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Posts posted by CrazyAce

  1. If people can't see the milliradians, then hell its time to pick a different game. If people can't understand how to read the milliradians system, either learn or don't use it.

    I can't stand how big the compass is and request it to be made either or, and what I mean by this is keep it small, but have the option to expand its size to what this mod has it set as when double clicked on while in map view. Now for the in game compass while in 1st or 3rd person view being so big really hinders my view of the battle, making me less combat efficient. At times I keep my compass on screen to find my bearings when I travel.

  2. That script is to place the already defined Composition's. If your wanting to create your own, you can do it via script. Take a look at the Manhattan mission. They create that base from scratch.

    Also, you can depbo the modules.pbo and look in DynO\data\scripts\compositions.. Look how they create them. Then run the edited script that Armaholic provides to look at your newly created Compositions.

    Ah well how be damn ;) Man that is a lot of guess work, to bad there isn't a 3D GUI program to speed up the process :)

    Thanx for the reply.

  3. The server is located in the midwest, houston texas to be exact should be good pings to a lot of midwest based persons. And we are running the verison that does not need addons.

    It’s been a while since I've been online, but basically people that join servers when they don't know what they are doing, will leave it a mess for other players when they join. Like today I joined this server and found the place just a complete disaster, no money, no cow factory or supermarket, non responsive AI’s (this problem will be looked into) and thought how do I restart this server.

  4. Hey Tigga,

    u know what i would love to see a RTS Warefare.

    Closest match you will get is fArmA. I haven't heard anything from Tigga regarding logging into this site within the past few months... :( Anyone else have? I hope he didn't disband this project, although I would understand if RL is getting the way.

  5. I’ve been seeing missions and mods that use custom composition templates, and thought to myself that would be cool to make my own defensive structures. I’ve looked around but for the life of me I can’t find how to make my own custom templates.

    I’ve been to ArmATech that has a createcomposition script, but it doesn’t help when I don’t know what to do with it or how to use it.

  6. Yeah ya gota hand it to InFireBaptize, I feel the same way... :protest:

    If you're asking why the 3D editor is hidden away under a shortcut it's because it isn't finished.

    Ahh... I heard about this 3d editor, but I was unable to find how to use it :confused:

  7. I only get that if I'm in camera mode, when I'm in soldier mode I hear the sound as normal. I guess this might be a sound driver issue? As far as I can tell, most people hear the sound normally.

    I believe you are correct. I turned off EAX sound effect on my card configuration and sure enough, I can hear it just fine, but yeah in camera mode sounds do come in as stereo instead of mono… Those darn birds are loud in camera view, but sound sweet in FP view.

    When I was playing I light up a forest and nearly killed my cpu, my Frame rates dropped to 3 :eek: Good thing I can tweak the config. Thanx again for this outstanding mod.

  8. Yeah, we’ll have to get into it one of these days.

    See I like how the AI micromanages their own squad. Like take for example if an AI gets injured, they automatically move to the nearest mesh tent and heal them self’s. This allows me ample opportunity to get into the action once the defenses are set up.

    However it would be nice if the AI could micromanage them self’s to auto reload a static defense emplacement. If a static defense gun is out of ammo and I tell a support BMP to move to that area, I have to manually tell the static gun emplacement to rearm. And take this issue about the vehicles running out fuel or damaged, the player has to tell the AI to rearm/heal/refuel.

    I haven’t had an infantry run out of ammo yet, I wonder what they do if they do run out?


    The JTD_FireAndSmoke_config.hpp file now must go into a new folder, ArmA2\userconfig\JTD\. If you do not have this path/folder, make one. This is apparently a standard of approach that modders will be encouraged to use.


    Kick ass, no errors here. Thank you for the update :bounce3:

  10. Nice idea, but I prefer to create units in my own group, cos they are better to handle in the rts menü anyway.

    So you don't use the spare AI farmers to attack other towns?

    The strategy I like to do is this. First build my HQ and block it in between buildings, this way it can't get destroyed form long distances; tanks and RPG rounds are notorious HQ destroyers from distances. Then build the cow shed, factory and base supermarket in a flat open area (preferably away from conflict zones), this will allow the AI trucks to flow with ease. Then after a few minutes I set up my base defenses creating a choke hold for the enemy from getting to my HQ, then recruit soldiers for the AI farmers and send a few of them patrolling around the base, while recruiting more solders for the attacking AI farmers.

    Once I get a town pretty much under control, I then move the MHQ in and set up town defenses, creating another choke hold for the AI from capturing it or disrupting my HQ from that direction.

    The places I like to set up shop is at the lumber mill in the East (the only problem with that set up is the KA52s that kamikaze my HQ from the sea, or in the North West there is a town South West of Vbor and just north of the West pasture… I noticed that setting up a base in an area that is easily surrounded by other occupied towns that the base can become overwhelmed and is a good idea to have your back against the wall, this way it prevents surprises from behind.

  11. @CrazyAce and LJF, try changing the mod load order in your shortcuts/manager if you're able. Swap around JTD and CBA and see what happens, if anything. There is a minor config change in the next release that might have a bearing on this.

    Basically the Fire&Smoke addon is dependant on Extended Event Handlers (XEH), which is part of CBA, but it also has another dependency on CBA itself, which I did not place in the "required addons" part of the config. I would like to assume that as XEH is part of CBA that it would also include CBA in that preload, but, you never know.

    The way I have my shortcut line is as so:

    "C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\arma2.exe" -nosplash -mod=@CBA;@JTD

    I can switch around the 2 and load JTD first, but I still get the same thing... I'm not sure what is going on... So, no one (that got this working) is getting that "cannot play/edit mission" error BS? I get errors like this often with mods that are depended on CBA (mainly the XEH file) and wonder isn't it better to just include the XEH file in mods that require them?

    Also I don't use any beta patches since they give me trouble with missions and I don't have the 505 publisher, but the Got Game publisher, I don’t think the publishers has any difference.

  12. I'll vouch for LJF, it doesn't work with 1.04 for me either. Yeap I did install it correctly and do have the CBA installed correctly also. During mission start on a LAN game, I get an error pop up message that says, I cannot edit/play this mission as it is dependent on content that has been deleted. Blah, blah, blah… Bull shit to that is what I say.
