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Everything posted by cobra5000

  1. cobra5000

    Very tragic day

    IDF Officer, Hila Bezaleli , killed in Mouth Herzel Tragic Disaster before the Remembrance Day ceremony- http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4217831,00.html This was happend in holocaust day, the day we remember the 6 million innocet jews who were killed by the evil nazis. We will never forget them
  2. Now unlike arma2, arma3's faction sides will be like ARMA:CWA and ARMA1 (one BLUFOR, one OPFOR, one IND, one Civilian).
  3. cobra5000

    New Arma 2 DLC: Japanese Self Defense Forces

    i have few things that this is April Fool: 1. The JSDF is already released for free. 2. It's impossible to see Frost in this DLC. 3. BIS is working hard for ARMA3 and the sure thing BIS will release are ARMA3 Community Alpha and TOH Patches.
  4. i found this function: BIS_EW_fnc_pip (Picture In Picture) do you know how i active this function?
  5. cobra5000

    Picture In Picture

    So can you make an simple example of this function at least?
  6. cobra5000

    Israel in ARMA3

    I have few questions according to the new infomation of ARMA3: 1. Is Israel is the 2035's UN (United Narions)? 2. Where Israel is situated in the arma3 map - http://www.arma3.com/full/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/web_background_europe_map.jpg? I hope if Israel will be a new BLUFOR or INDEPENDENT faction according to the new infomation.
  7. Who i change the factions like CDF vs Russia?
  8. cobra5000

    Project CDF

    Can you add those vehicles ot CDF: 1. AH-1G 2. A-4 3. F-4 4. C-130E 5. AN-2 6. A-1 SKYRIDER
  9. cobra5000

    "Take On" Franchise

    I have few ideas: 1. Take on Helicopters: Apache DLC 2. Take on Planes DLC 3. Take on Safari - watching wildlife around a world 4. Take on Diving - Dive around the ocean with wildlife
  10. Do you know how i make an advanced hint like "Press G" and then new hint or something else?
  11. Check this site for a good start: http://sandbox.darrenbrant.com/ about changing factions, i also request that but you need to edit all vehicles and units from USMC for example to CDF like: CDF BMP2 HQ instead LAV-25 HQ
  12. cobra5000

    Activating Opfor

    Do you mean playable OPFOR?
  13. cobra5000

    Activating Opfor

    If you mean OPFOR trigger to OPFOR group, maybe you shuold link the trigger with group leader.
  14. Do you know how i make a wounded unit to speak before the player kill him or let him die like those examples:
  15. 1. The animation of unit_dead didn't worked. 2. I didn't saw unit_dead speaks.
  16. I'm tried to find the script for wounded nikitin but i didn't found it and i looked at the unpbo mission but i didn't find this thing
  17. Do you know how i do this script after i killed a civilian as punish?
  18. Do you know how i make my own "Provision" Mission like: 1. changing the planes from C-130 to AN-2 for example. 2. changing sides from UN to Russia for example and hostiles.
  19. In the PMC single missions and tample mission editor, there's a mission called P03:"Provision". You Start as C-130 Pilot and drop the supllies and then when you RTB, the player changes to UN officer with his soldiers to take those supllies to thier truck. I want to change the C-130 to IL-76 or AN-2 for example and change the UN group to Russian Group and UN ural to Russian truck.
  20. 1. Do you know how i make an AI unit to chase the player that if the AI is 5 km from player, the AI board his car and chase the player and if the AI is 2 km from player unit, ai gets out from his vehicle and chase plus shoot the player. 2. How i add sounds and transport niackname after i called Transport like 3. How i make a sence that occurs in middle of a mission like 4. How i put satchel charge on the door like just take your time.
  21. Can you make demo missions/campaigns of saveVar like vehicles,units and etc?
  22. cobra5000

    Wild West Mod

    Maybe it's good to add Lucky Luke and the dalton in this mod ;)
  23. i'm looking for those addons: 1. Pre 1982 addons - vehicles,units,aircrafts and more that appeared before the arma:cwa campaign Resistance which happend in 1982. 2. working vietnam addons. 3. Pre CDF Army if exist. 4. T-6 Texan. 5. Legal music-pack addon
  24. Try to put "this allowfleeing 0" to your leading car.
  25. Do you know i make this thing after i get killed: and after i press end, the debrifing is appearing. If you can make a simple example of this, thanks