automatically looks to the right by a corresponding amount. Since I 'm using Trackir I find this automatic look ahead annoying. Thanks 169th Crunch