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Everything posted by chops

  1. chops

    M4A1 Pack

    Ah shit mate, I think you've earned a drink! Arriba! El bajo! El centro! Para entro! Or something like that.
  2. chops

    M4A1 Pack

    Ah shit mate, I think you've earned a drink! Arriba! El bajo! El centro! Para entro! Or something like that.
  3. chops

    Project mcar public beta release

    This looks sweeet Overdue for some SAMs to take down smart-arsed fly boys!!
  4. chops

    Real life photography/photo editing

    Some great pics of Japan Killagee. I've been living here for about 18 months... No idea who these folk are View from my house at dusk. That's Mt Fuji on the left. Power lines are a pain in the arse! By day. Mandatory temple picture. Feeding time.
  5. chops

    Air support

    you can use the camVehiclecreate command to create a plane anywhere on the map. Have a pilot somewhere on the map, out of harms way, after the plane is created use "pilot" movindriver "plane name" etc etc... PLenty of airsupport scripts at OFPEC
  6. chops

    War against terror

    Ah cmon now Walker! It's not that bad! At least the US government feels ashamed enough to bother to abduct those people and transport them to other countries for torture. Saddam did it in his own back yard! How lucky the Iraqis must feel! How many times did George W Bush say "Freedom and Democrasy!!!" in his speaches in Europe?
  7. chops

    The Iraq thread 4

    Am I the only one who notices this mans tone? You sound like a textbook propaganda minister. Where as some one credible like Denoir would say " The Italians are pulling out of Iraq." you add a Tokyo Rose type flavor to it. @Sputnik Monroe. This seems to be a fairly trivial diversion from the topic. One man's eloquence is another man's propaganda As for the dwindling member of and troops in the "Coalition of the Willing". There's always the obsequious, sycophantic servitude of the not long re-elected Australian Government, who have recently ordered the dispatch of another 450 troops to protect the Japanese troops in Samawa in Southern Iraq. Here's an article.
  8. Erm....you said "any help" right? Well... I know it's possible to turn debriefings off. I had a look at OFPEC and couldnt find out how. The point being if you perhaps created a two mission campaign, with the first mission ending as you reach a certain point on the first island, the second might be able to start without to much interuption, if you can find out how to turn briefings/debriefings off. If you were wanting to fly from one of the 3 original BIS islands to another, you could perhaps use this island addon which has all 3 islands on one......uh "island". You said "any help"!! Edited 30 secs after post. It seems people who know what theyre doing are here now. Best ignore me
  9. chops

    The Iraq thread 4

    Wilco I was thinking the same thing. Not as much news coming out of occupiers dying as before. The poor Iraqi police recruits seem to be continually getting blown to pieces. It must take some courage to line up at those recruiting offices.
  10. chops

    War against terror

    Well said Denoir! Why claim to represent an alternative to the world the terrorists propose? As evidenced by the content of Walker's post at the top of this page, there doesnt seem that much difference between the world the "Crazies" like Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld and Cheney represent and that of the pathologically insane murderers like Mohammed Atta and co. Only difference is who's in charge. @ Miles Teg I agree with you that terrorism needs to be fought at the root cause, ie poverty, disenfranchisement, desperation etc. But none of the Sept 11th highjackers were from this group. In fact I think they were all middleclass and well educated. Best of luck with the job hunting too! The world desperately needs a few level heads to be heard. @Voodzia You define the "aims of terrorists: reduce our freedom and security, cause fear, get own goals [...]". Sounds like the ironically named Patriot Act, the colour coded alerts that tell US citizens just how scared to be and the conquest of Iraq and its oil (which I heard rumoured that Saddam was going to start selling oil in Euros, which would have gutted the US economy) From the point of view of countries with an axe to grind agianst the US, I dont think any of the nationalities present in the 11th of September attacks had nearly as much to complain about as say Laos, Vietnam, Chile, IRAQ, El Salvador, Cuba etc etc.
  11. chops

