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About Chronik

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  1. Chronik

    Finally the PedagneMOD Italian Pack!

    Great job done! Really high quality addons! THX!! I have only one question. I know it's not that important thing, but there is a way to change the face textures or the default faces fixed with the models? Can't wait the vehicles pack!
  2. Chronik

    Russian Federation Units V.2.00

    dengibtsschon, at first it looks like it outside, but it is inside the unit class. The pervious class is the wounds class, and the closing brackets is needed there, otherwise the next units will not be counted. An other thing is the gun smoke effect from ArmAEffects addon. I really like it, and I think not I'm the only one. To make it work with RHS-Weapons, you need to change only one thing inside the RHS_Mag config: "Class RHS_Bullet: BulletBase (not BulletCore)." To use 6's tracers is needs a litle more lines in the same mag config, but it easy too, and idon't harm the core settings for the weapons and the bullets, but I think Shadow will come out with a more compatible next version, because this effects are must haves!
  3. Chronik

    Russian Federation Units V.2.00

    Ok, now I finde out the reson of this problem! I don't know why, but the Eventhandlers class cause this, the line in the marine and vdv config or maybe the rpg22.sqf script itself. If I delete this line from the soldiers config, everything works fine with third party addons too... Anyway best add on, and can't wait for the V.3.00!!!
  4. Chronik

    Russian Federation Units V.2.00

    Hi all! I wanted to expand the RHS soldiers config with some extra soldiers and some with RH_AK pack weapon loadout for a faster mission editing, but I relaised that, if I'm using different weapons (not RHS ones) with RHS soldiers then those guns don't have tracers, muzzel flash, gun smoke effects and some problems with the ballistics too (in the last one I'm not sure). I encounterd this problem only with the RHS soldiers. I'm using the latest beta pach and most of the addons from The.D's reallistic Add On compilation. THX for any help or answer!