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Everything posted by chops

  1. That building looks like great fun to attack and defend from. Does it have building positions and AI paths?
  2. chops

    Project RACS

    Well said Blink. There's a reason those dickheads say it all by PM, they know they'd get shouted down in the threads. It seems addon makers need to be very think-skinned, people who are happy with the addon may or may not post feedback, those who are unhappy probably will. It's obviously much easier to bitch and moan about other's work than to learn 02 yourself.
  3. chops

    Government internet filtering in Australia

    It does indeed seem that this absurd plot to destroy my electronic interwebs is dying a slow slow death. Sadly, Conroy seems too stubborn to back down and will waste time and money on the test before declaring that he's given it careful and considered thought and decided against it. Wanker!
  4. Nice work Mehman. I'm no modeller, but one thing that stood out for me was the kind of sharp-looking edge on the front of the wooden fore-grip (?). It doesn't look as bevelled as the rest of the woodwork. You can see a good close up of what I'm rambling on about here Good luck with it, it looks great already!
  5. Looks good! Will the angle of the missile to the aircraft effect the probability of a hit? Eg Less chance head-on, compared to from behind, where the engines and their bigger IR signature are? Cheers
  6. chops

    Project RACS

    The Mig-23 is looking really nice Forgive me for nit-picking and you probably know this already, but as far as I know, the Mig-23 didn't carry air-to-ground weapons. The Mig-27, which is almost identical to the Mig-23 except for the nose and air in-takes is the air-to-ground version. I hope you understand I'm just trying to add my own 2 cents to what looks to be a very promising project, and not simply trying to shoot down (get it? ) your hard work.
  7. chops

    Project RACS

    Ahh didn't know that, I guess the former Eastern Bloc countries have some good examples of different systems/weapons. To go a bit off-topic. The Royal Australian Air Force is soon going to replace it's mighty F-111s, with the F-35 . I reckon the Su-34 would be a far better option.
  8. chops

    Project RACS

    Firstly, you fellas are doing some great work. As a die-hard OFP recalcitrant, you temp me to dance with the Arma devil. Secondly. If it's FFARs for the Pumas, perhaps the western version? They look like the Russian version and while RACS may wel employ a mish-mash of whatever works best, it might be more consistent to have the same source of weapons on one platform, no? Keep at it gents!
  9. chops

    Razani, North Waziristan Map

    I haven't tried Arma DAC, but in the OFP version, there's a default limit on the steepness and height of the terrain that you can have waypoints and spawnpoints on. It's probably just a matter of adjusting a few values in a script.
  10. chops

    Government internet filtering in Australia

    Fielding is fuckwit of the highest order. "Family First" And who's family would that be exactly? Oh right.... your family and their "values". "Family First" As if orphans have for too long been the ruin of this country. He's a disgrace and we've got Labor to thank for it as they did a preference deal so as to limit the chances of another Greens Senator. He should fuck off back to church, the gap-toothed retard.
  11. chops

    Government internet filtering in Australia

    Ah you mean this kid? Turns out the little bugger is now offering his wisdom to the government. I reckon Conroy got sat down in his new shiny office, swivelled back and forth a few times in him comfortable leather chair and then thought to himself "Well, I'm not getting much attention now that the election is over... hmmm... I know... I'll ruin the internet!" The whole idea from principle to practicality is absurd. Never thought I'd say it, but I'm p...pp pp fuck it, pleased the Liberals will block the necessary legislation in the senate.
  12. Loooooove the F-111! That'll be a fine addition to the Arma skies! On a side note, the ADF are mad to replace it with the JSF
  13. chops

    RIP Greg "Hooahman"

    Poor Hooahman. Did he suggest BIS update/fix/change the forums?
  14. chops

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    I was visiting my friend in Denmark a few years ago, we went to a pub in Copenhagen on a Tuesday afternoon. We sat down, had a couple of beers and chuckled to himself. When I asked why, he said some people at the other side of the bar were complaining about how far they had to travel to the social security office from the pub. Here in Australia, being on the 'Rock n Roll' (dole), is often seen as a rite of passage. Whenever people say "I'm on the dole" it usually gets a "Yeah why not? Fuck work!" in response. Though "Dole Bludgers" are a perennial target of the tabloid media. I saw a doco on tv once, apparently wolves will save a bit of the kill for injured members of the pack. Can't see why we shouldn't throw the povotutionals a few crusts now and then too.
  15. chops

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    Hmmm....coulda sworn there was some anthrax flying about the place... No massive financial catastrophes or abandonment of New Orleans. Phew! War is the victory of forgetting over remembering, or something like that.
  16. chops

