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Everything posted by CarlGustaffa

  1. CarlGustaffa

    Setting up a Lan night need mission suggestions

    We had a Sabotage session this wednesday, modded with other units, less weapons, and an attempt on added revive with mobile respawn. Revive didn't work out all that well, one player kept respawning as seagull Probably my own fault. I will try to mod it to revive only, no respawn, and setup the modes to act with this better: Easy - All can revive 20, back to full health Medium - All can revive 10, but you're slightly hurt and need medic Hard - All can revive 5, but you're badly hurt and need medic. Although we had respawn, we didn't bring it, and we had zero to two casualties (six players) during the assignments. So I think it is easy enough, doesn't always involve heavy fighting, and it IS fully possible to come home without a scratch. Hardness also affects what is available in the crates. Mission is fully possible to play with only one AT man with three shots if you're up for the challenge. We also played Navy Seals which was loads of fun. Although this mission has insane amounts of units that will engage you, keeping two or three snipers will keep you alive for the most time. The enemy doesn't do any counter sniping, unfortunately. Cool mission with nice elements, but not what I call realistic in terms of enemy size for such few men. This mission has the revive setup I will mod into Sabotage now. A confident ArmA player should play the forward air controller - we ended up bombing the hell out of the hotel which we were supposed to secure
  2. CarlGustaffa


    Hi Basically what the topic says, is it possible to check if someone is logged into a multiplayer server (for "game master purposes") as admin without checking against known admin names? I was hoping for a player == isAdmin check or something. Is this possible somehow? I want admin to recieve certain actions in order to "set up the game". Description.ext let us setup to valueParams, but that's not nearly enough.
  3. CarlGustaffa

    Support Units

    The key there is working supression. Currently when Ai spots us, they aim and shoot instantly, causing kills -- hell, even while laying down I can throw rounds their way, but they don't react well to it. They fire back (and snipe with machineguns) instead of running for cover and fire at my general direction. Also, their view should be checked against actual polygons and clip masks, not just generic viewblock objects. I hate being shot by AI who can see me but myself I can't see where the shots is coming from.
  4. CarlGustaffa

    co30 Domination! One Team

    Yesterday playing our own version (classbased, not free for all, limited ammo and so on), we had some JIP problems. The array sent is now 4 more elements longer, containing slightly randomized weather information (iRainLess,iRainMore,iFogMore, and iFogLess). These just contain the information used in the weather areas. But the JIP problem was a bit weird actually. A friend joined while the game was probably finished with the main mission setup, and before the side mission was setup. For this guy, he would get Main Mission info in the status screen, but not the Side Mission. He would not get any mission markers shown on the map. Later, another guy joined, and he claimed all appeared ok. A while back, with a severely tampered 2.22 version, we also had non-jip players who didn't get markers updated. I always thought it was my own fault, and haven't bothered reporting it. I really hope ArmA2 doesn't make JIP this difficult. Certain things should be synched automatically every minute or so. Too many problems with "local" effects that should never be local.
  5. CarlGustaffa

    Setting up a Lan night need mission suggestions

    Domination v3 with revive. Check the discussions on this page, I think there is a 3.02 betaversion. But you might want to edit the mission slightly. UnPbo it, and locate the file x_scripts\x_setvehiclemarker.sqf Change it so that it looks like this at the bottom: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">while {true} do { call XMarkerVehicles; sleep 0.01; // if (d_show_player_marker) then { call XMarkerPlayers; sleep 0.01; // }; disableUserInput false; if (d_weather) then {call XWeatherLoop;}; sleep 1.12; }; The commenting, //, is the clue. Somehow setting this variable in init.sqf doesn't do anything, and we don't get the chance to enable it ingame. This will enable player tracking using arrows and names. Encourage the use of short names for your players. Also, if you are just a few players, Domination may be impossible to do due to the heavy amount of armor at the main targets. So doing only sidemissions can be a solution to this. But also sidemissions can be tricky. Locate the file x_scripts\x_getsidemission.sqf and adjust the number theat spawns the armor. I.e. change (under case 2): [code["shilka", 1, "bmp", 1, "tank", 1, _pos_other,2,100] spawn XCreateArmor;[/code] into [code["shilka", 0, "bmp", 1, "tank", 0, _pos_other,2,100] spawn XCreateArmor;[/code] to remove shilkas and tanks from this sidemission to make it more playable for few players. You should mention how many players you expect to attend. I'm playing with a small gang, and we've found few missions scaled properly to just a few players, and realistic missions. With these edits in place, re-pbo the file and check that it works. Also, as suggested, Warfare might be a good timekiller; play solely against AI and you're up for some good hours. But again, you will also need to edit this mission if you want GPS capability for all players. I simply changed all playable units into squad leader class, and I got GPS. Squad leaders also made more sense I think. Ahh, I suddenly remember. You should also download Dynamic Sahrani: Sabotage. It is properly scaled for few people even though it says coop12. We played 5 guys without almost no fatalities, so it is well scaled. Missions end too quickly though, should be a 3-5 minute delay until mission accomplished. It also has player markers as you want. The problem we faced was using airdrop that seemed buggy (could be our addons though), with people dropping out of their chutes to the ground. But it's well worth a try. It doesn't use the revive system though, but I plan to include it later in our own version of it. Other missions we have tried have either lacked player markers or been completely off the scale regarding the force we are playing. 6-8 guys against 200 enemies is no fun for me if we are detected. Hope this helps.
  6. CarlGustaffa