    War against terror

    Im sick of hearing about terrorism. It's not that big a global problem when you consider the number of people dying of AIDS in Africa or even starving to death. I think the US State department released a report last year, Im sure the number of deaths was much less than 10,000. How many people died from car accidents or from the effects of air pollution? This doesnt mean I condone terrorism in any form. But it's strange how the US military can kill 40 + people at a wedding in Iraq with an airstrike and the government says "Whoops!, but were at war and accidents happen" and still spout off about how the US is "a beacon of hope" to the rest of the world. How many civilians have died as a result of US and it's allies military action since Sept 11th? I wager a fair few more than on Sept 11th. Which I feel compelled to state, for fear of imprisonment, was as much of an attrocity as what the US and my own government (Australia) sees fit to visit on Iraq. "A terrorist is a man with a bomb, but no airforce to drop it" from "Rogue State" by William Blum.
  12. Ah cmon AKK! Dont be like that! This Addon is one of the more imaginative and useful ones around! Better than another supersonic fighter that cant be used properly in OFP. I spent far more time playing with this than any other Addons Ive downloaded and removed after 10 minutes. Even though I never got above BOLO! No doubt this Addon will work its way into a few missions and campaigns before long! One thing though... its 300 "metREs" not "MetERs". "Meter" is for water meter. Please release the fix!
  13. chops

    M4A1 Pack

    You've obviously mastered texturing! Why not have a crack at the config yourself? This utility might help... These looks fantastic! Need an ammo box in the config with em all in it. Been a lot of whinging about too many M4s in OFP. These will shut those whingers up!!
  14. chops

    M4A1 Pack

    You've obviously mastered texturing! Why not have a crack at the config yourself? This utility might help... These looks fantastic! Need an ammo box in the config with em all in it. Been a lot of whinging about too many M4s in OFP. These will shut those whingers up!!
  15. chops

    M4A1 Pack

  16. chops

    M4A1 Pack

  17. chops

    Sea Demon MIG-29 v.3.0

    Gedis. How many of the parts you proudly display in your signature are of Russian design?
  18. chops

    Covering Fire script

    @grunt249 Ah gee whiz mate! You've made me feel all warm and fuzzy! Didn't know anybody ever used that little old script. Thanks for clearing up that military jargon for too. @General Barron Can't wait to have a crack at that script when done. Your efforts are appreciated. You two gentlemen might even make me start playing OFP on the US side again As for the covering fire script. I think the ideal would be to select the numbers in your squad, then use the box thingy that then appears to designate the area to fire on/at. Is this possible? Mapclick would remove the possibility to fire on windows in buildings, wouldn't it? Cheers!
  19. I've been visiting this site for a few months. It's obviously not impartial, but it makes for interesting reading. Sounds like Chavez is doing some good things in Venezuela. Latin American politics seems to revolve around single personalites, rather than whole movements. That's where the right wing bastards out do us lefties... no need to cooperate or listen to other opinions, just shut up and do as your told. Far more efficient.
  20. We'll soon start hearing about Venezuelas weapons of mass destruction...
  21. chops

    Covering Fire script

    I had a go at creating a similar script where grenadiers would use indirect fire after a map click. I tried using this script from OFPEC., but it was beyond my meager abilites and my crap PC that can't ALT+TAB out of OFP. Perhaps this script might help you? BTW..... I was after a very small demo mission of the above script in action. Would be great if somebody erm....cough!...General Barron..cough could whip one up. As for my contribution so far..... not much! I'm really looking forward to trying out this script once you (fellas) have released it! PS. Out of curiousity, what's the difference between covering fire and surpressing fire? Might help me enjoy "Band of Brothers" that little bit more
  22. chops

    JAM3 - Beta testers

    Will the AA weapons (stinger and strela) be included in JAM 3. I think the standard BIS weapons could do with an update. Thanks
  23. chops

    what woul you like

    Id like to see a guitar addon. A few folksy type resistance fellows camped out in the woods, round the campfire... then riddled with bullets from the imperialist Commies. might work well with the wav to lip thing. "Why cant we be friends....." or perhaps a microphone. Or perhaps somebody make a whole band and a stage with some chicken wire Jake Elwood And a Carrie Fisher Addon. Plenty of M16s around.
  24. chops

    M4A1 Pack

    Are you still planning to put some animations on these? I know you're busy with textures at the moment, but any plans for the future?
  25. chops

    M4A1 Pack

    Are you still planning to put some animations on these? I know you're busy with textures at the moment, but any plans for the future?