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Everything posted by Col.Flanders

  1. Col.Flanders

    TrackIR 5 ArmA2 Thread!

    Hi again, I think you mistunderstand what I'm saying here but I don't blame you - maybe I didn't explain too well. :p Let me try and be clearer. I'm talking strictly from an infantry point of view here and don't get me wrong - TrackIR in this game is brilliant. It's just this one issue I wish I could sort out. I don't use the zoom axis either - anywhere in the game. I do use a linear profile for TrackIR in arma. In other words there is no central deadzone where my trackIR "snaps" back to center. That feels unnatural to me and by the look of your video, you don't appear to use a deadzone either. Everything is perfect until I want to aim using ACOG or ironsights. Essentially when I use my ironsight, ie. when I bring my rifle up to aim, the game seems to use a slightly zoomed field of view by default. In my mind my head should snap to the rifle center screen so that I can do just that - aim precisely. At this point in time I no longer want to be turning my head. My rifle should stay center screen and follow my mouse movement. What happens though, is that I'm still able to look around with my head and the slightest bit of movement, be it head movement or an attempt to lean, sends my ironsight all over the show. The logical solution would be to use the 'pause trackIR' hotkey but that would defeat the purpose of having the ability to aim and lean incrementally as you demonstrated so well in the vid. The only time (in my opinion) it works as it should is when using a scoped sniper rifle. Your vision is locked to the scope. Basically the game temporarily disables x and y axes yet you retain the ability to lean. Imagine if when you looked through your scope, any head movement from your TIR unit made you look around the scope peripherally. It would be a disaster. This is what I experience when using a standard ACOG/ironsight. Wow....I think I'm getting a little long-winded in trying to explain this. Anyway, I'll download the new software and give it a try. Maybe I'll find a gem.
  2. Col.Flanders

    Radio voices and coms?

    Anything will be better than the double "at". 2, move to that building at...at 5 o'clock! Oh no. 2, is down.
  3. Col.Flanders

    TrackIR 5 ArmA2 Thread!

    Dslyecxi, thanks for the vid. Very informative stuff and the game is looking great! I have a question - The one thing that bugged me in Arma1 with regard to TrackIR was that when you used your ironsight, your head movement was still active and because of the zoom factor associated with that, the smallest movement would often throw my aim off. As a semi-workaround, I had to bind my 'precision' key for TrackIR to the same key I used for stabilise/hold breath. This helped to a degree but still wasn't ideal. Obviously with scoped weapons like the m24, this problem did not exist because your view was locked to the scope and yet you still had the ability to lean/zoom etc. The Arma1 demo, in my opinion, used a better method whereby when you went to ironsight mode, the x and y axes were disabled, allowing you to make use of the other TrackIR axes and yet it offered stability while aiming. Why they changed it for the final release, I'm still not sure. Anyway, my question is: can this be remedied in Arma2 itself? Even better, does the new software give the option for a hotkey bind to disable/enable multiple axes on the fly? I begged and pleaded on the Naturalpoint forum for them to add this in a future software release. Just curious to know if it's possible. BTW: Here's my request on Naturalpoint highlighting the issue: http://forum.naturalpoint.com/forum/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Main=4803&Number=25451#Post25451 I noticed another thread where it seems sk3pt was asking for the same feature. Am I correct in my assumption on that one, sk3pt?
  4. Push the settings to max, become saddened, then lower the settings to find a compromise for my aged hardware.
  5. Col.Flanders

    Deadfast's Translations

    Have you missed all of these too? Thanks, Bush. I have seen those. This one must've slipped through the cracks somehow. Also, Tomcat, on your point...possibly, due to the versatility of the Arma (and hopefully, Arma2) engine, may we see a mission-dependent, editable threshold for what constitutes death vs injury? In other words, the revive system always applies but time to death could be defined by the gametype/mission?
  6. Col.Flanders

    Deadfast's Translations

    Wow, thanks. That video is just about the most in-depth vid I've seen so far and it's from '08! Has this been around for a while??
  7. Col.Flanders

