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Col. Faulkner

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Everything posted by Col. Faulkner

  1. Col. Faulkner

    Moves speed up, anim interupts, fire, grenades

    3 seconds is fine, and they've obviously accelerated the process for the sake of game-play. It takes much longer than that in the real world to put down your rifle, unsling the AT4, remove it's safety pin, check it isn't obviously damaged, unfold it's shoulder stop, deploy and adjust the foresight, deploy and adjust the rear sight, cock the launcher, check your backblast area is clear, aim and fire. I agree with most of the rest of your complaints, though. I strongly believe that the "rocket launchers" should be done away with entirely and the AT4 and RPG-7 be implemented as normal firearms, so they can be fired from the prone and the standing position, and so your movements are not restricted (especially with that stupid pantomime that ensues if you have a launcher on your shoulder and want to lie down  ) I've never had any problem with the sprinting, I can dash to cover and get down right where I want to be. It just took a little bit of familiarisation.
  2. Col. Faulkner

    Basic Hand Signal's

    For reference, here are troopers of 2 sqdn Australian SAS in Vietnam demonstrating two of the most important "basic hand signals" Â Â
  3. Col. Faulkner


    Yes, that approach works. I had that going already with some OFP addon weapons I was working on. But like you say, it's very inelegant, especially if you want to provide the full range of settings.
  4. Col. Faulkner

    petition for wood camo

    Yes, c'mon, BIS, you're missing an opportunity here! "ArmA US woodland expansion module" - 20 euros!
  5. Col. Faulkner

    Cant move while reloading

    When this issue was raised recently it was decided that the main problem with it is that a whole new set of anims would need to be produced; all of the current moving anims plus all the hand waving "reloading" anims.
  6. Col. Faulkner

    Basic Hand Signal's

    Considering the problems with the atomicity of the ArmA anims just now I could foresee real difficulty implementing this in ArmA. I'd be pleased to be proved wrong though.
  7. Col. Faulkner

    2 UH60s in the editor (both minigun variants)

    Before I applied patch 1.05 I had two BMPs the same in the editor too.
  8. Col. Faulkner


    2,250 metres, Gunny Carlos Hathcock, Jan 1967, with a .50 cal. machine gun fitted with an 8x Unertl telescope, not a "sniper rifle"! A Canadian sniper in the 'stan is said to have made a 2,430 metre shot (but that remains unconfirmed, as far as I'm aware).
  9. Col. Faulkner

    Warfare Designs

    Small, but important, point of detail; SASR soldiers are called "Troopers", not "Operators"
  10. Col. Faulkner

    Cant move while reloading

    As was mentioned earlier, it'd also be important to make it "weapon specific" too. As an extreme example, reloading a little 8rnd Makarov pistol magazine is a quite different proposition from reloading a 100rnd M240 belt.
  11. Col. Faulkner

    Helo Windows and rotars

    Nah, I can blatt away at a damn heli for ages with no effect (deffo scoring hits because the MG tracers are bouncing off). Never yet seen "1 hit on a rotor" splat a helicopter. Even the "Strelas" sometimes have no effect!
  12. Col. Faulkner

    Incredible aircraft armor.

    What is the HEAT round in the game supposed to be for (as it's obviously misnamed as an HE Anti-Tank round)? Is it meant to be some kind of APers cannister round?
  13. Col. Faulkner

    shooting in the fortress

    It's a bug/side-effect of the way the flash and the sandbags are textured.
  14. Col. Faulkner


    Rather dismaying that a flight simulator game has nicer looking AFV models than "the ultimate combat simulation"
  15. Col. Faulkner

    Quick question about tanks

    I'd first rather see a working thermal gunsight and range finder on the tanks, but I suppose making an interior would be easier to do (and I really doubt if we'll ever see a proper thermal sight simulation in ArmA - I mean one that shows realistic heat signatures, not one that just recolours a night vision view). One exception I'd make is the driver's cockpit and periscope views. That needs to be improved over the "mailbox slot" view we get now. I can't agree that it'd feel "so much more like the real thing" when the tank in the game doesn't operate like the real thing in any aspect.
  16. Col. Faulkner

    Friendly AI..

    "20 or 30 OPFOR...I had 5 guys and a [car]". Now that is hilarious. Â Â
  17. Col. Faulkner

    Sahrani Revolution Mod

    I'm already working on a similar idea, but my "Sahrani Civil War" takes place in the mid-1930s.
  18. Col. Faulkner

    New Zealand SAS

    Is it customary to perform kapa haka with a loaded rifle (as at far right in that picture)!? Do the New Zealand troops differ in any important respect (apart from service rifle) in uniform and accoutrements from modern British?
  19. Col. Faulkner

    Dropping weapons and OFP music

    And a suitable "hands on head" animation apparently already exists among the current repertoire.
  20. Col. Faulkner

    Dropping weapons and OFP music

    No, the ArmA AI are psychotic killers with no respect for the laws of armed conflict. You can drop stuff out of inventory slots so you can carry something else more immediately useful, not so you can attempt to surrender.
  21. Col. Faulkner

    Dropping weapons and OFP music

    Or hit "G", select the item in the dialog that ops up, and hit "Drop".
  22. Col. Faulkner

    petition for wood camo

    The ArmA ACU suits look a bit faded, but it does look like it's falling on the "realistically conspicuous" side of the fence. As Lt. Col. Frost says in "A Bridge Too Far": "We're wearing the wrong camouflage!"
  23. Col. Faulkner

    petition for wood camo

    How realistic is the representation of the ACU's pattern in the game? Is it a matter of being "realistically conspicuous" or "unrealistically conspicuous" among the ArmA bushes? It seems that when I look at pictures of the real ACU suits it appears much "greener" than it seems in ArmA (at least as it runs on my steam-powered PC). Might it not just be a case of filing a bug asking for the ACU colour scheme in-game to be improved?
  24. SASMOD on this forum is HERE, but go to the end of that thread since he was in the process of setting up new hosting for his website. The latest state of progress will be described there.
  25. Col. Faulkner

    Winter Warfare Mod

    Nah, the reindeer anims would probably suck (but if anyone does ever get a reindeer into a motion capture studio please post pics here! ) No, I mean drastically impaired personnel mobility, environmentally induced physical effects, reduced weapons effects, unique problems of camouflage, concealment and trailbreaking, requirement for specialized equipment, logistical problems (eg. vehicle mobility through snow and ice and reliability in the cold)...etc etc