    co30 Domination! One Team

    The reason the mission.sqm is put in a new folder is that the mission folder name is too long. Rename the mission folder (and in the briefing/environment section of the editor to make mission selection name consistent) and it should be all fine. Questions: 1. What do I need to do in order to "refill" the number of heals from a medic or ambulance? Script in question is \revive_sqf\heal_sqf\player_heal.sqf. I am considering ECS bleeding effects, but turning off unlimited ECS First Aid and instead going for limited revive Heal. Makes medic and ambulances more needed in the field. 2. Due to the rather insane amount of armor met in this mission, I have decided to go with AT specialists who can carry three tubes (shown as ammo as usual) but can choose to carry Javelin or Stingers instead. Most of the rest can only get a single M136, some can get none. And then I have two uber-specialists who I want to have special abilities; deploying AT and AA pods from separate Landrover vehicles. Units and vehicles are unique, so I can use purely classbased. I chose Landrovers because of their superb climbing abilities. I'm looking into how engineer gets his special actions added, but I'm having no luck so far. What I'm looking for are these actions; 1. Unload AT Pod, when Heavy AT specialist (USMC) is near Landrover. 2. Load AT Pod, when he is near Landrover and AT Pod. 3. Repair AT Pod, if he is near Landrover and AT Pod. Maybe even a wrecked one, but it should take serious amounts of time. Anyone got any ideas how to attack this one using playerfuncs?
  7. CarlGustaffa

    co30 Domination! One Team

    I have the same problem with my own edit. And I still believe it to be my own nonunderstanding of packed_vars.
  8. CarlGustaffa

    co30 Domination! One Team

    Can anyone explain to me the idea of "packed_vars" for maintaining same time among players? I have tried changing the Domination startup parameters, but it causes a lot of weird problems, and I really don't understand how the system is supposed to work.
  9. CarlGustaffa

    Arma feedback thread - based on 1.14

    Played a Domination session last night, and witnessed waaaay to many M107 users. Turns out it now has nearly no recoil at all, making it far too easy to use in the up position. I thought the eariler patch had this weapon in perfect balance as far as recoil versus stances are concerned... M107 is now an assault cannon
  10. CarlGustaffa

    co30 Domination! One Team

    I added warfare buildings to the Domination mainbase area, to act mainly as some eyecandy for the different repairpoints. Makes sense I think. During the first test, I got Paraiso as the first mission. Lo and behold, a Ka-50 comes around bombing the place down - awesome So I got an idea. How about having the repair points on a repeateable trigger, only allowing repairs if building is up and running. Engineer or repair truck would be needed to temporarily setting up a "construction site" model, which is 10 minutes later replaced with the working repair point. I also added some flashing lights near the heli repair point and wreck point using createVehicleLocal and lightAttachObject. Moving this back-and-forth produce the flashing. Looks nice at night, but flashing speed will vary with server load. Think I might have to use steady light instead on this one... I replaced the _rep_truck from repair truck with a dedicated "engineers truck", using the warfare salvage truck. This cannot be used for personell transport, which makes sense given that it can hold up to 6 statics. It also, by name, appears to have a crane which is useable for unflipping vehicles. Static functions looks good recognizing the new vehicle, but I can't seem to trigger the unflipping. Tested only from the editor though. Enemy vehicles has been given a "hit" eventhandler, setting off a "pop smoke and evade in oposite direction" script, if they are capable. Smoke launcher sound added. I've tried setting a delay on the artillery to make up for some additional voice sound (shamelessly stolen from Mr. Murrays Battle of Ortego singleplayer mission) and mixed in with the original "arty on this location" voice. Additional delay added to simulate some flight time instead of instantly appearing. Gawd, I love editing and playing this mission
  11. CarlGustaffa

