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Everything posted by chammy

  1. Yeah we can, and thanks smasha. That dont sound like a bad idea, the only thing is OFP's format makes it limited for us to do fancy stuff like ECP and Dynamic Range has done.Remember they toyed with the CONFIG.BIN file and you know how some OFP servers are pretty weirded out on letting peeps play on servers that have a sensative cheat detector which most dont work anyways cause I encounter crap loads of cheaters when playing. But hey, good idea. Yeah guys, I can change a few sounds or we, on the mods you currently have at this time if you dont like the ones that are on the mods cause I've heard some and they are just plain too loud or nasty. And I can never find the email address to the guys who make some of the addons and some emails dont even exist.
  2. And there you have Shadow, somebloke(like the name) has some sounds there. I was thinking, maybe if you want, and I'm talking to both Shadow and Blanco, if you have some addons that you might want the sound effects changed and such just let me know and I'll give you my ICQ or MSN messenger name or number, and Blanco I have you on my MSN messenger thingy already, just give me a hawler and I can change the ones you want,no problem to me,I do it cause it sharpens my ability to hear and point out certain sounds that are hard to hear cause I do studio recording for my band so I need the practice. And yeah somebloke LOL, you can send some of those samples out to me if you want or if you are in the process of making one sound mod also go for it.
  3. Oh  well thanks bro, I'm stoked on the props man, yeah dude, I can send you another sound conversion for OFP so you can have the best of both, I had made one thats like a city verb which is tons of reverb and one that has more defined sounds to the weapons and such.Yeah, i had asked a fewe times for help and I hadnt gotten any responce from others except from the forum members but they were more for scripting such.  I can dig in more and try though I hadnt had alot of time lately cause of school and all, I had barely benn able to finnish this one,lol. As far as enviourmental sounds I can see what  i can do. There have been some other sound mods out there that have been made by others, I think they did a little more extensive work when it comes to enviourmental sounds and engine sounds, I know Satchels or Insane has changed the engine sounds you might want to check it out.
  4. Tell you what buddy, are you currently making a mod right now?I do have loads of samples that I have made by myself that you might want to implement with your mod,um.....the combat ambience you're talking about, there is some already that I had put into the mod, but since there are 3 different ones you might need to look and see which ones are used in the drop down menu.I'm sure that there's a way to make the other sounds appear in the game though its going to have to be an addon type but if you have the addon I can add it.I do have those ambience sounds. Let me know or email me. As far as enviourmental sounds, depends like which ones cause the ones in OFP are just fine imho. I'm taking a look see at your site rigt now,what exactly is it? Yeah, the fire rande sound might need to be made as an addon,or and a sound or lip script to put into that area you want the fire range at.
  5. I'll change right away.Thanks for fdbk, yeah, the launcher is a bit sounding like a 40mm,not sure how I got that mixed up with it,hmmm, thats weird. Yeah, the thing with the engine sound is I didnt think they all needed to be changed,plus since alot of them arent directly linked to the right model is was hard to pin point which sound is used for what vehicle but if you want I can make it a seperate one and send it to ya. Sniper, yeah, try either to click on both links posted or copy paste from the one above,OR you might need to adjust your firewall or security settings.
  6. Awesome fdbk buddy,my head's getting bigger,:p  j/k. Yeah, the sounds differ depending on where you're at, I couldnt really do both so I tried to differenciate them to where they fall in between both types, in forests the reverb goes along time. As far as engine sounds, I couldnt find very many samples on the net and I have no money to get a cd so I had to find what i could on the net and just mix stuff togther,I did change the engine sounds for the M113,M1A1 and BMP, most of the sounds were all canibalized into the exact sound that I could. I might change the larger explosion sounds caused by the Sabot and HEAT shells.I didnt change most of the engine sounds cause I thought they were pretty close to real thing so I left most of them be. All the weapon sounds arent changed?I thought I did, oh, unless you are playing on 1.46, when playing with that OFP will use the sound file from your Cold War dta folder and not the one from Resistance. You can 1. just use the same file I gave you and overwrite the ones in the Cold War or just request one made by me and I can send it to you.They basically work the same.I also have the Resistance Addons changed. Yes the lag might be caused by your sound card.Depending on the sound card your sound card might not be able to handle 16 bit,or it might not be configured correctly.I can have as many as 4 squads firing at each other.I also noticed that in either sound file be it the standard BIS sounds and modified sounds like mine and Satchels and the FinMod ,ECP etc. that they also tend to lag out a bit,if there are alot of objects present and moving objects that this can cause lots of lag.I made sure that the bit rate in the sounds were normal and files were small as I can get them.Though the sample rate might be a bit high on my sounds to get the crispiness or it could be you might need to change some settings.Let me know your settings and such and i can help you.
  7. Yeah, it should work. Any feed back?
  8. Try this: Â just copy and then paste the link up at address bar. http://www.vffsquad.com/hq.htm
  9. Thats a negative Blanco, this one, I'm always coming up with new ways to make a sound sample so i ended up updating with a few new improves on the rifles and explosions to get pro's and con's.Someone said I need to change the explsion types, which I might do but I'm going to make a couple sound.pbo's as mentioned above and then post them onto my clan website when they are absolutly finnished.lately I just ahvent had the time to finnish anyhting and the last one you have was more a beta to get feedback from others before I posted,but like I said, I hadnt the time to finnish. I have also changed the sounds for BAS Weaps,JAM sounds, TOS,SEBNam and USMC Assault Pack, I wont post them until I get the permision from those guys to post as new sounds files,not mod files. Just make sure you guys put the sound.pbo into your Res/DTA folder.Later all.
  10. Cool thanks bro, its really a sound replacemnt for OFP's standard sounds. Â The explosions, I have alot of different ones I just havent been able to pick which ones to use, grenade sounds, thats pretty much what they sound like, depending where you're at, they are really like a huge back fire sound but I added the scrunch to them, I love the feel of the concusion when your 50 feet away behind a wall. Anyways, Â it was really hard to duplicate the exact sound a tank shell but compare to a small thunder crack.But I was trying to get the best of both in the game. I know alot of people like that Hollywood type but not me.
  11. Oh, sorry guys, yeah, in the read me text the list of weapons changed are there.basically all of them and the tank report sounds,some of the engine sounds like the M113, M1A1 and deisel sounds, also the foot steps but the footstep sounds are a bit un noticable,battle ambience but nothing with the Air craft, they sound just fine.I did use one sound from Ghost Recon,its the bullet impact cause I couldnt find a different one else where,shame on me.  I also changed the weapon sounds for the O.pbo file which is the addon for Resistance but because the O.pbo is so big I was going to find some way that peeps can just dl the  "GUNS" file and replace the existing one in an UnPBO'd fashion.I noticed that the handguns and the FAL sounds are just not real enough. I also changed the Resistance addons G36a, Steyr, M2A2, the Kozl.I will be posting those as well once I can get a place to do it at.Nothing else in these PBO's have been changed,nothign with the CONFIG bin just the sound files.
  12. Huh? Oh wow, well thanks.Is there a way I can move this topic?
  13. chammy

