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Everything posted by chops

  1. chops

    World in Conflict Map Making Contest

    I bought this game on Ebay, played the first two missions about 4 months ago and haven't touched it since. Their just seed no real strategy to it at all. It did seems to require any thought, just furious mouse clicks. It doesn't provide the player with any opportunity to plan anything. Another thing that irritated me was the necessity of micro-managing units. As commander, I shouldn't have to tell a Bradley to fire it's TOW at an enemy tank. I'm hoping to be proved wrong though. Can anyone enlighten me to the joys of this game?
  2. chops

    Radovan Karadzic sacked

    Good to see this fiend arrested at last. Though I wonder how many of the foot soldiers who did the actual dirty work have been brought to trial? There seem to be some well-informed people around here (excluding you Spokesperson), I'm curious to know. I've got a few friends from and in that part of the world, one quote I remember is "What the Germans did (the holocaust) was clinical and robotic, what we did was personal." 60 years after WWII the Germans and Italians seem to get on alright with the rest of Europe, will that ever be the case in the Balkans? Here in Australia, some of the younger kids (mid-teens) of people who settled here after or during the wars, carry on with their Serb/Croat nationalist bullshit, as if being forced to move to the other side of the planet wasn't a big enough hint about where that shit gets you.
  3. chops

    International Politics Thread

    I read somewhere that Israel has defied about four times the number of UN security council resolutions than Saddam-era Iraq ever did. And it was enforcing resolution number 14-blah-blah that was quoted over and over again as reason to invade Iraq. Israeli government policy towards the Palestinians is a railroad and a extermination camp short of what the Nazi did to the Jews in '40s. And this same government has nuclear weapons, it's frightening. As fucked up as the situation in Israel is, I'm a world less worried about them having nukes than the fruitcakes in Iran. No government ever represents all the people, even more so in the Allah-tatorship in Iran, but this is fundamentally fucked-up society...still stoning people to death. At least any nuke wielding Israeli government will have to answer to the US and to it's own people. Israel's actions since the '67 war are the root of a lot of this shit. But I can't see how murdering them in a nuclear attack is less of a crime, or remotely justified. It seems the nutters on both sides have hijacked foreign policy. The fiery spirit in the sky worshipping mullahs in Iran and the fundamentalist settler-types in Israel (don't tell me to stop killing children, you're an anti-semite). All we need is to send Spokesperson over there and all the factions will unite in incredulous hilarity at his continuing arse-backwards view of the world.
  4. chops

    Operation Flashpoint 2 officially announced

    "Chops is now friends with Operation Flashpoint 2" I'll also have to update my status to "Chops now has no chance of shagging any of the girls in his friends list" ANyway, as far as I see it, both Codemasters and BIS have OFP to their credit, while only BIS carries the burden of the Arma debacle, so I'm expecting a better product from CM, from the information currently available on both games. All I've seen of Arma II is some new trees and read that the AI will shout, which ECP introduced in the OFP days. That said, brand loyalty counts for shit and I will by a FPS from McDonalds if it looks the goods.
  5. chops

    Attack on Mccord AFB

    Niiiice! Some interesting stuff there. Are they your photos? Looks like great fun. Thanks for posting.
  6. chops

    Operation Flashpoint 2 officially announced

    Nice work there Victor. Makes OFP2 an even better prospect when laid out like that. Were I to have any potential concerns about OFP2, it would be the modding side of things. I hope it'll be at least as modable as OFP.
  7. chops

    Operation Flashpoint 2 officially announced

    My money's on CM at the moment, considering the barely playable state Arma was in when released, I've lost a great deal of faith in BIS to say the least. CM seem to be a lot more focused on what they want to get done too, compared to some Spanish/African mishmash Island etc etc.
  8. chops

    Gun Pod for Hinds

    Will all/both barrels be able to fire at once? It seems BIS never fixed the problem in OFP, where bullets would only fire from one point on a vehicle at once. Shilkas only ever fire from one barrel etc. There is an addon around with a scripted fix for this problem though.
  9. chops

    Anyone Worried

    If that's her in your avatar, give her one for me too. I don't think any of this will lead to the end of the world, only of the human race.
  10. chops

    Project RACS

    Nice one! I especially like the looks of the Rapier, I reckon more SAMs are definitely needed.
  11. chops

    Generic Opfor

    What's wrong with the models in the screen shots? Looked fine to me!
  12. Really looking forward to both of these projects! Seems as though they'll be well made too, not just eye-candy. Just out of curiosity...what's that box-looking thing on the outer hardpoint in the pic of the Venezuelan Mi-28?
  13. chops

    Warfare v1.0

    Was flying about in an A-10 and I think my mate was setting up artillery when this error occurred... Pretty nice mission overall.
  14. chops

    Warfare v1.0

    Might be a dumb question, but how do you re-arm once you've landed a plane? Didn't last long enough in the choppers to find out, but I guess you can do that at a base?
  15. I wouldn't describe it as a 'downfall' mate. As with any project in OFP, things take longer than expected. Perhaps a bit more was bitten off than could have been chewed, true. But I have really enjoyed the few missions I played with this mod. I think this era is perfect for OFP, in that it's not quite the point and click battle of today. The stand out for me in this mod are the ships. Granted they could've been movable with a bit of scripting, but they look and 'feel' just right. Another highlight was the exploding planes. With the release of the MLODs for Arma, I was thinking of seeing if I could implement it there. BUt then I remembered I know nothing about modeling/texturing. I guess in comparison to other mods like FDF for example, Falklands never got much attention on MP servers (from what little I know of MP). Also the timing of the release was unfortunate, around the same time as Arma. What I'm trying to say is that the work that went into Falklands is/was perhaps underutilised, but not under appreciated. My hat's off to all involved.
  16. chops

    Bolivia nationalizes the gas industry.