    BATTLE OF ORTEGO by Mr-Murray [SP]

    Downloaded the mission last week and played it. I had serious trouble, always ending up in hopeless firefights. Mission is superbly made, although too difficult for my personal taste; because of the firefights (was not able to stay stealth, but I don't like dark nightmissions that requires NVGoggles). It became a save load thingy. I will try again though, hopefully it is designed with random options and replayability in mind. To answer your questions: - Someone should play it if they like stealthy missions at daylight. It is not a battle, although it can quickly turn into it. - My favourite impression is the amount of work put into it. Custom sounds, some of which I have heard the originals (youtube artillery round ). - SP missions are always a nice time passer. Especially nowadays when everyone is serving Warfare with heavy restrictions on their server regarding addons, signings and so on to restrict "cheaters". Hopeless to find an "open enough" server these days to play on. - Story driven shows dedication to the mission editing, and it is nice. It is not a must for me however. - Cutscenes in this mission are well done and nicely thought out. Forgot to turn on an effect setting, so I don't know how depth of field was used actively. I like cutscenes, but they are not a must for me. - MP could be interresting, but only if there was a difficulty setting and/or scalable to the amount of players. It should have respawn (with weapons) though, and revive with limited lives. Not sure if I want cutscenes here though. - Too hard for me. Maybe it's my playing style. Maybe it's ECS that was "helping" the AI. I also feel many of the default campaign missions were too hard. Dislikes: - Blowing up Shilkas in a stealthy mission, without using stealth techniques. Maybe this lures the enemy out to the scene of the crime, but I ended up fighting them. Not sure what the intent was here.
  12. CarlGustaffa

    co30 Domination! One Team

    @xeno - couple of bugs: 1. Severe; when I test 3.02 from the editor, teleport actions are not reattached to MHQ when it is respawned. If this is also during multiplayer, I'd say there is a sever problem here 2. Minimal; Your yellow MHQ vehicle markers gets overwritten to green by the colors defined in revive_sqf\marker_color.sqf. 3. Medium; During online play, one server allowed me to turn on the player markers. However, simply setting this variable in the init.sqf, doesn't make the button appear on the status screen. Request: If you choose to include the airsupport thingy, please make it very easy to disable. I'm actually not very keen on that idea, takes all the fun and work out I think. Unless it could be included as a reward for sidemission or something, and only one strike. Only RESCUE operators should be able to make this call.
  13. CarlGustaffa

    ArmA Warfare 1.1

    There will be personal differences in why some like crosshairs or not, "wrong" or not. But sure, 3rd person view really increases your spatial awareness, no doubt about it. As a tank driver you see nothing. Switch to 3rd person and you see the whole world around you, but unfortunately also the units. The rest of any AI tank crew doesn't give you any idea as to what is around you. You can turn out to get a better view, but sometimes a bug happen where turning out doesn't work. But I do agree, realism settings doesn't really belong here. You can't fight server admins desire to use server realism settings, as you can't fight him to use signed addon packs only (which is a bit weird setting for coop). Setup your own server or locate those which has the settings you desire. Back to Warfare. I really like the new prices, rewards and such. I once had a huge problem of AIs getting stuck near the waters of Dolores though. Had to respawn most of the teams. Thanks for this option! Lifesaver.
  14. CarlGustaffa

