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Everything posted by chops

  1. chops

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    Very interesting reading for a computer game website!
  2. chops

    War against terror

    I have absolutely no doubt that you would kick somebody in the back for expressing an opinion, ESPECIALLY as a member of the afore mentioned force. Ironic that the US helped rid the world of Nazi fascism 60 years ago, only to decend into it now. All fall in line you little star-spangled-eyed, flag waving, Bush Jugend.
  3. chops

    The Iraq thread 4

    Interesting article about that sniper (previous page). I agree with you Quicksand, hard to fault people fighting the occupying forces, but Zarqarwi and his minions are murderers, plain and simple, they have no objective, other than killing. I remember there was a video released last year of some Iraqi insurgents threatening to kill Zarqarwi, if he didn't stop killing Iraqis and other civillians. Wonder what happened to them...
  4. chops

    War against terror

    Try these facts. Osama Bin Laden was responsible for planning the attacks on the 11th of September 2001. He has not been brought to justice. Nearly four years later and Bin Laden's still laughing at the incompetance of the US military and it's buffoon of a Commander in Chief. Well that last sentence isn't a fact, but it can be safely assumed.
  5. chops

    JAM3 - Beta testers

    Looks to be coming along very nicely! As far as I can tell. One suggestion though, from playing various JAM required missions and through the Tonal campaign. I think it would make things far less confusing for those of us not intimately familiar with ammo and ballistics, if the mags were NAMED, rather than described. For example if a 10x7.62x32 mag (or whatever it is) is only used for an SVD, can't the mag just be called SVD?
  6. chops

    Igla or Strela missile launcher

    That's exactly what I meant
  7. chops

    Igla or Strela missile launcher

    I think it would be great if you could include an extra missile or magazine or whatever it is that had a 100% chance of hitting, or was as accurate as possible. I tried to script a cutscene where a chopper gets downed by a Strela, but it was a pain in the arse as sometimes it would hit, sometimes it would miss. Just a thought
  8. This script acts like a CCIP bombsight, automatically calculating the Impact Point and moving accordingly, using Rastavovich's orginal CCIP script. You get a view of the ground where the bomb will land, X marks the spot, from under the plane. It uses Hardrocks/Vektorboson's keystroke script. "V" camera on "Q" Fire "C" camera off. I'm hoping to get some help/feedback from more talented scripters (ie anybody), as I've got a few ideas for this, such as adding a cutrsc to simulate a MFD and adapting the script so that the camera "targets" the planes current target. Have a look at it at OFPEC Thanks
  9. Firstly I must submit my humble apologies to all of those who were exposed to my previous rant. I have imposed a 4 can posting limit on myself. No more drunken diatribes. Secondly here is some more useful information about this dialogue, taken form the read me.... Final version about 2.0 or something like that. 22 Jul 2005 I added a dialogue with a few bells and whistles, so to speak. Thanks to General Barron for his great Cutrsc/Titlersc Tutorial, and to Vektorboson for his Spy Satellite script, which offered a lot of clues and examples, both available at WWW.OFPEC.COM and included in this zip file. See updated instructions below. Oh and in Apache test, "FIRE" fires the cannon, click "TARG" then exit the dialogue, mapclick near the boats, tell your gunner to target the target with the yellow box around it (right mouse click), then restart the dialogue. Hitting the fire button will fire the cannon on the selected target. You can zoom right in and watch the rounds impact. ##########################INSTRUCTIONS############################### You start flying towards the desert island, you should be pretty much lined up with a T80 tank (slowing to about 300 helps)... Pressing "V" turns on the bombsight/camera/ccip whatever you want to call it, I guess its an MFD, sort of "FIRE" drops a bomb, usually between the cross hairs, if your speed is under 300. You must have bombs selected as your weapon, before you activate the dialoge. "FIRE TC" As above, plus it locks the camera on the the position where the bomb will impact. "RESET" Returns the camera to target the impact point. "RECON" Exits the dialogue and waits for a single mapclick. Once you've clicked a spot, reactivate the dialogue and the camera should now target the spot clicked on the map. "TARG" Is used to target the nearest object to the the currently targeted "RECON" position. Only works for boats and infantry, on Desert Island, I assume. HItting the "Esc" key exits the dialogue. The T80 tank will show up on your radar, which helps you get lined up. There are also two groups of infantry (which dont show up) to practice this script on. They're both marked on the map. Thank you kind people.
  10. Sorry about that... rant removed. It's at OFPEC, about 2/3 of the way down the page.
  11. chops

