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Posts posted by CounterForce

  1. I won't be happy with a exe file

    a exe file may contain other "programs" with functions I do not like (everybody should know what I mean)

    Furthermore exe files are bigger downloads than simple rar files and some exe installers are not very easy to use (with rar or zip I only have to make two mouseclicks - exe I need two to start the program and some more to install what I want)

    Last but not least some installers do things I don't want them to do (e.g. creating folders, installing in wrong folders)

    taking all this reasons into account I think it is better to use rars or zips.

    btw: please check your private messages ;)

  2. do they have the same visiblity like other players or can they see everything (I have my doubts that a nVidia card may handle this)?

    I wounder how this looks like for the user of this drivers.

    If they have the same visibility like other players they might be unware that this is cheating anyway.

  3. I like the idea of a modern Everon.

    I think you should add a power plant to the island.

    It would be a great target in missions and we would have an idea where the energy used on the island comes from.

    I always woundered why there were lights on the street at night as there is no power plant.

    The brige is a good idea too.

    I hope to see some screenshots of the island soon.



  4. hi,

    I would appreciate if there was a version which doesnot use the installer.

    a .zip or .rar would be much better. And a readme file where you can read important things about the addon.

    There are only few people who will know in some weeks time what exactly they read while installing about commands used for the door etc.

    And I donot think they will be happy as they discover that they have to install the addon again to get the needed information or to search the official forums or be45 website.