    ArmA Warfare 1.1

    Yes and no. I don't usually like 3rd person because it enables you to see enemies over walls etc. That's not realistic. Besides, in a tank, you as a driver or gunner is supposed to get input from the commander who has a better view. On public servers playing with strangers, this info is sparse. 3rd person don't belong in a tactical shooter. However... This has a strong element of strategy to it. So yes, I would actually prefer 3rd person on this specific map. As for crosshairs, the only reason we have it enabled on our server is because we need to see what the Javelin etc locks onto. Other than that, we would turn crosshairs off. In order to hit anything from the hip, you need to adjust fire by tracer indication. I would prefer having to look down the sights in order to hit anything, but unfortunately the default engine doesn't allow us to do this. What I really don't like however, is that this mission has squad leaders use regular rifleman model. This means he doesn't get the benefit of a GPS. We have extended map info turned off, and only showing friendly tags (mostly to reduce teamspeak "noise"). But I've changed the mission to use squad leaders, so that everyone gets a GPS.
  15. CarlGustaffa

    ArmA Warfare 1.1

    I'm capable of adjusting prices for my own, and setting artillery reload times back to where I need them to be. What I sincerely DO miss however, is illumination artillery rounds, and AIs useage of them. How about the following idea: While placing the artillery position and dispersion, a check is made against city centers. If inside a city center, the HE option is shadowed making it impossible to use. Only flares can be used to "spare civilian life". If HE can be used, flares will still be used 50% by the AI if during night hours (not by the night game option, since mission time can vary after editing the mission). I think it is sad that the only firesupport you can get is of the HE type. That goes also for grenade launcher vehicles, why not be able to support the troops with light, and have a much cooler night mission? Since AI couldn't care less about smoke, I think it is inappropriate to use this with artillery for now. I'm using ECS where AI will pop smoke and flares automatically sometimes. But I really miss prolonged illumination firemissions. Illumination rounds should also be infinite and not require reloads.
  16. CarlGustaffa

    Support Units

    For private servers, fueltruck is only needed if a vehicle has experienced a fuel leak due to extensive damage. On public servers however, the simpler solution is usually used; blow it up with satchels or AT and get a new respawned vehicle at base (Domination mission) instead of trying to rescue it. Maybe there is too much fuel available on the (land) vehicles? I've just noticed while playing Domination (usually on public servers) that the supply trucks, especially the fuel one, is very little utilized. Maybe the increased survivability (mobility kills instead of catastrophic kills) ov v1.14 will help on this. Lack of fuel is never what puts a vehicle to a stop in Domination, only enemy fire.
  17. CarlGustaffa


    What I'm saying is that the current engine doesn't have any jumping or obstacle clearing built in (or weight effects). The scripted way of clearing an obstacle is teleporting the unit to the other side of the fence with no animation etc. This system doesn't "look good" obviously, but if it is utilized, then yes, let only have a few special units be able to perform this. Why would anyone want to choose a specop unit if they don't have any special abilities other than hide body (+a slightly higher camouflage value and cost? unsure)? All soldiers can handle satchels anyway. Multiplayer Domination v3.0 only allows specop units to perform this "move" (action). This is fine with me.
  18. CarlGustaffa

    Andy Mags?

    Anyone else think this little but extremely helpful addon should be included in an official patch (if allowed by author)? BIS, please ask andy to include this. It is very very good.
  19. CarlGustaffa


    Obstacles that can be "walked" over, should be passable by any soldier. But I'd actually like only the specops type units to be able to overcome higher obstacles, others just have to walk around. Mainly as a balancing thing -- specops are better trained than the average infantrymen, but specops can't in a game have some of the missions they may perform in real life (they do more than blow stuff up ). So let them have some special abilities instead making them a more fun class to play. Similar with backpacks; only specops should be able to carry two main guns (other than sidearm and tube), one being an SMG. Hide body ability is not enough I think. I'd like being able to jump a little (to about knees height), but not anything like Unreal Tournament and that stuff Actually I'd prefer obstacle overcoming animations as seen in the game Vietcong, that was just beautiful.
  20. CarlGustaffa