    Cannot create 3d Device

    Yup, it worked.Woohoo!
  14. When I start OFP and I get to main Menu I get that messege. Why?But after I click on the ok its ok and game is normal.
  15. When i open up like addons PBO to make a sound correction there are some that after they've been extracted they have hidden files.Like an empty folder.Where can I get them to show up?
  16. LOL, cool then, nephilim enlightened me that she in fact is O+, i just wanted to make sure.Thank you Nephlilim and ofpforum, that really solved the issue. Nephlilim, are you really tall?Judging by the name that is. Hey, is there a donation for hard work here?
  17. No way!You're pulling my zuccinni!Well if you think you're the only female playing OFP,im on a team and we have a female playing, i think its the coolest thing.Well back on topic, I looked for that PBO extractor and cant find it.Mind giving me the site where I can find it?Thnx "sis".
  18. Hmmm, thnx bro, im going to try it.
  19. chammy


    Cool, I got it, thanks a million.
  20. chammy


    Ok, I tried that and I keep getting a messege that the path name is not valid and it wont let me go any further renaming.
  21. chammy


    Hi all. About nomap, I have been having the same problem. I have been triying to find this "nomap" switch.Can you guys help me?I looked all over for it and cant find it.
  22. chammy

    Gun muzzle flash

    I have the same problem with a 249.You said to change the weapon name to the name of the model?Or vice versa in the config?I dont know how to do that. Can you explain to me how?There are alot of letters and squiggly marks and my head hurts.
  23. chammy

    Cannot create 3d Device

    Thx Avon.
  24. chammy

    Cannot create 3d Device

    Hi Avon Lady, I posted the same topic earlier but was crapped on by a moderator because I didnt use the search tool,whats up with these moderators, they're just like when playing a game and they call you "noob".Well i didnt use the search tool cause I couldnt find it.BUt anyways, where do I find the nomap and how do I devide the addons up?Or how do i make a folder so that it is read by OFP?