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    Obama baby! Yeeeah! Have to say I was very impressed with McCain's concession speech (though he's had a long time to work on it). He was very noble and gracious in defeat I only wish Obama had fired Biden and offered the job to Pallin, that way we'd have a sane man at the top, and still a steady stream of hilarious Youtube vids. Imagine the scene... Bush having to show Obama around the White House. I bet he get's lost "This here's the Library Osama errr.... Barrack... I don't go in here none too much"
  17. chops

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    Well if I could vote, I'd have to give it, begrudgingly, to Obama. McCain has my respect, but Sarah Palin is indeed a disgrace. Neither candidate is particularly inspiring and the whole election has been around Sarah Palin's fucking clothes, lipstick on pigs, Joe the fucking plumber (who wasn't a plumber?), some whacko from the 1960s who blew shit up when Obama was 8, change this, change that. "I said change first, then he said change", "Oh no he won't change things, I'll change things". WTF are you two idiots talking about? How and what is it that you plan to "change", for fucks sake? "A plague on both your houses!"
  18. chops

    World In Conflict

    I bought it on Ebay, as something a bit more jump-in, have fun jump out, than knuckling down to an OFP mission or a IL-2 sortie. I played the first two campaign missions and haven't touched it since. For me it just seemed totally lacking in tactics, just a matter of being able to select units and tell them what to target, before they get blown up. One thing in particular that keeps me from going back to it was that the player has to direct the Bradleys to fire their TOW missiles at tanks. I should be able to leave them in position and trust that when faced with a T-80, they'll have enough sense to fire a missile at it.
  19. chops

    F 14  Tomcat

    I found this on the F-14 page at Wikipedia Easy for me to say when I don't have to make a new Sparrow model to replace the Phoenix I have seen pictures of F-14s with 6 Phoenix, but apparently they are just done for promotional/press photo shoots. I guess the F-14 could land on a runway with that weight, but not on a carrier. Not a big deal of course. Looking forward to next release.
  20. chops

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    Well whoever wins, I imagine there won't be many tears around the US or the globe to see the back of Dubya. I can still remember watching that whole 2000 election debacle unfold on TV.
  21. chops

    F 14  Tomcat

    Nice work mate! It's probably (OK definitely) nit-picking, but as far as I can tell from internet land, the F-14 never carried six AIM-54s, according to Wikipedia anyway. Keep up the good work. Looking forward to the next version!
  22. chops

    Should I buy Operation Flashpoint

    I have both games. Though I uninstalled Arma out of frustration. It just doesn't do Operation Flashpoint (OFP) justice as a sequel. Seems a lot of Arma modding being done are more like repairs than enhancements or modifications. The highlight of OFP for me is the diversity and quality of the available mods, the pick of the bunch being Wargames League (WGL). It's a realism mod and changes the engagement ranges, ammo and armour values, soldier loadouts, the whole game. It adds USMC units too. There are thousands of addons too. http://ofp.gamepark.cz/ Also have a look at this OFP thread for some info on mods, addons, missions, campaigns etc. Or send me a PM if you like and I'm happy to recommend the best stuff I've played with. I imagine you'd be able to buy Operation Flashpoint at a pretty low price these days. The graphics are indeed old, but it's generally all-round better package.
  23. chops

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    I can't imagine a scenario where a nuke would possibly be of any use against insurgents. I'd guess they know the US has them. Detonating a nuke would further set back the USA's already very shaky image in the rest of the world. French nuclear testing in the Pacific in the 1990s is still bitterly remembered here in Australia. Atmospheric testing of nuclear weapons put more radioactive material into the atmosphere (and the food chain) than the Chernobyl disaster. Even the wacky North Koreans set theirs off underground.
  24. chops

    Government internet filtering in Australia

    I forgot to mention in the first post, that upgrading internet infrastructure was one of the Labor Parties key policy platforms during the last federal election. Here's an article from 2007. 2007 - "Vote for us! We'll give you wonderful interwebs!" 2008 "We'll further retard your already shitty interwebs, lol." So far, this plan is getting a pasting in all the media. The Liberal Party (who are conservative) opposition have said they will not back the legislation, so the government will need the support of The Greens and Fruitcake senator Steven Fielding to pass this bullshit. What an awful waste of money!
  25. chops

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    Jeez dude. Relax. Just having a bit of fun with ya! I thought the little smiley face man there might have lightened the tone a bit. Sheesh! Edit: Quote added. Well said Mr Hitchens