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Everything posted by CarlGustaffa

  1. Still on the previous (non VON) beta, but I used smoke grenades twice during yesterday session without causing issues. So if there, seems to be related to only this one. Might try it sometime this week, time permitting.
  2. CarlGustaffa

    Better useage of 2 or more monitors

    Oh the irony in n7snk's post #1330.
  3. Here is an example on how you can structure dialogs and display in very similar manner.
  4. CarlGustaffa

    Higher altitudes?

    European rubbish? Afaik (and I'm into aviation btw, the general kind :)) european pilots use feet, knots, and miles (nautical), as they all blends superbly with the navigational concept. Russians use metric. Other than the navigational aspect, is that so bad? Sure, you get different rule of thumbs but they do exist also in metric. Otoh, you do get unified units where ground and air forces speak the same language without conversion. Try dividing an aeronautical map into MGRS and tell me what you find :) I prefer feet myself (for aeronautical usage, metric for the rest), but I won't deny russians to switch to metric or western pilots switching to metric while flying russian equipment. A friend of mine is checked out on the Antonov AN-2, where everything in the cockpit is metric - "a bloody nightmare until you actually get used to it", he says.
  5. CarlGustaffa

    Better useage of 2 or more monitors

    It would indeed. I think I've already requested something like that a while ago, in order not to waste my time and the servers bandwidth for joining a server that doesn't suit my preferences. Server favorite and blacklist would also be very welcome in this respect :) But until we have that, I still have to say no to the map on 2nd feature, as it's still just an arcadish thing to me that doesn't in any way simulate something we could do in real life.
  6. Updated server and client to beta. Fired up a Domination game. Joined and exited without issues. Some mods used, including some dubious own ones (since I basically don't know what the hell I'm doing wrt mod setups :D).
  7. It's just a "looping" weather script, spawning 3 different processes: 1) Serial - controlling overcast and fog in serial since they can't be run in parallel. Freq = moderate. 2) Rain - adjusts, varies, and keep rain level overriding whatever the engine wants to do. Freq = very high. 3) Wind - basically brings winds up to next level in small steps to avoid the wind sound bug. Freq = low. When these three are complete, the cycle starts over with a call from the controlling script with next set of parameters to adjust towards. Even if it deals also with temperatures, latitudes, snow etc, I don't want it to become too intense wrt cycles, as there are other things going on as well. Rain will produce steady rain or showers depending on circumstances, using some kind of clipped curves, and the idea is to have these sync up in MP resetting the curve offsets at given intervals with smooth transitions in between.
  8. Hi I'm wondering what is considered best practice wrt waitUntil efficiency when waiting for several scriptDone statements. waitUntil {scriptDone _scripthandle1 && scriptDone _scripthandle2 && scriptDone _scripthandle3}; //or something like this waitUntil {scriptDone _scripthandle1}; //more likely to finish first. waitUntil {scriptDone _scripthandle2}; //more likely to finish second. waitUntil {scriptDone _scripthandle3}; //more likely to finish third. //or the reverse order waitUntil {scriptDone _scripthandle3}; //more likely to finish third. waitUntil {scriptDone _scripthandle2}; //more likely to finish second. waitUntil {scriptDone _scripthandle1}; //more likely to finish first. Should I also combine waitUntil with sleeps? What is best advice?
  9. Yes, but you have to time it using sleep. The playSound command is the only one that allows playing different sounds simultaneously. It also supports stereo sounds, but can't have spatialization (won't react to positional and directional changes). Unlike units/objects producing sounds using say/say3d commands, which doesn't support stereo but does support spatialization (at this point - hopefully changes with Arma3 :)).
  10. New "water tiles" on the Limnos map with new environment sound parameters "LAKE" and "POND" adding to the only existing "SEA". Lakes typically have very different wave characteristics from the sea (wrt sound, check out Takistan), where ponds might not have much waves at all during wind, even if they might have wildlife cfgSFX associated with it. So like, sea could have seagulls cfgSFX, whereas lakes and ponds could have ducks, without sharing wave characteristics. Edit: Another one, after reading in the high altitudes thread. If we now get a new cloud system, how about using the current one as a mid level cloud layer (alto), but also visible from above - I believe last time I was "up there" they weren't rendered while above them. Also, a new simple 2D layer at extreme altitudes for cirrus clouds of varying shapes (see any flight sim). I'd like these not to be controlled with the simple overcast slider, but via more direct means. I'm kind of a weather guy (into aviation) and it would be nice to tighten up the upper and mid layers as a prewarning of an upcoming warmfront. Speaking of the weather, what's the deal with clouds always moving from the west to the east? I'd like control over that :)
  11. CarlGustaffa

