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Posts posted by Curatalo

  1. Can sombody please reskin a Civilian to make him have a Du-Rag ( i dont know how you spell it). And all that kind of stuff.

    Or reskin one and just add a Turban( i know it cant stick up in the air, but if somone is good at reskinning player models, I know its posssible. I saw a guy with sun glasses(and they looked real)

  2. @ Curatalo : of course, as a former CWmod member and leading the Napoleonic mod at the moment, I do support this kind of ideas but you'll need much more than goodwill to lead a mod like this ! A good mod leader needs at least basic skills in configs (for single addons and for main game, config.bin and resource.bin), anims (config and creating anims), modelling, texturing, scripting, and a good understanding of missions and campaign editing, and most of the time map making... Because being the leader means being the guy that is working the more on the mod..and some times alone !

    I don't want to discourage you from working on old fashioned mods, but they are far more skills demanding than modern ones... to turn around engine limitations.

    Maybe a more realistic way of doing would be working with Stonewall Jackson, who is now leading OFP Civil War mod, in order not to redo everything from scratch (as i did with Napoleonic mod re using some CWmod things with permission of former CWmod leader, Triglav and some old Napoleonic things from Spad).

    Anyway, good luck and good work ! smile_o.gif

    Alright...nevermind ill leave it up to you guys.

    Im not even going to wast my time. =/

    Thanks anyway Dante....but later I guess.

  3. Thank you Faulkner. And please bring me temporary updates of the muskets.  biggrin_o.gif

    Also, where are you from and what time do you usually get on?

    If possile please tell me where you that Oxygen Lite modelling program( i guess). I googled it and couldnt find naything.

    Im sorry, i would be modelling but I have no program to do so =/!

  4. The Model 1861 Springfield Musket



    http://julia.hanovercomputer.com/firearms/mar01/web/438-442.jpg       (The Top One)

    1854 Austrien Laurenz please




    http://www.northirishmilitaria.com/moreinfo.asp?id=113 (All pictures of the Rifle)

    I se it said hunting rifle, but the rifle used in the Civil War was barely different at all.

    Im sorry, theres not many pictures i can find on this musket.

    . Im sorry i couldnt get much more detail then this.

    And thank you a ton for offering to make these! help.gif


  5. Idea

    This mod is going to be based on the American Civil War, Between the North and the South.

    I am in need of Texturers and modelers mainly.


    To start we need just the basics

    - a few muskets(.5 8 caliber Springfield musket and the .69 caliber Harpers Ferry Rifle, both muzzleloading arms that fired the deadly mini ball.)

    -A few handguns for officers (revolvers and muzzle loaded handguns.)


           When all the tools come out

    1. A hole map based around the time of the Civil War( farms, trenches, churches, Forts)

    2. Many different classes( Sharpshooter, Artillery crewman)

    3.-"Edged Weapons"( Bayonets, sabers, swords, short swords, cutlasses, Bowie knives, pikes, and lances)

    4. A few vehicles(Iron Plad ships, fairys, maybe even a carriadge.)

    5.A decent sized community that enjoys all the hardwork+detication put into it all.

    6. Gattling guns and Cannons.


    is this the right forum to be talking about this? or am i in the rong place....?

    If you have any interest in participating, please contact me on Xfire : easycompanykerry
