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Everything posted by chops

  1. chops

    Smarter tanks script

    Great to see the great .kyu back in action!
  2. chops

    HAFM NAVY v1.0

    I know your pain Aplion. While engine updates to Arma are welcome, BIS doesn't seem to do much to ensure backwards compatability. It's infuriating to spend all that time making mods, only for them to become broken every time there's a significant patch.
  3. Texturing has always been too big a hurdle for me. It's straightforward enough - with time and determination - to get a model in game from Blender via O2. Also a texturing tutorial would be of great use to people wanting to do retextures of existing addons as well. Offering to do tutorials on addon making is a huge help to the community, I reckon. So good on ya Burnes!
  4. Good luck with everything. Just keep those top-notch mods coming :)
  5. How on earth do you get away with being such an ungrateful member? Less of the profanity please, even though I agree with your sentiments RR
  6. Thanks to the pioneering work done my mankyle with his LCS 2 technological demonstrator, I've managed to at least get this model in game. If you'll pardon the pun, I'm pretty much all at sea when it comes to the finer points of O2, configs and the like. I'll be stumbling my way through releasing this, hopefully with some help from those of you in the community who are more skilled at this. This addon will represent a "Flight IIA" Arleigh Burke class destroyer of the US Navy. Weapon systems included will be: 1 × 5-inch (127-mm)/62 Mk-45 mod 4 lightweight gun 2 x 20mm Phalanx CIWS* A Verticle Launcher Cell equipped with: RIM-174A Standard ERAM RIM-162 Evolved Sea Sparrow Missle RUM-139 Vertical Launch ASROC BGM-109 Tomahawk cruise missiles 2 × Mark 32 triple torpedo tubes *Flight IIA ships only have one, but I want moar gunz. It will have a functional helideck. The extent and details of this depend on what happens when the game is finally released. I'm not going to invest a load of time on work-arounds or scripts or the like, only to find the game develops in a different direction regarding vehicles on vehicles and PhysX. This will also be the case with weapons and countermeasure systems. Not only do I have no idea how to implement much of a weapons/countermeasures system, I imagine the likes of Mando Missles will be far better anyway, and allow me to concentrate on the model. Cheers Chops
  7. Really impressive work! Love the animations. Now please stop. I'm terrified of sharks :unsure:
  8. Perhaps a module or global command enabling the AI to target and fire upon empty enemy vehicles would help? It's always been a bit of a hack/cheat when under fire from enemy AI when in a vehicle - just jump out and they stop shooting (at the vehicle at least). From the early OFP days it has struck me as a little silly that the AI can distinguish between a manned vehicle and an unmanned one. If you're in an M1 Abrams and you see a T-72, you shoot it, end of story. AI behaviour should reflect that.
  9. Great work with this mod guys! Love your work and looking forward to more. Thanks!
  10. Thanks for all your hard work! Having a lot of fun with this fantastic map :D
  11. More planes from you is only ever a good thing!
  12. Thanks to everyone on the CUP team for all your hard work! Greatly appreciate what you've done for the community!
  13. t.a.6 and anyone else: Drongo69 can't access his BIS account. If you'd like to contact him, you can do so via Steam (Drongo69) or the Armaholic forums (Drongo). Cheers Chops
  14. Hi Neptune, could you please share your config for the missile you made? I'm working on something similar and would love to see how you did it. Thanks! Chops
  15. chops

    CH-46 Knight

    Very impressive! Good luck with it all.
  16. chops


    Thanks for this sollrmartyn. Will be very useful. Out of curiousity, is 100kmx100km the maximum map size in Arma 3? Cheers!
  17. chops

    To the modders

    I realise it would be poor form to quote a 'surly' member's answer to your question, but context is important. As others have said, if you ask "how do I get a model in game?", you deserve what's coming :P I've almost always been provided with detailed answers to my questions, because, having seen how the experienced, well-regarded modders conduct themselves, I try to exhaust all other options before starting new threads or chiming in in other people's. Describe what you're trying to do and why you want to do it in detail, what the problem you're having is, what you've already tried to do to fix it and what results those attempts had. Post pictures and videos. Refer to threads you've already searched. A lot of inference/tone/humour gets lost in text and not everyone here speaks English as a first language. Don't ever start a thread called "Please help!!!!" there's a special circle of hell reserved for those people. :angry:
  18. chops

