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Everything posted by chops
How about knocking together a few feral Carlton supporters to lob grenades at? @Soul_Assassin Something to drop your BMD out of? Looks good!
There have been a few addons which have attempted to fill the huge gap in game-play that is bafflingly still present in Arma, the lack of artillery. As for my own meagre efforts, it's the fact that UA1.1 was so great that it kind of put me off, knowing that I'd never get even close. Of course neither of these addons are MP friendly, yet  . But they are as you rightly wish for, player controlled through a forward observer and AI fired. Having the AI call in the arty was usually mission-scripted in UA1.1 too (Counter-battery excluded). If you haven't already, I'd recommend a play around with VIper's artillery. Granted it's SP only, but it does offer genuine indirect fire support, not camcreated shells. And you'd be surprised who'd think it was fun to blast away at unseen enemies, racking up your kills
Impressive work mate! How many missiles/bombs have you got in the pipeline? Are you planning to release an addon pack or give them to the aircraft makers as needed? Are you making any US/Western stuff? Those wings animated? Why is the sky blue?
Hi, I just dropped in to tell you that you're wasting your time working on this project. Obviously you enjoy modding for OFP, or else this topic wouldn't exist, but that's not quite enough evidence to discourage me from shitting in your cornflakes. I used to swing by other threads and contribute nothing by simply saying "I don't like this". But now, I've progressed to dictating what others should do with their free time. I have no interest in cycling, but there must be an internet forum somewhere where I can tell people to stop doing so. Regards Pisser-on-Parades
Unbelievable... True story.
You've got me a little confused here General Barron. First you say that but then the blame is on the citizens for voting them in I think you'll agree that the 'every single citizen of the world' part is a non-sensical exaggeration. As I'm sure you know, this whole mess started with the sub-prime mortgage crisis. Banks lending to people they knew, or didn't care if they could pay the loans because the US housing market was booming, ie lend $250k, doesn't matter if they default as the house with be worth $275k in a year. I fail to see how that's the whole world's fault. Though I do agree that there is definitely a buy-now-pay later attitude around. I also think that there has been a shift in recent years away from any government debt. A small bit of limited and manageable government debt can be used to build infrastructure which can then boost the economy. However what we've seen here with this endless pit of money being splashed around is quite the opposite. As you say GB, just a big slush fund for corporations to cry poor and get their snouts into.
Woops! Wrong button.
I recall watching a doco about the lead up to WWII. At one point kids were playing with stacks of worthless money in the street, as the German government had printed money in order to solve their problems, leading to hyper-inflation. Another scary thought is that if the arse falls out of the US dollar, then other countries will no longer hold it in reserve, switching to the Euro instead, exacerbating the problem. If things get worse with Iran, they might start selling their oil in Euros too. I heard a rumour that Iraq had threatened to sell it's oil in Euros, that being a major factor in the decision to invade in '03. Whatever happens, it shows that the whole financial system was fucked to start with. How can the whole global economy be grinding to a halt thanks to a few greedy dickheads? It all seems to run on sentiment and emotion. Greed or fear.
Fantastic work gentlemen! Looks like you have some great innovations with the MFDs.
Baff1, you make no sense whatsoever. You accuse me of things you openly admit to yourself, your standpoint changes with every post. Before I wash my hands of this round-and-round-the-mulberry bush nonsense, I will leave you with what my research into the link you provided uncovered; Surely you would have checked that first yourself? Trying to have a debate with you is a bit like the Mad Hatter's Tea Party, just without the tea or the fun.
Baff1, you'd best get on to Amnesty International and tell them to stop their cultural imperialism quick smart. The nerve of them! I trust they will find your unique brand of anti-logic as hilarious as I do. Please point me to a link where race is defined by religion. Bernadotte, neither name-calling nor bigger fonts will get you anywhere. Balschoiw, well said sir. Imagine the death toll were the UK to have responded to the IRA in Israeli style, or the Indians to Pakistani militants etc etc etc. I could scarcely believe my ears when I heard the Israeli spokesman Mark Regev saying the IDF is doing it's utmost to prevent Palestinian civilian casualties. A strange thing to say while dropping bombs on their houses. And to then tell them that Hamas is to blame! Are they seriously thinking that support for Hamas will decrease after the IDF murder people's kids and destroy their houses? Israel has defied about four times the number of UN Security Council resolutions that Iraq ever has. It was the enforcement of one resolution that the US et al used to invade Iraq.
Baff1, if The Bard himself were alive today, and commissioned to write a piece of brilliant idiocy, he'd be hard pressed to beat that. You see, there's a little bit of a clue in the word itself: Racism, it's to do with race. You're presumption to change the English language as you see fit, forces me into the ridiculous position of having to inform you that there are adherents to Islam in every race. Ever been to a public execution in Saudi Arabia? At first I was horrified at the thought, then I realised that made me a racist and now I can't wait to go and experience this ancient cultural custom! Â @Bernadotte. What the fuck are you talking about? "Islam, Christianity, Judaism are ridiculous". Oh that makes me a bigot? I hope you can find it in your heart to include me in your evening prayers.
