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Everything posted by chammy

  1. chammy

    Arma will not launch/ load/ start

    I just got the retail version of the game also and when I stick the cd into teh drive it doesnt read it. It has played .....wait, let me see if my drive plays dvd's hmm.
  2. chammy

    Authentic sound & weapon Mod

    Wow, great job Predator, hit me up sometime
  3. IS there a way to get the Euro English version or Digital one , like you said, a download mirror? Probably not I guess.
  4. I keep getting an error messege that something is bad or an error, I just want to change the lame armed assault weapon sounds but I get an error, even when i re pbo the file. Can someone help me with this? Thnaks.
  5. How long till I get my Full Programme Suma? I live in the crappiest state in the US of A, Kallifornia (also known as Mexifornia)
  6. chammy

    Authentic sound & weapon Mod

    Hey Pred, I was wondering if in Armed Assualt, that we will actually be able to modify or change the sound effects in AA, I tried it in the demo and i got an error.
  7. chammy

    Authentic sound & weapon Mod

    Hey Pred, I was wondering if in Armed Assualt, that we will actually be able to modify or change the sound effects in AA, I tried it in the demo and i got an error.
  8. chammy

    The Sound Effects Thread!

    I decided this is the wrong place for this.
  9. I'm still  reading through the comments on this remarkable mod but I have to mention if it hasnt yet been mentioned.....  I noticed that when a soldier is hit there is a large plum of dust, more like a vertical crator which in turn makes the soldier laying down look like a peacock , also when hit makes it hard for the player to see.  The weird noise that the weapon makes when firng at the ground is a bit odd.  The muzzle climb is unusually too high and exagerated as most weapons with muzzle flash supressors have little, maybe the climb is good but the animae is not for this feature. There is no model for the AK when switching to aim or optic mode. The LAW has a black smoke trail which most AT rockets have hardly any, AND rarely can actually see a LAW or SMAW or Carl projectile in flight. There should ve been more of a dust cloud or plume when firing a shoulder rocket. The grenade effect, I'm sorry but I noticed alot of modders, it seams, are trying to make the grenade detonation and smoke effects much like VBS1 and really, grenades produce quite alot of flash and smoke, not just a small spout, smoke is more spread out in a quicker fashion. ANd for the sounds, I wouldve been very obligded to help you out in that department Other wise without these bugs this would be a great mod as for the draging of injured soldiers and such. great work.
  10. I've looked all over for it and the only one I have seen so far is a "recoiless rifle" which is just the Carl Gustov that was made back in 2002, I have not seen the 106mm or the 110mm or 90mm recoiless static. I was hoping to find one to add to an Afghan mission.
  11. chammy

    Armed Assault Radio End

    no problemo guys
  12. I've looked all over for it and the only one I have seen so far is a "recoiless rifle" which is just the Carl Gustov that was made back in 2002, I have not seen the 106mm or the 110mm or 90mm recoiless static. I was hoping to find one to add to an Afghan mission.
  13. chammy

    Sound conversion v3 updated Res.

    So instead of wss just save the AK_reload sound to a wav?...hmmmm, I wonder if that will work with some others taht are designated fior another weapon whcih doesnt use that particular sound.
  14. thanks helping hand , I tried the one mentioned above and its very close, except that it is wheeled, I wish it could be mounted onto a truck , or maybe it can, hmm.
  15. thanks helping hand , I tried the one mentioned above and its very close, except that it is wheeled, I wish it could be mounted onto a truck , or maybe it can, hmm.
  16. I was looking for some help on making dust rise and linger after an explosion in an area, I have chekced out Babalons and the Exp_dust and shock_dust scripts but I wanted one that would disperse dust in a bigger wider area after an explosion, if possible.
  17. Oh wow, thanks Trapper, I'm going to give it a whirl.
  18. chammy

    Sound conversion v3 updated Res.

    Hmm I'll check it out right now.
  19. I've looked for some here but couldnt find any that didnt require using a mod folder, I am intrested in Blanco's but I can't seem to find his anywhere. Can anyone help? There has to be a few simple ones out there, ones that change the "safe" mode stand fx for the AI and "safe" mode patrol, I wanted to see some walking but with weapons out, or some standing at guard but with either weapon on shoulder or to the side. If anyone can find one or direct me in the right direction I will kiss thee so tenderly.
  20. chammy

    OFP:Elite sound pack

    I can, I have. I also changed the sounds for the addons i'm using for the squad I am in now, USMC, JAM and JAM 2, LSR, HYK, M82 barrett, BAS, etc. have you tried my sound replacement? Its all a matter a preference though.
  21. chammy

    Looking for new AI Animations

    I could never get them to work right, or I'm just not doing it right  Or I'm lazy, nah, just a little too much work I guess.
  22. chammy

    Sound conversion v3 updated Res.

    FFUR and ECP are great mods, but they used CD Sound EFX libraries which they are professionally mastered BUT are not raw and authentic. I found a video clip of a sound generated by Satchel's DR of the m16, when I made my sound thingy I wanted to at least make the sounds where they were in between sounding washy and sounding in open range areas, beings that most OFP missions are out in the open. I've been trying to make a script mod where I can make some areas make a washy reverb sound and when out of the zone make a regular reverb sound, but iguess that's sorta nit picky I guess, lots of work though.
  23. chammy

    Sound conversion v3 updated Res.

    Forsheezy, yeah, I have several versions I'm making as we speak, one that is more Hollywoodish like , one that has more crackliy like, like more loud and raw, and one more that is more poppy like, just cause I'm OCD. I am making for both versions Cold and Resistance just in case there are some that do not have the Resistance version. Plus the Pack that I am hoping one day I can finnish, its like my kids know when I'm on the computer and then start demanding my attention LOL. There been a few people who wanted me to change a few things in it so I am tweaking some sounds out a little bit. But nothing too noticably different.