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Everything posted by CarlGustaffa

  1. CarlGustaffa


    http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/sideChat Way down on page for strings that work. I've tried them, but don't know if they are any problems now in 1.08 Edit: But I've only managed to get two "stations" to work simutaniously, unfortunately. I tend to use gruipID's for squadnames, but if it's a general string I assume you can do this via stringtable.
  2. CarlGustaffa

    forEach in conditions

    Thanks a lot. Looking forward to try this when I get home. Who ever invented so long work hours?
  3. So, in order to find out which guardstation is to react on the trigger, I have to use a secondary trigger that lists all? Then in a script compare all side A units of list A who has the greatest knowsabout of the select 0 unit in trigger B? Hmm.. Sounds abit too much for my skills, or lack thereof Thanks anyway, always great to learn something new.
  4. CarlGustaffa

    Question about addmagazine

    Lol!!! Awesome "code" ...But I like it.. Have to keep that one in mind. I'm sooooo sick of insanely long init strings...
  5. CarlGustaffa

    Artillery Script Difficulties

    Does there exist mapclick systems for ground support as well? My wp'd support trucks (as well as 113 and bmp based vehicles)always ends up in serious trouble near and especially inside bases since they're not as capable crushing through fences as heavyer armor is. Wish there was a method to temporarily turn off collisions for units. Hehe, and after some armor driving through a city full of patrolling riflemen (ups script), the roads run red with blood
  6. Works nicely. I notice I can ask for "select 1", but I'm not getting anything useful from it. Anyone knows what this is in such a trigger? I was hoping to obtain the unit that detected as well, but it seems to be something else.
  7. Thank you. I'll check it out.
  8. CarlGustaffa

    Javelin team won't reload while AI.

    Yes, checked wiki. And ideed the Javelin is reloadeable, but the M136 AT4 seems not to be. I'll see if I can get anywhere with an eventhandler. Thanks.
  9. CarlGustaffa

    Javelin team won't reload while AI.

    I guess just about anything can be done with scripting. But I was hoping to avoid that. And I just feel that in a system like arma, it really shouldn't be necessary to script everything that should work by default; like MG or AT guys looking at team mates and nearby vehicles (at least if they're assigned to it) for ammunition. When they're out of normal ammunition, they call out "out of ammo", and are told by the AI leader to rearm at a certain position. Dropped ammo works, but they just won't check vehicles and squadmates. Rather than scripting, shouldn't this be fixed by updating the FSM files to include assigned vehicles and all other team mates, and call out "out of ammo" for Javelins? Btw, in real life, is Javelin a one-shot system only, or can it actually be reloaded?
  10. CarlGustaffa

    Javelin team won't reload while AI.

    The vehicles at least had both ammo and weapon, not sure about the ammo crate. But I've had similar problems creating an MG team; in a three man MG fireteam, one is ammobearer. But no way would the AI MG man ask this bearer for ammunition unless told (by me exclusively) to drop ammo to the ground. Only *then* would AI tell the AI MG man to go get some ammo here.
  11. CarlGustaffa

    Editor suggestions

    Stuntboy has suggested layers, and I concur. But I'll take it a step further and wish for filters. Suggestion: View filters maybe with submenu to further select what is to be displayed (and selectable; currently we can select and move markers even if turned off). Implementation: In a top menu, have switches (or dropdowns if one could have sublevels, maybe layers as suggested) with these options: Terrains (terrain, texture, sub-ekvidistance, roads, trees, buildings, etc) West Units (land, sea, air, ammo, support etc)East Units (land, sea, air, ammo, support etc)Independent Units (land, sea, air, ammo, support etc) Empty Units (land, sea, air, ammo, support etc) Triggers (Present, not present, switches, etc) Gain: Obviously, a very decluttered editor when editing large missions. I also agree with most suggestions up until now.
  12. As topic says, I'm having trouble getting addon smoke grenades and such to work as they should. AI now spots me right through the smoke, as if the invisible view block item isn't there anymore. If I manually add the viewblock object, I'm insivible behind it, but it appears that smoke no longer adds this item. I tried with builtin grenades and addon grenades (and MAP_throw weapon, added through my units init field). I had the MAP_Init gamelogic named server (although this was singleplayer testing only). Any ideas? Been a while since I worked with ArmA now...
  13. CarlGustaffa

    buggy smokescreen, with 6th_sense

    Well, I don't know much more about it than it is located as a misc object, MAP:Misc, and View Block as unit. It appears that only the View Block big type is working properly, as far as I can tell that is.
  14. According to weapons list it should be KSVK for both weapon and ammunition. Haven't tried it though.
  15. CarlGustaffa

    Listening To Other Units

    Don't know of any such possibilities. But I use a colored marker to mark the position of other groups leader, but without any radio checks. I'll add now that this marker changes color to white or black if it is detected that the group is no longer existing (all dead). I think I will try to make it so that you have to call them via a radio call (radio trigger) to get this info, with a textual information on how many units they have left. Lots of ideas
  16. CarlGustaffa

    Custom Weapons/Ammo

    this addWeapon "NVGoggles" Reference lists on the wiki: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Category:Reference_Lists
  17. I expected this behaviour too, in ArmA, but ended up with problems. In an End trigger I checked against some boolean value being true, and it activated when it was true. However, another end trigger checked against the same value being false, and it never activated. I had to initialize the value to false; I used a trigger to initialize, but I've seen boolaens being initialized to false in some default missions. Then, and only then, would my second end trigger work correctly. So I don't think undefined variables defaults to false. But it's kind of logical to me now; how would ArmA engine know that a variable was to be a boolean if not initialized, since we don't actually have to declare them? Not sure if this is related to the problem though, but Baddo should check out some default scripts and/or some external scripts made out by others. I.e. the ubran patrol script (ups).
  18. CarlGustaffa

    Leveling buildings

    setVectorUp might be a way to force the up direction of an object placed in the editor. But I find it a bit hard to use though: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setVectorUp
  19. CarlGustaffa

    Can I get AI to laze targets?

    but the laser target disappears 8 seconds after it has been created. Can anyone tell me how to make the laser target to stay until I remove it? Or is this a bug? http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Target This is all info I could find about "Target". Where did you come up with this "LaserTargetW" thingy? Are there other types of target objects available?
  20. Hi In my mission I'm learning with, I'd like the AI leader to issue commands just like I would if I was leading the squad. Such as "#7, Stay Back" etc. Is there any way to do this? Would be key sequence F7, 1, 3. I was thinking radio stuff, but I couldn't find any information about this. Any ideas?
  21. CarlGustaffa

    AI leader to issue individual commands

    This commandFSM thingy looks a bit cool, yet very scary. I have very little knowlegde of this command, and I can't find (little on the wiki) any proper examples of how to use it. I don't want to create an FSM file, I just want to try to use whatever is in the default one, wherever it might be. Any examples of how to use it and what can be achieved with this?
  22. CarlGustaffa

    Object Class list for ArmA

    Here are the weapons: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA:_Weapons Other reference lists: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Category:Reference_Lists
  23. CarlGustaffa

    AI leader to issue individual commands

    Copied from original post I'd like the AI leader to issue commands just like I would if I was leading the squad. Such as "#7, Stay Back"
  24. CarlGustaffa

    AI leader to issue individual commands

    Any specific command(s) I need to look into to achieve this? I'm well aware of the wiki, but often it is just hard to know what to look for..
  25. CarlGustaffa

    More mission help

    Just out of curiosity, is there a reason as to why nobody seems to be using markers of type "empty"? Those doesn't show up in the game until the type is changed.