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Col. Faulkner

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Everything posted by Col. Faulkner

  1. Col. Faulkner

    The Lost Brothers -Isaac and Ishmael Mod

    Well it doesn't have to literally be an airliner. I was just thinking of a representation of them in their CT role. At Entebbe didn't they wear items of Ugandan uniform and carry Kalashnikovs? For sure, one of the Ugandan sentries was fired at with an unsuppressed AK which caused the assault team to go in ahead of the plan. IIRC one of the freed hostages later said something like "although they were dressed as Ugandans I knew it was the Israelis". But, yes, I suppose it wouldn't be worthwhile trying to do that. It is probably the most famous action that unit ever fought, though - at least to Westerners.
  2. Col. Faulkner

    Tommy gun and Woodsmaster rifle

    Mine probably need some adjustment. TBH I haven't looked at them for months. Feel free to do with them what you will. Edit: Ah yes, IIRC that's the penultimate version of the TMC I did. I lost the last one I did - along with most of my other WW2 stuff. This one might need some slight adjustment to proportions but pretty much everything is there - I think just the magazine spring and push-button on the butt are missing. In any case it's still quite a decent base to build on to get a good Tommy gun addon (and it's free )
  3. Col. Faulkner

    Vilas' addons

    What does all that mean?
  4. Col. Faulkner

    Vilas' addons

    Your FAL "Para" is specifically a South African contract rifle. These were the only folding stock FALs that had the standard ramp-sliding backsight. Normally, folding stock FALs either had a flip up two position backsight or a fixed one. The two position one looks like this: The sight has two apertures, one for 250m and the other for 500m. The Stg-58 also often came with a quick-detachable bipod. The metal handguards have slots embossed into them to hold it when folded. I can send some pictures of the bipod if you wanted to add one of these.
  5. Col. Faulkner

    The Lost Brothers -Isaac and Ishmael Mod

    Is there anything that makes these figures specifically Sayeret Matkal, or are they similarly dressed and equipped as "ordinary" line infantry? Are you going to make some kitted out as for operations like ISOTOPE (storming a Boeing 707 at Tel-Aviv) and THUNDERBOLT (Entebbe)?
  6. Col. Faulkner

    ArmA Addon request thread

    That's going to be one heck of a mission!
  7. Col. Faulkner

    31st Normandy mod -WW2

    Which was indeed SOP - judging from "in action" photographs. It was also usual to dig in A/Tk guns. <a href="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v692/whisky01/Feuerstellung.jpg" target="_blank">Here's a contemporary German diagram of a firing position for the PaK 38</a> The game views are hardly a realistic simulation of visual perception. In any case I'm more interested here in whether the texturing is a plausibly authentic model of a German artillery piece. The thing which doesn't look authentically German about your PaK paint job is that it has no green in it. German colour schemes were generally variants of dark sand, brown and dark green. That "striped shades of brown" one looks very unusual. I'm not claiming that it is totally impossible that one was daubed like that somewhere, but it is certainly untypical. I would mention also that the one you posted a picture of has a more typical German colour scheme.
  8. Col. Faulkner

    31st Normandy mod -WW2

    It'd be even better if you could make it reflect the doctrines of the various combatant nations; the Germans letting their MGs do all the shooting, the Yanks blasting away at anything that moves and the British something in between the two. Vanilla ArmA is a lousy simulation in that sort of regard. I have to say that that PaK has a truly bizarre paint scheme. Is that based on a real one? Remember that A/Tk guns depended for their survival on carefully chosen (or dug in) positions and good camouflage. A/Tk gunners were very like snipers in that regard. That gun looks like it'd stick out like a bulldog's tender parts in anything except a hard- scrabble desert.
  9. Col. Faulkner

    ArmA Addon request thread

    I searched for a while for this and discovered that it was something called "Winter Warfare Mod" but it is now apparently defunct. Sorry. http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=posts&p=1769#1769
  10. Col. Faulkner

    weaponscfg & sound

    Yes, I saw that "Biki" entry some time ago but it didn't help much. I couldn't see how that description fits your "volume changes over distance" explanation. Never mind, I'll work it out.
  11. Col. Faulkner

    WIP: stuff you are working on!

    I've got a pair of curtains like that! Is that urban camouflage? It looks like it'd work quite well among piles of rubble and such.
  12. Col. Faulkner

    Vilas' addons

    I am not a graphics expert (at all! ) but I don't think that 24 bit .tgas can record alpha channel information. Can your graphics application save 32 bit .tga files? I certainly find that transparency only works if I save as a 32 bit .tga.
  13. Col. Faulkner

    Vilas' addons

    Here it is, almost done. I still have to tidy it up a bit in places. When it's done I'll send you the .paa, the .tga and the .psd (photoshop) files - I don't have Corel.
  14. Col. Faulkner

    Vilas' addons

    If you want, I can draw that sight for you. Give me a day or so.
  15. Col. Faulkner

    Ships transporting tanks?

    Perhaps making another model with the tank aboard, and swapping these in game? It'd probably mean that you can't actually drive-on/drive-off though.
  16. Col. Faulkner

    Oxygen's UVEditor

    Thanks a lot, Messiah. I shall study this closely. My addons take another faltering step towards completion. Yay!
  17. Col. Faulkner

    weaponscfg & sound

    Could you explain that a bit more? I've always been puzzled about what that second argument actually does. If I have a statement like... sound[] = ("\MySoundPack\whatacoolsound.ogg", 10, 1); ...what exactly does the 10 do? It makes the sound dissipate 10 times faster? Is setting this value wrongly perhaps the reason why whenever one of my addon guys reloads his rifle I hear it right in my ear even if he's 100 yards away?
  18. Col. Faulkner

    switch weapon automatically

    I think this will be hard. As it is hot-swapping weapons in game causes the weapon to automatically be reloaded with the next magazine in the inventory. Despite searching and hacking about at it I myself have not found any way to set a particular ammo count onto a weapon. I wonder if anyone else has been able to do it. As it is, having a bipod lowered by swapping models on a menu command is trivially easy to do (I can post some example code if required). It's this annoying "automatic reload" that really detracts from it.
  19. Col. Faulkner

    Addon Research Topic

    Ye gods! I used to have Ken Musgrave plans on my bedroom wall when I was a little kid!
  20. Col. Faulkner

    WIP: stuff you are working on!

    Yeah, an "unditching beam" then. Did the Soviets carry those into combat? The Log on the back was for frontline vehicles working alongside Spetnaz units, within visual distance of enemy forces the Spetnaz would proceed to take the logs from the vehicles and in full force throw the log as far as possible at enemy lines whilst yelling 'RUSSIA STRONG!11!!'....such feats of manliness would create confusion and defeat the morale of anyone who would dare oppose them. So it's a Russian caber, then?
  21. Col. Faulkner

    ArmA Addon request thread

    Well, I'm currently hacking away at some British Toms in cold weather kit (a la 1982 Falklands War), but that's probably not what you want... But I do think there already are a few addons ("reskins") of whiteshod troops available.
  22. Col. Faulkner

    WIP: stuff you are working on!

    Yeah, an "unditching beam" then. Did the Soviets carry those into combat?
  23. Col. Faulkner

    Vilas' addons

    M21 optic!? Is this just because the addon isn't finished or because you don't know what a (Swedish) Charlie G optical sight looks like?
  24. Col. Faulkner

    The Lost Brothers -Isaac and Ishmael Mod

    Hasn't the UZI been officially retired by the IDF now?
  25. Col. Faulkner

    WIP: stuff you are working on!

    @ rygugu: What's the purpose of the log lashed to the rear of the hull? Is it an unditching beam?