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Everything posted by chops

  1. chops

    Incoming!! Y.A.A.A...

    Thank you kozri.jp! I'm pleased you like it! To understand how make the enemy AI fire, open the Charge.sara.pbo mission file with a pbo tool and have a look at the scripts used. They make the AI fire at a game logic, which is placed in the editor. I think this would be OK for a movie? To make the AI call artillery on enemy targets, you will need a script, some kind of "knowsabout" command I guess. Zen zen! Anatano eigo wa jiyozu dayo! For anybody else interested, I am still working on this, the next version will be a complete overhaul. I'm working on a control dialogue (below), got the testing, scripting and config writing to do...
  2. chops

    Is there any way to...

    Sadly the helo controls are just one more example of why Arma is so.....disappointing. And what do we get from BIS? "Oh sorry, we know you paid a lot for Arma, we'll do our best to fix it" ? No we get advertising for Arma 2. Imagine you bought a car that didn't work, took it back to the show room, only to be given a shiny new brouchure for next years model. I can't imagine why BIS think anybody will fork out cash for Arma 2, considering the overall negative experiences people have had with Arma 1. I used to love flying helos in OFP, dropping off snipers on roof tops, NOE flying through trees... ah the good old days.
  3. chops

    The Iraq thread 4

    It seems security is improving in Iraq. From what I've read, it's a combination of backlash against the Al Qaeda, Zarqawi types on the part of the Iraqis and the surge in the number of US troops in Iraq. Refugees have started returning, things are looking up BBC article
  4. chops

    Call of Duty Modern Warfare...

    Well, my PCness doesn't extend to PC games, I'd shoot Ghandi and behead Mother Teresa if the graphics and gameplay were right. Anyway COD4 just seemed another basic "fight down this tube", tactic-free game, which is fine, but there just didn't seem anything new, anything to make it stand out from the crowd.
  5. chops

    Call of Duty Modern Warfare...

    Is there much difference between the demo and the finished product? I just finished the demo and it was a nothing special, for me it didn't stand out at all from any of the dozens of other FPS games out at the moment. Sounds were pretty weak too. That said I had a look at the AC-130U mission on Youtube and it looks worth getting the game just for that. How does the multiplayer compare to BF2 (my current arcade-type, bloodlust quencher)?
  6. Looking good gentlemen! Really looking forward to having any carrier in Arma. Franze's F-18 on the Nimitz class and the Wasp with AV-8s from BIS. Sweeeet! Keep up the good work
  7. If only we could be one big happy family and play video games killing our fellow man, all together. Seriously though, cheers for your work on WGL, I enjoy it immensly still. Priorities change life moves on. I will continue to keep an eye on this thread. No doubt the talents of the remaining members will create something that those of us who loved WGL will....er...love.
  8. chops

    WWIIEC : Caen 1944

    Well this is without doubt the most impressive thing I have seen on these forums (inc Arma) for a very long time. I salute your hard work and greatly look forward to playing with the final product.
  9. chops

    Incoming!! Y.A.A.A...

    This is not a mod, it's an addon. A mod modifies the game config, an addon is, well, added on content. This addon basically does what you're after, but if you don't want the burden of 175kb worth of addon files, have a look at this script. Happy hunting.
  10. chops

    AAN - ArmA Navy

    Is that Akula that never made it to release? I loved Everon Cartel's sub, made a few editor missions with COC torpedos never detonated when they hit it, they just kept swimming along, pushing the sub away in a very gentle, non-violent fashion, which is more humane, but not what one needs in a wargame. Anyway that screenshot looks great! Textures look good. What kind of functions is it going to have? Top stuff!
  11. I don't understand how Iraqi forces can possibly be operating in Europe (Nogova, Malden etc)? Whatever you decide TB, I'm sure it'll be sweet!
  12. chops

    PROPER Mods

    Good work! Anything from anyone associated with WGL is well worth a look!
  13. chops

    Incoming!! Y.A.A.A...

    Hi all, sorry for taking a while to post here, been busy. Viper169th. No offence taken at all mate, as you said, I did ask for anybody to pitch in with anything that they could, much appreciated. It's a relatively simple addon, in game, but putting it together took me back to the bewildered state of year 11 maths class at times (minus the schoolgirls ). Thanks for your efforts mate! El nino Foxhound. Good onya for sussing it out champ. I'd be well pissed off if I saw another thread with "Oooh look what I made" only to discover it was my work. Seems there's a bit of that a foot at the moment. Thanks for looking out for me! acog99. Probably not. I think it'd just need some public global variables or something. I'll look into it. snoops_213 As Viper169th said, NWD's excellent work updates the M119's projectile's ballistics to realistic values, see NWD's post on page one. Time permitting, I will be updating this with MP functionality and NWD ballistics compatability which will increase range out to the more realistic ~11,000m. There is a rocket assisted shell with a range of 19,000m but it's not a priority. Thanks to you all for your interest in this. I made and played the small demo missions while running Madmatt's effects mod and FDF's sound mod. I recommend them for much improved sounds and explosion/smoke effects for artillery strikes. Thanks. Chops.
  14. chops

    Political Change

    Who cares? I want to go shopping .
  15. chops

    What made OPF better?