    Sounds in ARMA II

    Whoa...that was awesome! Good sound suggestions, Wittman. I seem to recall some sort of tree breaking sound in OFP (maybe I'm dreaming because most forest was not breakable) but it did seem out of place not having it in ArmA.
  8. Still, it's no doubt above 100kb. Does that mean flash animations are exempt from that rule? 88kb.
  9. Ok, tell you what. When I have some time, I'll make an option to stop/hide my sig - just for you, Raphier.
  10. I'm sorry to hear that, mate. They have doctors and medication to treat what you have.
  11. What do you mean, what is it? It's an animated signature.
  12. I'm 9 hours into Friday already (JHB, South Africa) and still no NAPA vid? Ah well...guess I'll have to be patient. Hopefully we'll see something by the time the clock strikes midnight on the US west coast.
  13. If it's true that we're getting 6DOF for TrackIR, my warm, fuzzy feeling is justified!
  14. Col.Flanders

    Animation System still rigid?

    Well if they could add that as a new axis for TrackIR (ie. lean up = stretch, crouch = crouch), I'd be getting all worked up. Possibly not great for the back in prolonged crouching situations though. I'm sure the standard crouch key would overcome that. I agree it would be nice to have an analogue control of stretch/crouch.
  15. Col.Flanders

    The Road to Everon

    Hey Ionflux, Seen your post on SGS man, still haven't had time to try it out yet. Boet, will let you know when I get some time. cheers
  16. Col.Flanders

    Evolution Blue V3 MHQ

    Do you know if the SU's will land and rearm once they've expended all ammunition? If not, it's gotta be a good idea to just leave them be, so that you have harmless SU's circling the battlefield (presumably until their fuel runs out?) rather than fresh, tooled up ones.... I have often seen SU's cruising about doing nothing during Evo games and wondered if they were indeed 'Winchester'..... Mandrake Not sure Mandrake but it's probably worth trying by dealing with the air threat using stingers alone (equipping AI, that is). I'll say this though...it gets $#$**%& frustrating as you progress to the last few towns and especially the last one. You have 2 kamovs and 2 SUs CONSTANTLY over the town so I found using vehicles impossible. It appears that the enemy aircraft only patrol over active/remaining areas so as you progress, the more present the air threat becomes. It would be great if conquering Pita means you've taken the enemy airbase, essentially robbing their air capabilities (fixed wing at least).
  17. Col.Flanders

    Evolution Blue V3 MHQ

    To answer my own question: No. The planes will keep coming and they'll have a ball killing retarded AI "Anti-air" infantryman, whether they're manning a Vulcan or not. The frustrating part is that a Vulcan will end up flipped over in the hands of AI if requested to move a distance of anything over 500m.
  18. Col.Flanders

    Most important annoyance ARMA 2 must get rid of

    You can do this yourself, by mapping TrackIR "Pause" (TrackIR profile) to any key you wish. You might even map it for the same key you use for iron sight (e.g. right mouse button). That should work, but I haven't tried it, as I've mapped "center" to one of my mouse buttons. [EDIT] ...I forgot you still want to lean  When I think of it, maybe this really should be a feature of the TrackIR software itself. The ability to disable only selected axes with a hotkey. As for the topic, I want to remove the fact that you can't run nor sprint while even slightly in a TrackIR lean (I have to keep pressing 'center' all the time). Basically I want run/sprint to automatically cancel lean, TrackIR or not. [/E] Hi sk3pt, I have put numerous requests on Naturalpoint's boards for them to implement "on the fly" single or multiple axes disable/enable. I referenced the Arma problem in this regard. I think this could come in handy for specific situations in other games/sims too. I was told they would look at implementing this in a future software release. Fingers crossed.
  19. Col.Flanders

    Most important annoyance ARMA 2 must get rid of

    Edit: OOPS - I see this is the 'get rif of' thread. OK then... For me it would be (an in no particular order): -Get rid of the "no pedal effect" in a light helicopter in motion. Ofp worked much better. -Get rid of the rigid animations/inability to move while reloading/binocs etc. And let us be able to sprint on a 5 degree incline/decline. I really dislike the way you're limited to a stroll as soon as elevation changes even slightly. -(This one is a long shot but for me it would make such a difference) TRackIR: Get rid of x+y axes when I go to ironsight view or give me the option to lock my head movement. I still want to lean but I don't want to look around since I am looking through the ironsight after all. (Arma demo had that perfect). I know all these things have been talked to death already so hey, whatever.
  20. Col.Flanders

