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Count Sessine

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About Count Sessine

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Review up on Eurogamer DK Flying around in helicopters on your PC without shooting at pixel truppen... who would have known? Good, clean fun and an engaging story for once. Nice work, Bohemia. Linkie: http://www.eurogamer.dk/articles/2011-11-07-take-on-helicopters-anmeldelse Google translation: http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=da&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.eurogamer.dk%2Farticles%2F2011-11-07-take-on-helicopters-anmeldelse
  2. Count Sessine

    Preview up

    Good news and bad news, I'd say. http://www.eurogamer.dk/articles/2011-10-05-take-on-helicopters-preview In english: http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=da&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.eurogamer.dk%2Farticles%2F2011-10-05-take-on-helicopters-preview
  3. Count Sessine

    Media Coverage | No discussion here!

    Hi guys - preview on www.eurogamer.dk - enjoy. Here's a google translation just in case :-9 preview There's talk of many things, Greek islands, ice skating tanks and even an exclusive screenshot :-)
  4. Count Sessine

    Actual combat????

    Make sure you play on the easiest setting, recruit. Arma is quite difficult because of the ranges involved. I have played it for years and it still happens, quite often in fact ;-), that I see or hear bullets hit the ground around me and 4 seconds later I'm dead, none the wiser about who or what shot me :-)
  5. Count Sessine

    New recoil, please make it go away

    I like the recoil system, + 1
  6. Thanks though. I'll try to fiddle with it too.
  7. Hi all I'm trying to design a small mission where a group of british soldiers defend a crash site in a city with groups of insurgents attacking from different directions. An UAV is dispatched to help the BAF soldiers. I figured out the UAV, it now does as I want it, ie circles and transmits images. Question 1: can I somehow avoid using the immersion breaking warfare UAV control structure? Is there a way to transmit images from the UAV to a device in the backpack of a soldier instead of using a building? Question 2: I can't get the insurgents to attack the brits. I'm using the Seek and destroy order but they hunker down in the deployment zone. What order should I use?
  8. Count Sessine

    A2 - OA BAF Campaign Impressions

    I think the BAF campaign is way better than previous campaigns. +More immersive, feels a lot like I remember Operation Flashpoint. Some mundane tasks actually help frame the story, as you seem to have re-discovered recently. +more focus on building up momentum storywise, lots of funny exchanges. Good work on the manuscript :-) +better voiceacting +added bonus, they're europeans! It's nice to take a break from the omnipresent american twang in gaming :-) 'what are they called? budweiser and pilzner.' haha- +the scripting of the campaign is quite solid -Vehicle behaviour is still not good enough. Seeing 60 ton vehicles skidding around the ground like they were nimble bicycles hurts the Arma fanboy within. They need to feel a lot heavier on the ground and possibly in their controls too. -Vehicle pathfinding - is not good, especially on wheeled vehicles like the Jackal. I spent a lot of time waiting for the other Jackal to turn a corner etc, and I never let the AI drive my own vehicle, no patience for that :-) -Vehicle command and control still need work. In the BAF campaign I spent way too much time fiddling around with the Jackals. On one hand you can do a lot of things with the current interface, on the other it is tactically speaking very unsatisfactory: you cannot control vehicle facing or hull down positions (unless you're lucky) to any meaningful degree and vehicle AI more often than not endanger itself by turning on its axis while shooting at someone etc. But all in all a very cool DLC to an otherwise excellent game!
  9. Thanks, very fun when in need of a 'quickie' :-)
  10. Review of A2OA up on www.eurogamer.dk. Here's a direct link (in Danish :-)) - http://www.eurogamer.dk/articles/arma-ii-operation-arrowhead-anmeldelse And a google translation (for what it's worth)... http://translate.google.com/translate?js=y&prev=_t&hl=da&ie=UTF-8&layout=1&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.eurogamer.dk%2Farticles%2Farma-ii-operation-arrowhead-anmeldelse&sl=da&tl=en
  11. Count Sessine

    Best orders for combat missions?

    Zipper, thanks for the vids, I learned a lot from them. :)
  12. Count Sessine

    Artillery Module: incoming sound

    I'm eagerly awaiting this mod too. I've been playing around with the artillery module a lot too and somewhat surprisingly there are no incoming sounds to any artillery, afaik.
  13. Count Sessine

    I have to ask: artillery

    Thanks, eccq, that helped. I have succesfully set up a support mission with 81 mm mortars. Now I just need to figure out how to give the mortars more than 8 rounds each...
  14. Hi all I can't figure it out: a few months ago I created a simple mission with editor where I had a squad of russians in a village and I had some artillery on call to blast the village. Now I'm trying to remake the same simple mission but I cannot for the love of god figure out how to assign a simple artillery battery to the player... Can someone help? And yes, I have searched the forums, but I didn't think I would need all these complicated artillery modules etc for this simple thing. I didn't need them a few months when I did my little quick mission.... Did something change with a patch..?
  15. Count Sessine

    Operation Mothra [2 Player Coop]

    Ok we finished it. It turns out we tried it the hard way - the solution was to use some of the modern weaponry in those crates ;-)