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Everything posted by chammy

  1. Bigpickle? Hey he helped me earlier but he's been on very scarcely lately
  2. Ok, right on, will do. Oh, and btw, would you guys be willing to Beta Test CSM3 for ArmA2?
  3. Thanks man, yeah, I finally downloaded it from Steam. I notice though that my computer graphics is very sluggish during gameplay in Multiplayer but in single player gaming its fine. Has this always been a common issue?
  4. Well yeah I want to replace them. i also have my own. I've got a modular one I made for ArmA2 (not quite done) but I understand that the sounds in ArmA3 are stereo whilst ArmA2 is mono. I think doing a full fledge for ArmA3 would be a bit complicated
  5. Thanks buddy, I'll be sure to check it out in a bit, I'll most likely need some help
  6. ArmA2 has a new patch? Man I've been inactive for too long. Will I be able to mod the sounds on it as well as like ArmA2? Of course, I most likely won't just yet, I'm not even done with CSM3 for ArmA2. I know there are several sounds mods for Arma3 and I asked for some help and I get no response meh,
  7. oh thank God. ok, I will do that then thank you
  8. Ok, I just bought the dig download of ArmA3 from BI. Can I re download it to a new computer later if I use the redeem code and download it now? I plan to change my CPU in a few weeks but I don't want to wait that long to play.
  9. Its ok Mike. So I guess I need to redeem some code? I did buy it from the BI page. I just didn't know it was digital only and it was half off for just that particular day. What I don't understand is if there is no hard copy then why do they need our shipping information? And do you know when I download the game from Steam will I be able to re download it again later? I plan to upgrade my computer in a few weeks.
  10. I got it from here. https://store.bistudio.com/arma3-sale There was a sale. Gah, don't tell me it is digital, FUK!!!!! I made sure it wasn't unless I read wrong. So you mean to tell me there isn't any hard copy at all? Anywhere?
  11. It seems everyone else has been getting some help except for me :/ The last chap that helped, I sent him my material for the mod, thank God it was not all the real stuff I was working on, and he vanished. I just need a few pointers or help. I really want to merge this with ArmA 3 but I haven't found anyone to help with the config. Everytime I try to make a few corrections I bonk the config then the game wont start.
  12. hey steph thanks. Yeah, I've been trying to make time. :)
  13. Do you guys need help? I have some sound tidbits I'd be willing to donate that would appeal to you. Give me a howler. I've been trying to finish a sound mod for ArmA2 but I just can't find the time anymore so I figure heck, if you guys need anything I have thousands on thousands of sounds of different enviourments to sound pressure effects from weapons to explosions , foley , that I've created and collected over the years from footage I've taken whilst at the ranges and after checking out what you guys have done for ArmA3 I find it quite impressive, although there are a few things I'd suggest since I've been around all sorts of ranges and worked at a proving ground near where I live. I know there is such a thing as notoriety on such things, I ran into that snag when I was helping Project Reality but if you can use some of my stuff you can take the credit. don't hesitate to contact me. I'll stick a video up of my latest work....if I can get past real life haha
  14. I have been working on a sound mod and I wonder if its similar to what is happening to the XM8 rifle. The rifle only has a 30 round mag but will fire up to 100 rounds...:confused:
  15. I've looked all over the threads and found nothing that addresses this. I've asked several questions and no one wants to answer. I know people know but I don't get any help. So I figured I'd ask on the ArmA3 thread section since I am not getting much of a response on ArmA2 section. It's just a few simple questions on the sound config that I need help on. I've posted in the scripting and config help thread in ArmA2 forums but not help. I've created a thread and got some help, but just as I need just one more answer , that is where it stopped. I'm even trying to help out someone else at the same time. All's the question I need answered is with some of the weapons in Arma2 Operation Arrowhead. and I am making a separate sound mod for just static weapons instead of a mod folder. I have that done with small arms and hand held rockets. Now I would like to create