    ShackTac ACRE Volume Control

    Since we don't use ACRE this is kinda irrelevant to me. But maybe you should change it so that when a player sets himself to whisper mode, he also sets himself setCombatMode/setBehavior (can't remember) "STEALTH", so that any annoying autoreporting that goes on (some servers still use this, and some users don't know you can turn it lower - not fully off) also uses the stealthy voice when appropriate. Dunno, just an idea.
  12. CarlGustaffa

    ShackTac Map Autobrightness Mod

    Finally someone made something like this as a mod. It should be standard in Arma3 - I just completely hate getting blinded by the map in night missions. I made something similar for Domino (Domination offspring) where I used several red and black alpha markers controlled by some sun altitude function. I have to admit, map draw rectangle and sunormoon seems a bit more cleaner than my own attempt :)
  13. CarlGustaffa

    Arma 3: Confirmed features | info & discussion

    Awesome. Nice observation. I've seen it several times and I never noticed :o So, uhm, do they bite? Medics get new ability to "suck out poison"? Would be a first for a game :D
  14. CarlGustaffa

    Development Blog & Reveals

    I hope the problem with the clouds changing appearance as you look around will get some attention before the final release. Or I will scan the clouds and get annoyed rather than scan for enemies... :)
  15. 1. For startup parameters that makes sense, like -showscripterrors, allow us to simply set it up in the game options instead. That way we don't have to restart the game once they become too annoying in missions that actually works even if they produce errors, or addons sitting in the background producing errors that doesn't really matter. 2. Ability for a mission to define an area of interrest, where outside nothing except "default land" is rendered. The idea is to be able to produce own "mission cutouts" (similar to new "addon cutouts" in ACR) in order to reduce strain when playing and previewing a mission. I.e. if mission is "cross to other side of town" there is no need for the whole island. Probably impossible, but thought I should mention it regardless :p
  16. Instead (or, in addition), I'd like an easy scripted ability to remove default actions on a per user basis, for whatever timeframe/eventframe we want. It shouldn't be that hard to create our own placing actions that overrides the animations, or prevent "Get Out" action to show unless we determine the required conditions are met.
  17. CarlGustaffa

    How close is ArmA 3 to real military action?

    War games allows fat guys like me to "practice" war without joining the army, getting shot at, getting tired, or getting married :p Seriously, how realistic a game becomes depends more on the players you end up playing with than the actual game. It is the most realistic multipurpose platform there is, but that doesn't help the majority of the public games going around.
  18. CarlGustaffa

    Development Blog & Reveals

    No. I'm guessing A2/OA will still remain kinda broken (so far with latest 1.62 patch, remains untested). I'm talking about the increased suppression as seen in A3 (vehicle really suppressing a guy hiding behind a rock)). Hopefully that will also include foot units willingness to shoot in the "general direction" if a check pans out that it is only a terraintype modifier that causes them not to shoot. They should not cease shooting completely, nor should they be able to lay accurate fire as they used to. Well, it's a hope, nothing more...
  19. CarlGustaffa

    ArmA 3 System Requirements

    I'm well within "minimum specs" on several games. Doesn't mean they are playable at all. Some even on minimum settings (except resolution, where I may only get one valid option). Some even require cold boots to boot up properly after a crash.
  20. Bezier/spline support for camera interpolation for cutscene use (and other things :)). For splines, maybe add possibility to set interpolation type to "through points" or "control points".
  21. Great patch, awesome work - now get your ass on some summer vacation BIS - hopefully you get to experience better weather than myself :D For the future, maybe for Arma3, would it be possible to get an immediate dummy beta at the same time as the main patch? That way we don't have to update as much in the paths and mods for clients and servers? We have some that are quite computer illiterates and it's getting a workload having to explain everything each time this changes around :p
  22. CarlGustaffa

    Ability To Vault Over Walls/Obstacles?

    I don't think it would be a major problem implementing basic jumping to get on such ledges, especially with updated physics, but considering bunny jumping tendencies in games that do have it, I understand why we don't have it. Maybe if it worked only near such a ledge, and you did get onto it. But not as an all round bunny jumping feature.