It sends me into fits of incandescent rage when so-called 'progressive' or 'left-wing' people (a pigeon hole I generally belong in), leap to the defence of Islam. Here in Australia, people generally have no problem deriding, mocking and ridiculing Christianity, and rightly so. However, if you dare say one word against Islam, you'll instantly be decried as a 'racist' (when did Islam become a race?), anti-immigration and pro-Israel's liquidation of the Gaza ghetto. "Why don't those Mormon virgins go on a sex tour of Thailand instead of accosting me in the street with their bullshit? If there was a god, the whole world would have access to $10 whores" Â "Why do the Muslim chicks wear the rags on their heads? Is it so they've always got a tea-towel ready to dry the dishes?" "AAaaaaaarrrgh! That's so prejudice I can't believe it! Oh no! you're such a pig! YOu have be tolerant of other people's cultures and religions." No I do not. There is an exemption from the racial and religious vilification act here. And who is it for? Religious groups and schools. A couple of months ago, a Jewish woman was fined for crossing the road against the lights. She argued that as it was the Sabbath, she wasn't allowed by religion to 'touch electrical devices'. The police withdrew the fine and the local council has now spent tax-payer's money on making the pedestrian lights automatic, so the button need not be pushed for the lights to change and our pre-enlightenment savage can wander about the first world with her third-world superstitions paid for by others. True story. @Baff C'mon mate, you're smarter than that.A) As above, since when is Islam a race? B) Accusing others of racial intolerance by comparing them with Nigeria? It's definitely a grey area. Where is the line between adapting to new cultures and absolute right and wrong? However, treating women as equals is just plain right, end of story, no fucking "oh well in their culture you have to understand that...". No.
An interesting and though-provoking post there Jdb. But I think you've answered your own question as to the reason for absence of protests against Arab v Arab or Muslim v Muslim conflicts. Protesting against any government actions or policy in the majority of Arab countries can quickly find you in a world of shit.
Strange that the army would use a picture of a marine to demonstrate the M4 though.
Sweet! I'm especially looking forward to the F-15E. You've probably already seen it, but here is an interesting site on the F-15E, with a lot of information on different loadouts. It seems the F-15E never flies without the AN/AAQ-33 or AN/AAQ-13 targeting/navigation pods. Are you planning to add those? I realise they'd only be functionless eye-candy in-game, but there's nothing wrong with a bit of a perv is there?
Hence their hypocrisy. Will I walk you through it again?
True, but how is 'serving your country' in a war so highly thought of, when financially serving your country is so reviled, voluntarily or otherwise? Are you seriously trying to say that the tax rate on average income in the US is 50% ? It seems the highest taxation rate (which starts at $357,701) is 35%. Interesting to use the word 'state' a faceless, Orwellian oppressor when paying taxes. Would you also say the 4000+ who died in Iraq were fighting for the State? What do you see as the difference between 'country' and 'state'? On that point sir, we are in complete agreement. I thought what was at issue was the governments right to collect taxes.Die for country = glory. Pay for country = theft/communism/trampling my rights. In my opinion the current financial mess has been brought about by the whole free-market fundamentalist, regulation = communism, hands-off our stock exchange attitude. And to where do these champions of hyper-liberalised finance turn when it all goes belly up? Yes that's right, the very governments they demanded keep out of their affairs.
Sounds like a lot of good stuff coming! Good luck with it all. I'll be keeping an eye out.
It's interesting (and I'm making a huge generalisation here) to see how averse a lot US citizens are to paying tax, compared to their European friends at least. Seeing how joining the military, fighting, killing and dying for your country appears to be held in such noble regard in the US, it seems strange that "I will fight and die for my country, but there's no way in hell a government can take away my freedom and make me pay taxes!" It seems people will offer their lives 'for the country', but not a set fraction of their income. Seems strange to be willing to die for the same people you're outraged at the prospect of giving a few dollars to. I recall Palin trying to tap into that sentiment in the election, saying something about how they didn't enjoy paying tax while her son was in the military (who pays his wages?). Again, just a thought.
And where exactly do you get that information from? There were no Hamas militants in the UN school, as the IDF has now admitted and the UN always maintained The IDF also seem very pleased with the results of limiting journalists' access to Gaza, so they can do their dirty work away from prying eyes. This assault on Gaza is at best un-professional and at worst a war crime. How exactly do they expect to weaken Hamas by killing hundreds of children? This will be a boon for all the nut-cases out there trying to recruit jihadi-fanatics.
I really admire your attention to detail mate. This looks really impressive. I'm looking forward to bringing death, destruction and ruin to this little playground
Niiiiiiice! This looks like a fantastic piece of work gentlemen. How about a loadout of 3 FFAR pods and one rack of hellfires, just in case?
That building looks like great fun to attack and defend from. Does it have building positions and AI paths?