a folder for both vehicle mounted and static weapons. Plus one for ammo. Just help on those and I'm good to go. Here's is one example. Can someone point out what I am doing wrong here? /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // CSM version 2.0 credit to Chammy for his awesome work // Weapons module with ACEX sounds // // rework: India Kilo // Last modified: 20.12.2009 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define true 1 #define false 0 #include "\userconfig\csm2\csm2_clientside_config.hpp" class CfgPatches { class CSM2_s_Weapons { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 1.02; // "CAData","CAAir","CAAir2","CAAir3","CAA10","CACharacters", requiredAddons[] = {"CASounds","CAWeapons","CAWeapons2","CAWeapons_E" // ,"CAWheeled","CAWheeled2","CAWheeled3","CATracked","CATracked2" #ifdef CSM2_ACEX_SM ,"acex_sm_c_sound_wep_pistol","acex_sm_c_sound_wep_rifle","acex_sm_c_sound_wep_smg" #endif }; }; }; class Mode_SemiAuto; // External class reference class Mode_Burst; // External class reference class Mode_FullAuto; // External class reference class Single; // External class reference class Burst; // External class reference class FullAuto; // External class reference #include "weapons.h" class CfgAddons { class PreloadAddons { class CSM2_c_Weapons { list[]={"CSM2_s_Weapons"}; }; }; }; When I use this setup , then only a couple of my M16 rifles do not sound. Without this in the game all of my small arms work but non of the static sounds work. I'd like to add that I did read the config help for making a sound thread but that does not explain this problem nor anything that even relates to it.
  16. I have had the same problem. When I use UnRap I get "decode failure". WHen I use Pbo View I get the message "unhandled exception has occurred in your application. If you click continue the application wikk igonire this error etc etc. then crashes. And how do we take apart config. bin files? Ive been looking al over
  17. Ok so far I finally figured out how to get my sounds working even with Operation Arrowhead. I can't believe it was right under my nose and I can't believe no one on this forum would come forward and even point it out to me. There still are some sounds not taking, but hopefully its the same issue.
  18. I think some of the problem posting in an already established thread is not many will read the thread and it goes unnoticed. That's why some will open a fresh thread. I 've had no such luck lately posting in an already opened thread about the same thing.
  19. Any squad that I can join around the southwestern states of California, Arizona, Utah, Nevada or along the west coast? The reason being is cause of latency.
  20. Ok, I am trying to get just one pack instead of a module, to work. I have all modules working FOR ArmA2 without Operation Arrowhead. I am trying to make one folder that allows anly the Static Weapons working instead of individual mod folders for the Static. Here is my config file. I have the weapons config with a separate file. When I run the game I do not get small arms fire for some weapons. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // CSM version 2.0 credit to Chammy for his work // Weapons module with ACEX sounds // // rework: India Kilo // Last modified: 20.12.2009 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define true 1 #define false 0 #include "\userconfig\csm2\csm2_clientside_config.hpp" class CfgPatches { class CSM2_s_Weapons { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 1.02; // "CAData","CAAir","CAAir2","CAAir3","CAA10","CACharacters", requiredAddons[] = {"CASounds","CAWeapons","CAWeapons2","CAWeapons_E" // ,"CAWheeled","CAWheeled2","CAWheeled3","CATracked","CATracked2" #ifdef CSM2_ACEX_SM ,"acex_sm_c_sound_wep_pistol","acex_sm_c_sound_wep_rifle","acex_sm_c_sound_wep_smg" #endif }; }; }; class Mode_SemiAuto; // External class reference class Mode_Burst; // External class reference class Mode_FullAuto; // External class reference class Single; // External class reference class Burst; // External class reference class FullAuto; // External class reference #include "weapons.h" class CfgAddons { class PreloadAddons { class CSM2_c_Weapons { list[]={"CSM2_s_Weapons"}; }; }; };
  21. Another thing I notice is , for AI, when they are squeezing rounds off of the automatic weapons or machine guns, I noticed that if you are not facing them it sounds as if they are firing in semi auto mode, until you turn to face them, or in the direction they are in, only then they sound as if they are firing burst or auto firing. Anyone have any ideas?