    The fact that it works properly. I'm glad people are enjoying playing ARMA, I don't wish to detract from their fun, but for me, ARMA just screams sloppy, sloppy, sloppy. It'd make an impressive beta in it's current form.
  16. chops

    AAN - ArmA Navy

    Sweeet! Looking really good. Do the Mando Missile scripts credit wins though? Are the missiles actualy "fired" or camcreated? Keep up the great work!
  17. chops

    The Iraq thread 4

    Obviously you're right in the fact that the UN is not a world government, it is however a forum for the rest of humanity to voice their opinions on what's happening. It's also disturbing to note how the US used non-compliance with UN security council resolutions as justification to "Disarm Sadam", then invaded despite no backing from the very same UN security council . Not to mention the gross double standards applied by the US, considering the much higher number of UN resolutions Israel has defied with impunity. So it's fine to be a lying warmonger then? As long as you don't believe your own lies? I'd hardly call it foolish to expect elected representatives conduct themselves with honesty and integrity. If democracy is just a vehicle for the rich, powerful and disgraceful to get obtain more power still, if it is so flawed, why is it so vital it be forced upon Iraq?
  18. chops

    Stupid AI behavior

    I'm assuming you've tried ?I only ask because I got caught out with the same thing, assuming "green' meant they'd not fire at all, when they will.
  19. chops

    CoC Command Engine X

    I have just discovered something strange in that the coc_cex pbo seems to somehow clash with the sight adjustment addon. I definitely can't figure out why. Can anyone replicate this? I get a "sound gmj_sightadjustmentclick not found" error if the coc_cex pbo is installed when I run the sightadjustment mod. I have tried removing various addons, and this seems to be the culprit. As for the command engine itself, I am greatly looking forward to further developments regarding the commanding AI. WIll be interesting to see what can be cooked up between this and the impending DAC. Cheers for your hard work!
  20. A "Search this thread" function would have saved thousands of unintentionally pointless posts and countless hours of frustration ! 1) This mod doesn't change the sights of any weapons, it adjusts the point at which he rounds impact. Dunno how exactly. If you're after different sights/recticles have a look at NonWonderDog's excellent realistic ballistics, which includes new versions for most of the default weapons sights/recticles. 2) As far as I can tell, this mod doesn't work for the m203 and I don't think the m203 has adjustments for windage and elevation IRL, just line up the correct spot on the ladder-looking sight, to adjust for range. Something I was disapointed wasn't present in Arma. All this is from memory as this mod has started to throw the "sound gmj_sightadjustmentclick not found" error at me again . I have the addon in the modfolder @GMJ_SightAdjustment, I have "C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA\arma.exe" -nosplash -mod=@NWD_Ballistics;@NWD_ScopeFix;@GMJ_SightAdjustment in the shortcut line. I put the "sightadjustmentauto init" pbo (from the extended eventhandler addon) in the main addons folder. Everything seems to be where it should be, yet it doesn't work
  21. chops

    Tank Fire Control Systems

    Fantastic! I love this stuff! Looks like a huge amount of time has gone into this mate. Well done and thank you!
  22. chops

    ArmA is just ... disappointing

    Nice!! I wonder how many people are looking forward to Codemasters OFP2 compared with BIS's Arma 2?
  23. chops

    Movement precision

    I have found this extremely frustrating too. It's sadly typical of the sloppy nature of Arma. It's inexcusable that something that worked OK in a previous version, is now a bug in the next, suposedly superior version. I keep getting sucked into playing/editting Arma, by her prettier face, only to return to the less beautiful, yet faithful OFP. There are a few good mods about, but even these are dedicated to repairing the game rather than changing/enhancing it.
  24. Fantastic news! I loved DAC in OFP, I can't wait to try this out. Looking forward to some great Arma missions now! I poked around in the DAC scripts in OFP, I can only imagine how much work must've gone into this. Hats off!
  25. chops

    The Iraq thread 4

    More bad news for The Bush Administration. Read the whole article here.