    co30 Domination! One Team

    2. As for RoE, the basic idea is to get up close and personal with the enemy to avoid being shelled. Maybe they already don't shell too close to own troops, unsure here. I really enjoy artillery both for me and against me, but it shouldn't be as hopeless situation for players as it might be in real life. Inside cities, I sincerely think and hope only preciscion arty is allowed also for our side in real life conflicts. 3. I dragged someone yesternight using vanilla Domination v3.0 on a private server. Did I cause the server to crash? Oops. Will never touch that drag body thing again. 4. Maybe... Hmm, need to branstorm this some more. 5. Statics could show up in a "static factory" in the base as rewards. Could include the new Warfare statics as well even though they don't last long damagewise. Engineer and similar classed units should be able to repair these though where placed. 7. Should mention that this bug is only on vehicles. Deplete the two first mags on an M2 or Mk19 and you'll never get them back without scripting. Commanders gun in MBT can't be refilled beyond its current magazine as far as I know. 8. Convoys has been put ashore somewhere I just think it could bring some needed tension while getting to the next mission, having vehicles dynamically "populate" the island, forcing us to take detours sometimes. 9. I agree about stingers and javelins, but their use is just too extreme compared to realism. Ammunition for these are "over the top" compared to a realistic stinger team. And in my setup, only one guy is a dedicated stinger guy (only tube available, for "roleplaying"), the rest of anti air capabilities have to come from captured aa rocketry, especially on a low populated server. 11. Yes, there could also be sidemissions to take out small convoys of artillery ammunition preventing the use of that, and to deliver ammunition of a certain kind ourselves where the convoy will be attacked. Loose the mission, loose the artillery ammunition capability. 15. Maybe it could generate a FARP, then be hidden and deployed as to be able to act as a respawn/teleport point? The FARP itself would be able to generate ammo and act as a vehicle repair/refuel point, but be under constant attact by enemy. Would be nice to perform some defence during all that offence. 16. Cosmetic indeed, but why not? Maybe those Warfare barracks? 17. Agreed. Remove them altogether onplayeconnect if there are no other players in the game. 18. I can give you the needed lines in one of the existing scripts. Not a big deal to do and I don't think it is a server load. If so, only during mission generation. Except, I don't have it here at work 21. Haven't seen this with ECS yet, but I won't deny that it does. I put it in the mission and it works very nicely. I'm reluctant to use smokeeffects stuff since they tend to ruin my own DPICM and smoke airburst coming from M198 artillery.
  21. CarlGustaffa

