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About ChaosWG-RR-

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  1. ChaosWG-RR-

    Wargames addpak 4.0 released

    Euro Download Mirrors for 4.1: WG AddPak 4.10 Patcher (Requires 4.0) WG AddPak 4.1 Full Installation
  2. ChaosWG-RR-

    Wargames addpak 4.0 released

    Anybody making WGL 4.0+ maps of ANY KIND please feel free to email them to me or post links here for downloading. I'll get the maps placed on The Citadel, post links to them in the league forums, etc etc etc. Share please!!! [email protected]
  3. ChaosWG-RR-

    Wargames addpak 4.0 released

    QUESTION: How do I use the mortar fire control system? ANSWER: There's no short answer to this but here's a simple little explanation. Believe me this is the simplest we could explain it. There's lots of tips and stuff but you'll have to figure those out yourself. 1. In the action menu go to "Fire Control" 2. The azimuth and elevation are enterable in military standard mils. The Fire Control system is based around plotting the position of the gun and the target. It will then do all the hard math for you and give you something to start with. 3. First you need to do a "gun plot". To do this click the button that says "G" and it will flash "click map location of gun" 4. Switch to your map view and do a long single-click on the map where your mortar is located. The more accurate the better. 5. Now you need to plot the target. Back in the fire control dialog click the "T" button. And it will flash "click map location of target" 6. Switch to your map view and do a long single-click on the map where your target is located. 7. Back in the fire control system you will be given lots of information. The important stuff is this.... 8. G-T (bottom left) is your azimuth to target. 9. Your range will be listed just right of G-T. 10. The firing data listed in the center of the dialog will tell you elevations (in mils) for certain ranges (rounded to nearest 100 meters). 11. Do a little basic math to calculate the exact elevation info. Add, subtract, divide, multiply. 12. Enter your azimuth and elevation into the boxes (top left) 13. IMPORTANT: You must click the "Target" button to align the mortar tube to the azimuth and elevation every time you change the numbers !!! You can also hit your Enter key. 14. Click the "Fire" button to fire. OTHER NOTES The "O" button is for plotting the location of your Observer. This is for the technical people among us and not absolutely necessary to firing accurately which is why I won't cover it here in great depth. You can plot new targets by clicking the "T" button and repeating steps. You do not need to replot the gun each time you want to fire at a new target. The mortar tube actually has an invisible AI gunner. Sometimes the gunner will get confused and "look around" with the barrel. If you fire during this time it will still be on target. The way the AI gunner is looking around doesn't make anything less accurate. If it annoys you though, disassemble and reassemble the tube. When you assemble the mortar for the first time it will have a cranking sound that gets annoying. It will do this until you type in an azimuth and elevation and hit Target. I usually type in 10 and 1000 just so it stops making the noise (and because it's easy to type). The mortars are very accurate. The max range of the mortars are: M224 60-mm Mortar - 2000 meters M29 81-mm Mortar - 3800 meters 2B14 82-mm Mortar - 3300 meters Edited by AngusHeaf on Jan. 30 2004,14:00
  4. ChaosWG-RR-

    Wargames addpak 4.0 released

    Anybody seen a helicopter dropping flares at night yet
  5. ChaosWG-RR-

    Wargames addpak 4.0 released

    League Maps are available from the league forums here: League Maps CTF Maps, CQB Maps, Fun Maps, DeathMatches, etc etc havent been converted to 4.0 and re-released yet ... coming very soon. I'm not aware of any WGL Coops, but I expect those will come along next. WGL CTI 4.0 is being released tonite on Citadel. Tools and templates for making multi-player competition maps available here: Tools & Unofficial Missions
  6. ChaosWG-RR-

    Wargames addpak 4.0 released

    <span style='font-size:15pt;line-height:100%'>Citadel 4.0 WGL Server:  the-citadel.us </span> Server Schedule- All times based on Eastern Standard Time (EST): <span style='font-family:courier'><span style='font-size:11pt;line-height:100%'>Monday nights    :  Coops w/variety of addons Tuesday nights  :  WGL CTI !!! Wednesday nights :  WGL Public Play !!! Thursday nights   :  Squad Practice (usually locked) Friday nights    :  Open for more Public Play! Saturday nights   :  Open for more Public Play! Sundays       :  League Matches (or Public Play!)</span></span> <span style='font-size:11pt;line-height:100%'>Come on out and play guys we'd love to get more WGL 'Public Play' going now that the addons are getting wide release.</span> People who used to love MTCO - THIS MEANS YOU!! And to Zeus Spartans / ShoP Euro - and any other great squads out there: WGL Spring 2004 Season starts in TWO WEEKS!!!
  7. ChaosWG-RR-

    Stupid modified data message

    I think the servers I've seen that do this basically call you a cheater if you use MOD folders. So the messages says "Player xxx is cheating with mod folder xxx". Misleading, but as Suma says, put there by the server operator. I've also seen some that say 'Bad Version, Server Rejected Connection' and that also seems to be some setting that doesnt allow MOD folders? Where you cant even connect if you have MOD folders activated.
  8. ChaosWG-RR-

    Wargames addpak

    Minor Correction: IP of the citadel is: the-citadel.us Thanks Reap! WGL Addons 4.0 due out in 2 weeks!
  9. ChaosWG-RR-

    Wargames addpak

    There's an easy fix for the vit_bmp message I'll ask Angus and post later.