    Evolution Blue V3 MHQ

    I also have a question. Does the enemy aircraft spawn at the airbase at Pita or do they spawn randomly in mid air? (I mean the Kamov and SU) Can I capture/hold that town and disable the enemy air threat? I'm really tired of my AI's inability to shoot down fighters (and Kamovs for that matter) with the Vulcan. They're competent with a stinger when it comes to choppers but against fixed wing there are bound to be casualties (and a long trip in a repair truck). My ideal plan would be to start off by eliminating the air threat permanently before even attacking Paraiso. I only ask so as to avoid driving a rubber duck for 50 nautical miles only to discover that the planes don't spawn from that base.
  21. Col.Flanders

    KP CTI Released

    Cracking GranQ, sounds...psycadelic! Ok...so I've been playing this quite a bit on lan but with only one other person. We've been playing as west on 'co-op AI East'. I got the xxxx6 version but strangely it lists it in-game as xxxx5? I'll be honest, as much as I like this mission (and I really do), the shortcomings of the ai become glaringly obvious here. I've had the biggest nightmares trying to get units across the map. Inevitably something always gets stuck in Corazol. Also, the MBT platoons as well as AT (TOW hummer) DO NOT target and fire at enemy armour. If I order a M1A1 and place my own ai inside, the tank gunner NEVER fires on enemy vehicles unless it's with the machine gun. If I command him to switch to sabot, he won't shoot unless I specifically tell him to target and attack any given vehicle. Am I doing something stupid here? Never really had this problem. The gunner always appears to have his sights pointed up in the sky. The barrel of the tank is always aimed as high as it will possibly go. GranQ - this is my wishlist now that I've had some playtime... -Definitely definitely a radio for infantry or maybe the option to buy a "radio soldier"/ "radio kit". The vehicle thing works well but it'd really be great to be able to access the radio through a squad member. -The ability to get mines from the ammo truck. I don't see that option anywhere. I know you can call for a mine drop but most of the time those guys don't make it because of AAA. I'd like to be able to place mines myself. The mission is great though. I just hope to play with more players and less ai as they really are the dumbest @$^&s sometimes.
  22. Col.Flanders

    Something i just dont get.

    If you open the hatch and dump 5 tons of treacle in it you also get a tank rendered useless. Also maybe the AI gunner's inability to effectively target vehicles 50% of the time is an attmept to simulate a sneaky infantryman running up and jamming a rock down the barrel.
  23. Col.Flanders

    Something i just dont get.

    I reckon the tanks etc. would probably never be as strong as they are in reality but I'd say that balance is not really a consideration in this game. If this was done as a measure to balance the game, then why is there no opfor armour (t-80/90) to match the M1A1 along with a billion other examples like that with regard to weaponry? I'd like to see something like a t-80 but just as a matter of opinion, I'm not that worried about absolute balance. If you play your cards right, you can overcome the odds as the technological underdog. I do think though, that this damage system is FUBAR beyond belief! That's right. If you're stuck out in the field with a MBT in your midst and nothing to take it out with but small arms and hand grenades...then toughies...you're bang in trouble. The number of AT rounds to take out a tank is a different story - if in reality it takes 30 RPGs to knock out an M1A1 then sure it's understandable that the game may require only 2-3 (or whatever the case may be). The important thing here is that the weapons designed to do the job be what are required and the weapons that are inadequate do just as they would in real life - nothing. It's just silly that the game contradicts the very reason tanks exist in the world - to completely overcome the threat of small arms/grenades etc. At the risk of mentioning things that should probably be listed in a certain notorious thread on these boards, I'll say just one more thing here regarding vehicles: Fix the collision...center of gravity....whatever it is. Few things break the immersion more than seeing half the armour on the map upside down because they bumped into something along the way or took a sandune at too high a speed. The abilty to drive a BMP-2 from Arcadia to even Bagango is almost zero because of the likelihood that it'd be on its roof after 10 minutes.
  24. Col.Flanders

    Oxygen 2

    Ok, so for the average joe...this is the tool to create/import user models for the game. Correct? So does that mean all the tools have been released now?
  25. Col.Flanders

    Oxygen 2

    Ok, so for the average joe...this is the tool to create/import user models for the game. Correct? So does that mean all the tools have been released now?