    co30 Domination! One Team

    Oh, suddenly I realize that xeno is back editing one of the best dynamic coop missions around. If you are still developing this, here are some ideas for v4 or thereabouts 1. I don't mind night fighting, even without NVGs. However, some means should be done to provide adequate lighting. I think that AI artillery should be more keen on sending down illumination rounds at night, maybe even prolonged mass missions. I'm using ECS, so enemy will often use flares as well which adds to the gameplay. Artillery flares can even be used strategically; two and two flares will be put behind enemy units and the detected unit. Lateral spread, say 6 guns. Each flare is a "double or triple flare" positioned centimeters apart. This way the flare will be blinding to the attacking force. 2. AI artillery is a bit weak. However, I think AI (and us) needs to follow some rules of engagement. Such as not being able to use HE or DPICM artillery within cities due to civilian loss of life. I think also AI should be able to have DPICM, but I'd like them to always "prepare us" with a spotround; very inaccurate single HE or Smoke round. 3. Bring back the importance of the medic ambulances. Allow only medics to perform revive, or allow others to drag the incapacitated one to the ambulance for revive. The helping unit should recieve life bonus, but maybe the other shouldn't be penaltilized unless he actually uses the respawn option? 4. Some kind of enforced teamplay, maybe as a quick option. If enforced, the ammo crates doesn't contain enough goodies to supply an army, but only enough to limitedly supply the given class. I.e. only class AT soldier would get the tube, but others could carry ammo for him. I'm seeing too much one-man-wrecking-crew on public servers, and not much teamwork. Restrict somehow scoped weapons, tubes, and M203s. Maybe if this happens, people will start playing their role instead of all roles? 5. Revise the engineer class, he is currently way too powerful. Let him perform light repairs on low-armored vehicles. For fuel and reammo, at least have him be dependant on an engineers truck (salvage truck reccommended) which is also loaded with satchels and mines (engineers tools). This truck should be able to carry statics, unflip vehicles (salvage == crane?), and not be used as a troop truck. Engineers have their own equipment, let these ones have it too. Engineer could be able to build sandbags, maybe damage sinks them into the ground, or lasting a limited time. If truck is nearby, also could build steel X's to stop armor in the streets? 6. I have setup my team system a bit differently. I have: Alpha Assault; SL AT AR / TL AT AR Bravo Support; SL MED ENG / TL AT MG Charlie Support; SL MED ENG / TL AT MG Delta Blackops; Sniper Spotter / AT AA / Sab Sab Echo Leaders; PLT LDR / PLT SGT Typical "use" of this is assault squad being the frontmost, while support squads secure either flank and provides heavy supression. Only half the support squads are ment for fighting support, the other half is used for engineering, medical support, and logistics. Squad leaders and team leaders are the M203 carriers, although squad leaders tend to bring light and smoke signalling. Delta blackops stays at a distance having the platoons Javelin and Stinger systems, and equipped with SPR rifles. Sab(oteurs) can carry out their operations under supervision of the sniper and spotter. Only the blackops team can carry backpacks and climb over obstacles because they are better trained. Also I don't think regular infantry carry additional weapons. Sniper can also call in heavy artillery (regular M119s don't have DPICM) from M198 which can provide prolonged illumination rounds, DPICM (outside cities), and 12 copperheads (2 per gun due to price). An alternative to this setup is 3 9-man squads where: Alpha squad gets the sniper and spotter, SL becomes TL, and a "proper" SL comes in. Bravo and Charlie gets one sab and systems carrier each (AA and heavy AT), SL becomes TL, and a "proper" SL comes in. With "proper" I mean that the M203 is removed from him and he can stay more in the background controlling his squad than fighting. TLs can order drops, and SLs can order artillery and being rescuers. SL on alpha assault or his sniper would be the M198 artillery operator. SL on Bravo and Charlie the M119 less powerful artillery. The foursquad setup uses smaller squads, but specops are on their own team. Engineer attachment is part of the squad however. The threesquad setup uses full 9-man infantry team, with specops attached to the squad and squad leader being more of a squad leader than a team leader in equipment setup. 7. Find a way around the multiple magazine bug which is possible, but I'm still stuck with the multiple turret magazine bug (also tried the new Warfare ammotruck). In my case, I'm using the engineer to reload "any" vehicle as long as there is a reammo truck nearby. In addition, specialist roles can reload a vehicle which has ammo similar to his regular class. I.e. a machinegunner can rearm M2 based vehicles, while a grenadier (or teamleader in my case) can rearm an Mk19 based vehicle. Similarly, these guys can repair damaged statics of similar class without any nearby tools. 8. Have random nonmission convoys being spawned on the map from time to time. This makes "getting there" a little more interresting. Place a trigger, check for players, if empty spawn from this location, if not retry with another trigger location. Should be easy enough. Similar when arrived; if no players nearby remove the arrived vehicles. Might have to check every vehicle in convoy because they can get stuck on the way. MBT should lead the way to get rid of trees. 9. Less helicopters and planes. These guys are mainly annoying with the noise they produce. I really like the helidrops, but maybe other methods of reinforcements should be introduced as well? 10. More of the Warfare statics and buildings. Maybe reinforcements could once in a while (if players not too close), spawn in a depot if the radio is still intact? Have several secondary targets to destroy Warfare buildings to gain rewards? Hell, maybe better weapons could be a reward, increasing amount in the weapons crates? 11. New sidemission(s); on a random location on the map (check for players present using temporary placed triggers). Place appropriate artillery, and have enemy waves attack these. Players job becomes to defend these. If we loose, we loose the ability to use that artillery. 12. Using artillery should take some time. Simulate some mission talk between artillery operator and fire command. 13. Setup camps around the main missions, and quite a distance from it. I don't like being able to put the respawn almost directly in the city 2 minutes after recieving the mission (at least players do this on puclic servers). 14. Rewamp the player markers system. First of all, it somehow doesn't show markers for me at all unless I comment out the boolean check. Only setting it to true in init doesn't seem to help. Don't know what is wrong with this one, it SHOULD work Secondly, use colors to indicate team, and text should be replaced with a short rolename such as AT, AA, E (engineer), MD (medic), and/or maybe use symbolism as well. + for medic is a good one ("marker" at 45°). Using player names can look really horrible when lots of people are around the same spot. Similarly, use the new Warfare markers for vehicles, they are extremely appropriate. My method should declutter this somewhat. 15. The mobile respawn is a bit too powerful now I think. Maybe it should have to be deployed as in Warfare in order to be anything else than a respawn/teleport point. And this deployment should take some time making it unavailable while this happens (also for respawning/teleporting). 16. Three tents in the main base should be used as a respawn position, one for each team. The player should respawn inside these in prone position facing out. 17. Cap the amount of base infiltrations so that servers with "forever-play" (?) set doesn't have 200 specops in it for new players that visits an apparent idle server. 18. Slightly varying enemy equipment. Some snipers could be equipped with KSVK/M107, and my east AT soldiers has one each of PG-7V and PG-7VR, the last slot being random between the two. Taken equipment for those unlucky enough not to be an AT soldier would become slightly more "interresting" to use 19. Fight the enemy sniping machinegunners; set their skill way low. It is so sad being killed with machinegun fire, seing the following supression fire where every single bullet hits your body (I'm using ECS supression though) 20. Response to the comment above this: Instead of adding Javelin tubes, set the ammocrate for the Javelin guy to NumberOfMBTs-(2*random). If no Javelin player is present, place one Javelin launcher and two shots or keep the number of MBTs very very low. No person should have to engage MBTs using M136, especially since 1.14 M136 have less effect than before (a change I felt was important and realistic). 21. Add a "hit" eventhandler to enemy vehicles, in which they pop smoke in turret or vehicle direction (depends on vehicle) and drives off for cover. If they are hit by M136, it would take some time to get to their senses before doing any counterattack. Also if they eject? 22. Check out Mr Murrays singleplayer mission Battle for Ortego. I love how the AI react to being shelled with artillery. This is almost too good Use this reaction if possible.
  22. CarlGustaffa