    Predator Spyplane

    Couldn't you just make a soldier (pilot) addon that was either invisible or very small and just stick him (or her of course ) in the cockpit? Might save a bit of scripting, then you could have the Predator under your control in your group?? Maybe??
  12. chops

    WOOSAA, look what me find

    The BIS stuff is very much outdated, but I think the point of using BIS stuff in the video, is to highlight ECP, not the addons. Everyone know what the old BIS stuff looks like, using addons would confuse people as to what effects were ECP and which came with any addons used. Maybe
  13. chops

    What do you play Ofp with?

    intel 666mhz 512mb ram 128mb video card well, it runs.... enough to try out new addons on desert island in the editor for 15 minutes anyway.
  14. chops

    Squad Control

    I'd like to see... er make that hear, the radio voices changed. Perhaps each unit could shout "Roger!", while within earshot instead of every player having a radio, which I guess is a litte unrealistic at times? I don't know. Also, I get tired of hearing "Seven!!! Go to!!! Bush!!! 4 o'clock!!!!" what I mean is that my orders are screamed at the soldiers, even though we're just getting in a truck. Perhaps the intensity of the voices could increase with danger? Perhaps just two levels instead of one. That would be nice. Thank you and good bye.
  15. chops

    WGL Everon

    Sweeet! Agent Smith's Building pack might be good, although Everon doesn't have any large cities... Also the Finnish buildings pack looks well suited to this project. Keep up the great work, very impressive!
  16. chops

    BF2 Criticism and Thoughts

    BF2 is good from an arcade type point of view. As Miles Teg mentioned above, it's far from "realistic", given all the ballistic values and such. But it is good fun. I haven't been able to find a server where anybody uses the built in VOIP thing though. It seems that on most servers, people just run around as a disorganized rabble, which I dont think takes full advantage of what the game has to offer, considering the command structure, support options etc. I reckon that's why it got such rave reviews. 64 people who all work together, organized into teams and squads, devising your tactics etc, sounds like a lot more fun than blundering about plinking away at anything that doesn't have a blue name above it. And if there was a mallee attack option, the SAW might even have some use
  17. Well, I think it is Here are a few screenshots... Slider at the top of screen is zoomed all the way out. You can just see a bomb about to hit... Theres a mapclick function that makes the camera target the mapclicked spot. The TARG function forces the camera to target the nearest object (only works in water or desert, so far) and displayes the distance to the target and the targets type in the top left corner. You can see Altitude, Speed and Heading are displayed along the bottom and number of bombs remaining at the top right. I've been trying to get a few extra things to work with missiles and there's a chopper version pretty much complete... The HUD background is a picture of Footmunch's execllent F16. Should be all finished soon
  18. chops

    Working Camera Project

    I am I right in guessing that the created .jpg file could be then used in a dialong or Cut Resource, within the same mission?
  19. chops

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    The responsibility lies squarely at the feet of the invading and occupying forces. Geneva convention says so. The arrogance of TBA is staggering, invade a country for no justifiable reason, then expect the inhabitants to do all the dirty work for you. It seems "Vietnamization" was the phase preceeding the withdrawl of US forces. Perhaps we're seeing that already in Iraq? Although it's difficult to imagine TBA doing something wise
  20. chops

    M4A1 Pack

    Either wood or black is fine I think. Just as long as it's scratched and used-looking, like the rest of the gun . Great work Wipman!
  21. chops

    M4A1 Pack

    Either wood or black is fine I think. Just as long as it's scratched and used-looking, like the rest of the gun . Great work Wipman!
  22. chops

    CSJ Pilatus Porter PC-6

    Philcommando made this script which apparently allows the AI to land and take off from anywhere. Unfortunately the link is down. Couldn't find it at OFPEC. Anyone have a copy?
  23. chops

    War against terror

    Calling the Israelis Nazis is racist..... It's definitely unsavoury, but are the Israelis all a single "race"? I've always wondered how the right wing settlers can claim they're "returning to the Homeland" when they're all European white and everyone else in that part of the world is Arabic brown.
  24. Sweeeeet! Fantastic work gentlemen! Just those effects alone look great! Looks to be well worth the wait. I hope the praise you appear to deserve will soon replace the "When? When?!!!" drivel that had been plaguing this thread (albeit because the previous version was so good!)
  25. chops


    Link doesn't work