    I have to concede defeat too. There is no reasoning with you Spokesperson. You seem to be the David Irving of the USSR's horrors. What you hold is faith, not belief in communism, the refusal to see reality, the abandonment of logical, rational criticism. You do not seem able to find any faults with communism or good points about capitalism. There is no discussion to be had. I also find your refusal to acknowledge the brutalities of the Soviets absurd. Who the fuck do you think you are to say "it never happened"? You don't seem to be able to understand how offensive it would be to somebody who's been through that, to have some little punce who's never even been there, declare his/her horrific experience a myth. As highlighted by scubaman3D, if you're such a proponent of communism/socialism, why not go and live in Cuba? Ahhh no more PC games for you! You obviously bought OFP or Arma, therefore you are an evil, bourgeois, counter-revolutionary capitalist like the rest of us. However I'll add hypocrite to that list.
  17. chops

    Bolivia nationalizes the gas industry.

    Well another point about Scandinavia is that it has to date provided it's citizens with the highest quality of life in history to date. If you look at any international survey for things like freedom of the press, education, and other standards of living, the Scandinavian countries are always at the top. Why not aspire to their systems? Maybe not technically, but surely, surely Spokesperson you cannot tell us that nobody was punished for speaking out against the Soviets? You seem to have taken a step from zealous to delusional. I have been through parts of Central and Eastern Europe and people there told me of what happened in Hungary in the '56, what happened in '68 in Czechoslovakia.
  18. chops

    Bolivia nationalizes the gas industry.

    Well, you see my opinion is based on events in that region, rather than on "fashion", as you put it. Besides I don't think anybody in Latin America is planning to introduce a Soviet model economic or political system. They're probably more similar to systems in Scandinavia, with highly unionised work forces and comparatively strong state industries. Do you really think Bolivia is going to invade, loot and pillage it's neighbours? This is a very complex and indeed interesting topic, lessened by simplistic statements like that. Again, many elements of the Scandinavian countries' social, political and economic systems could/could have been considered socialist. Anything other than the "neo-liberal" economic model does not automatically equal Soviet style repression.
  19. chops

    Bolivia nationalizes the gas industry.

    Obviously there were some benefits to people under the Soviet system. I wouldn't put being jailed for not agreeing with it very high up the list though. And the one point that I feel discounts all arguments for the Soviet system... it collapsed into a stinking heap. Chavez, Morales, Lula, Bachelet (sp ?) and even Ortega in Nicaragua are not communists. They are leftists of course, and some further left than others. They are not trying to ban private property or anything like that, they're just trying to implement economic policies that many Western countries do. And they have all been democratically elected. Considering the appalling record the US has in it's treatment of Latin America, it's no surprise that people are voting for a economic model different to that found in the US. Don't forget that it was only since Regan and Thatcher that state assets had to be flogged off and 'market forces' became a mantra for every action governments take. Ever since the end of WWII, economies have been going back and forth from a Keynesian, state managed model, to the free markets promoted by Hayek. There's a very interesting documentary series (based on the book) called 'Commanding Heights' which details all of this.
  20. Nice truck FischKopp! Really looking forward to seeing more of your work. Any progress on the Tarawa?
  21. chops

    Bolivia nationalizes the gas industry.

    I once saw a doco, I think it was called "The Corporation", in which it was revealed that Bectel (a subsidiary of Haliburton) bought Boliva's water company. Privatisation was a condition of Bolivia getting help from the World Bank or IMF. Anyway, the bastards at Bectel raised the price of water astronomically, plunging the poorest of the poor into even more pathetic povertutionality. They even made it ILLEGAL for people to collect the rainwater that fell on their own shitty little shacks. The peasants didn't stand for it though, they (the entire town) gathered in the town square, held a vote, and declared the water re-nationalised! Viva la revolucion!
  22. chops

    Project 941 Akula Ver 1.2

    If it's not too much extra work for you Gnat, an OFP version would be greatly appreciated. I can't tear myself away from old faithful OFP! I think I saw a screenshot of this sub in your Arma navy thread? Is that right?
  23. Sounds good! But remember if you're going to make this Iraq specific, you'll need to make everything else to go with it, ie Iraqi crew, other Iraqi vehicles, then Iranian opfor too, there is an Iraq/iran border map though, I think. An Iraqi tank all by itself might not see the usage it deserves. I imagine a few variants would be easy enough to make, once the basic model is done? Then you could perhaps have a generic guerrilla version, SLA version, Soviet version etc that would definitely see a lot of use. RHS did a great job with their T-55 pack in OFP. Well that's my 2 cents anyway. Best of luck with whatever you decide to do. Edit: spelling
  24. chops

    Project 941 Akula Ver 1.2

    Does that mean no release for OFP? There are still a few of us around who'd love to see this beast in the waters of Nogova!
  25. chops

    Scripted Objective System

    I enjoyed this very much! Good work Tacrod! This is ideal for testing out new unit addons, rather than just fucking about with them for 2 minutes in the editor. You can just change a few lines in the scripts and you're ready to go. Nice one!