    co30 Domination! One Team

    I would rather have the (next) mission scale down to the current available players. As it is designed now, it is practically an impossible mission for 5-6 players to engage that much armor with mostly M136 to choose from
  23. CarlGustaffa

    Warfare Updated! v1.5

    Hmm. Uber-humvees and uaz'es, a bit worried about those. I think you should consider requiring both a supply truck and a repair truck in order for the small vehicles to be able to put up a temporary base. Personally, I changed all the players to squad leaders, for a simple way of getting the GPS back. Seems to work, and one complaint from fellow players is gone. We enjoy playing Warfare as a coop map. However, when we join as a team, we loose those positions which shold have been AI. We like being i.e. a 6-8 man squad doing our buisiness, without having to hazzle with controlling AI. In my view, there should be a system were the player can leave his team leading role, and join the squad as a selecteable role (medic, sniper), and free the original slot to be used by AI again. I wonder if this is possible, or if I (in my personal edition of coop Warfare) should just add slots for those guys if needed? I agree. Airlifting everything non MBT, could be fun. Edit: Btw, I'd also like to see the usage of other types of artillery, especially illumination rounds and maybe smoke. AI could use illumination at night if friendly units are in the area. But it does look very hard to code, and to understand/read the warfare mission. Basically, I'd like to have night missions without having to use NVGs constantly.
  24. CarlGustaffa

    RECOILS 1.08 vs 1.12

    I way prefer the 1.12, "hardcore" or not. Making stuff harder to use doesn't automatically make it more realistic. Never fired 5.56, but here we had some difficulty controlling recoils on 7.62 using auto. Should try dual wield AG-3s someday on full auto And this is how I felt the 1.08 was; exaggerated and highly unpredictable. With 1.12 there is far less recoil, which I expect to be the case with 5.56 rounds. Agree with the posting of M249 SAW having less recoil than regular M16, but at the cost of having much greater weapons sway at up stances. Sounds very reasonable to me.
  25. CarlGustaffa

    How many use the Postprocessing effects?

    If you were able to turn off HDR, I don't think you'd like the results (did some experiments with Oblivion). HDR is a must for any game that tries to simulate a varying time of day and the shades of light this represents. The "HDR transition time" I believe is a good balance between the two extremes; one being far too slow and the other just way to instant to look good. I think if you try to shoot a subject with a point&shoot camera (you'd get blown out skies), then point it at the sky (now "good" skies), it would take some time for the camera to adjust to the new dynamic range (16-20EV instead of say 8-12EV with blowout skies). The eyes and brain can separate a much greater dynamic range than most devices are able to capture and display. We would still see a blue sky and a pole with writing in pure backlight with ease, where any camera would fail to capture both sucessfully. Without HDR dynamic adjustment, you wouldn't be able to see anything when you go into a dark building. As for sighting, don't you usually focus on the front sight in real life? The back sights would then be blurry in real life too. Maybe focus on the target if using scope or red dot sights though.