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Everything posted by chammy

  1. chammy

    Editing sound files

    Wounded,can I use any other audio editer?Like for instance, N-Track Studio?Thats the one I have.I have also Acid Pro 3.Will that work also?
  2. chammy

    Editing sound files

    Well dude,I didnt think you were going to explain to me about putting music in.Allthough I probably would asked that too.Thanks anyway.I copied this page and saved it for later when I am going to need it. But do you have info,like step by step on how to edit audio files of the sort?Like gun shots?Seriously
  3. chammy

    Editing sound files

    Woa,I think I need to start learning how to script first.Darn.Thanks.Its cause I wanted to edit some of OFP standard sounds for a more ambient sound when you fire a rifle out in the open or when you're in a city or around hills.You know what I'm saying.
  4. chammy

    Editing sound files

    but where do i find the files?How will I know which ones are and will they function on otheres games?Like lets say i make a mission.
  5. What kinda responce was that bogie?
  6. I would like to make a mission and maybe multiplayer etc game and would like to know if there is a discussion or explanaton on here on how to pack downloaded vehicles,units ,weapons,and sounds(like a sound pack) into your mission to be downloaded by others so that later they can unzip or unload the files onto thier OFP folder to play?Has this ben asked already?
  7. Ahhh jes,thats what I meant.You see,I want to make a mission and to make sure the user uses the addons that I am using I wanted to make sure the addons will be there.Lets say I am going to use a sound mod and its going to be in the mission.And then certain vehicles.Do I just have people download those mods?Because there is a sound mod that is very tricky when trying to install.Making something,like the folder you described, to have them there would be more convenient for users.
  8. chammy

    Flashing shadows

    In OFP I notice that the shadoews keep flsashing.WHy is that?Has somwone brought that to attention already?I have the ATI Radeon 9500 Pro 128 mb ddr, WinXP with nForce 2 chipset, Epox motherboard with AMD Athlon xp 2400,512 mb ddr ram.
  9. I just bought a new mother board,an Epox,NForce2 chipset with AMD Athlon XP 2400+.I have an ATI Radeon 7200 and loaded the latest drivers.The mother board comes with the Direct X 8 already in.The game or games seems to run really well at start.Then later the textures and objects start to turn blothcy,sound starts to get speradic,and frame rates start to drop and this happens off and on untill it just locks up.Then I have to wait a bit and I can escape.With Delta Force,same thing,but it makes my computer restart.I am thinking either,BIOS still isnt set right with the graphics card or my graphics card is ready to poop out.I mean,what do you think?An error messege comes up later after the computer starts up again saying the problem is lying in the graphics card.I've had the card for at least a year or 2.Oh yeah,and I'm using WinXP Pro.
  10. chammy

    Yet another graphics issue

    Oh,I had the same problem and I am hoping it isnt the source,but I had a Hercules Prophet 4000 and it gave out also.Turns out the the cooling fan burned onto the chip.
  11. chammy

    Cannot create 3d devise

    This is coming up also again.I have : XP pro, ATI 7200, 660 mhz, 50 gb left for space on a 60gb hard drive.I have the latest up dates for the ATI card and latest download of DirectX. It worked before,now it doesnt after I had uninstalled it.I recently installed a CD Burn Software,Iomega.
  12. chammy

    Cannot create 3d devise

    Hey,where can i find the 2.5 drivers for ATI? Oh ,and I tried the auto detect also and still it doesnt work.But i'll try to go into the refresh rate folder thing a ma jig.
  13. chammy

    Cannot create 3d devise

    Ok,I'll try.Thanks. Sam
  14. Ok,when I go to select to play online in multipalyer and we get to the set up screen, I get kicked off and in the screen the aserteck says" Veronski map addon version 1.46 is needed".Well I have the addon but it won't show up in the Mission Creator map selection.ANd so there fore it won't show up on the multiplayer game at all.I do have the map and install it correctly,I think,.. but it still doest work in multiplayer.Yet I can get it to work when I reload OFP again to create a single player mission.Help?I want to play online.
  15. Ok,wehn I go to select to play online in multipalyer and we get to the set up screen, I get kicked off and in the screen the aserteck says" Veronski map addon version 1.46 is needed".Well I have the addon but it won't show up in the Mission Creator map selection.ANd so there fore it won't show up on the multiplayer game at all.I do have the map and install it correctly,I think,.. but it still doest work in multiplayer.Yet I can get it to work when I reload OFP again to create a single player mission.Help?I want to play online.
  16. chammy

    "veronski map addon version 1.46 needed"

    I got the map from OFPN's addon site.I might have spelled it wrong.Yeah,its called Visnorsk Island.
  17. chammy

    "veronski map addon version 1.46 needed"

    Hmmmm,well I guess no one has the slightest idear.
  18. Does any one know if any one out there will make a patch that will enabe the siolder to drop down to prone alot faster than he does now?And drawing a weapon,seems a bit slow also.Oh and gettting up to displace to another safer place when being attacked by a tank?Is it possible?
  19. Does any one know if any one out there will make a patch that will enabe the siolder to drop down to prone alot faster than he does now?And drawing a weapon,seems a bit slow also.Oh and gettting up to displace to another safer place when being attacked by a tank?Is it possible?
  20. The 3d Studio Max is friggen expensive.Is there some kind of 3D program that we have to use like that one?The 3D Studio one is used to make stuff like maps for Ghost Recon and such. Sam
  21. Oops.Sorry Everscirator.Didnt mean to spell yor name wrong.Well thanks,but,I wonder,..where is that O2 Doc Board at?
  22. Jesus Christ!Thanks for the info Evercistern.I was wondering when anyone was going to respond to my humble needs. Sam
  23. chammy

    Pk and m60 sounds are firing too slow since the la

    Hmmm,I'm having the same problem also.My machine gun sounds like it is spitting.It never used to do that before.I have a Sound Blaster card.There is another seperate card that came with the computer but i don't use it.Plus ,when I try to fire the single shot rapidly,still,it sounds like some one spitting. Sam