    PLA Forces

    Fantastic! Am a huge fan of your work. Will have a great time with these! Thank you very much for all your hard work!
  19. First of all, have to say I love this mod. Sahrani remains one of my favourite maps in the Arma/OFP series, you're doing a great job bring it back to life. Secondly, I'm curious as to how difficult would it be to create a version of Sahrani with more ocean around it? Sahrani is on a 20kmx20km map and Altis is on 30kmx30km. Could Sahrani be moved onto a larger map, without making the actual landmass any bigger? The reason I ask is now that aircraft are a lot more fun since the Arma 1 days, it would be nice to have a bit more room to move around, ie taking off from carriers and that sort of thing. Is there a maximum size the actual map, not the island can be? Thanks! Cheers Chops
  20. Hello gentlemen! I am also having a lot of troubles trying to get proxies to work on a plane. I've ported the A2 Su-34 and have made some Kh-35 missiles. I have two BIS weapons and proxies working fine on proxies 1 and 2 (small AA missiles) and on 3,4,5 and 6 (larger BIS AA missiles). The problem is my Kh-35 proxy model won't come off the plane when I fire it. The missiles model flies off the plane, although they're created at proxies 3 and 4, but the proxy model stays, laughing at me as I cry with rage. class CfgNonAIVehicles { class ProxyDriver; class ProxyWeapon; class Proxykh35: ProxyWeapon { model = "\cps_missile\kh35"; simulation = "maverickweapon"; }; }; Class cfgAmmo... class CPS_kh35ammo: MissileBase { model = "\cps_missile\kh35"; proxyShape = "\cps_missile\kh35_proxy"; hit = 1100; indirectHit = 40; indirectHitRange = 10; And in the plane's config... weapons[]={"Missile_AA_03_Plane_CAS_02_F","missiles_Zephyr","CPS_kh35Launcher"}; magazines[]={"2Rnd_Missile_AA_03_F","4Rnd_GAA_missiles","CPS_kh35mag2"}; Hope I'm not intruding on your thread, but seemed like the right place to post. Any help is greatly appreciated! EDIT Forget all of that. I've solved the problem. Proxies should have been linked to the actual missile Kh35 model, not Kh35_proxy. Duuuuuuuuh!
  21. Seems almost rude to make a suggestion, so impressive is C2 already - but I will :P Would love to see rocket launcher troops being ordered to fire on a specific building or position. The same with underslung grenade launchers, if they could be ordered to fire a grenade through a window or into bushes. If the supression command could be expanded to include those, I'd be one even happier camper. Thanks and keep up the great work! Also, thanks for taking the time to make the tutorial video. Cleared a few things up for me.
  22. Quotes need to be differentiated from the rest of a post. Give them a darker different coloured background. The smaller font is also difficult to read.
  23. Niiiiiiiice! Love your work mate! Gonna have a lot of fun with this. :D
  24. The grey text on white background is awful. It's a strain to read large bodies of text. Make it black or blue or something more contrasting. The colour palatte/scheme is weak, these forums are hard to look at for any length of time. The landing page now has a great deal of wasted space, with only one 'latest post' listing and all the pointless 'Arma 3' headings under the whole Arma 3 section are redundant, cluttered and jumbled. ARMA 3 Arma 3 - News, Arma 3 - General, Arma 3 - Zeus, etc, etc, etc. Get rid of the repeated Arma 3 headings, and separate the headings properly. There's two on some lines, three on others, one on yet others. It looks terribly sloppy. The old forums had descriptions and latest post, why remove them? That said, I think the new 'like this post' function is a handy and helpful edition.
  25. Impressive work mate! Keep at it!