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Everything posted by chammy

  1. I 've skimmed thruogh the sound wavs that ArmA has and its rediculously many! Does anyone here have a clue why? I mean, the game doesnt use all of them, and its a waste of space. Some are of the same sound samples , they are the same but just a different setting in clarity.
  2. chammy

    Explosion FX

    I think, for Aircraft, IMHO, that more flames is better for the aicraft explosions, more smoke. Is there a way that you can increase the speed of the the particles in the ground explosions. And the smoke, it should spread around the ground and not in streams, as BI made them. They are way too too slow to begin with. Most medium explosion, because of the force outwards, do not go upwards unless its a huge explosion. Something I was disappointed in BI for. Can you add more smoke to the SHilka muzzle smoke? There's so many questions, so little time. BTW, very nice video, keep up the good work!
  3. Yeah, I had been putting things off since the arrival of my son last the year before, he's been keeping me busy like crazy, but he's my life. Yes, I will release another one for OFP since I do play OFP more than ArmA. I will post one in OFP forums soon.
  4. Hello yall, I'm back. Been gone for alittle, and being Mr. Mom. Well I most certainly can one where or what weapon would sound like up close. I guess I can give it a try also
  5. Thanks for the kudos guys. Thanks Blanco, how's it been lately? Well Col.Faulkner, The time u might hear the metalic sound is with ear plugs and you have your ear or head planted down on the rear breach. The one thing I'm trying to do with the samples is make them an in between close and far. You'll see the difference. Here's another clip of sounds for both OFP and ArmA, it has a 249 sample there as well as a SMAW.
  6. Its actually the propellant and the projectile flying through the air, yes, sometimes u do not hear it in real life unless you're standing a good hundred feet back. And even then yes, its more of a nice pleasant bang, feels good in your chest.
  7. Yup, I know what you mean, I'll show you the video where I got the AT sound from. You see, there are several types, I figure this is closest but if you want one where its just a bang, i have one in the pack as well cause ArmA has like 5 different sound effects for the one event, though it just uses one , which is silly. Carl Gustav
  8. I was wondering, since there are a ton more addons available , like the FAL, G3, G36, Styer, and countless other addons, how do we call the up or try them out in the editor when they are not even listed in the editor?
  9. I tried adding "this", but for some reason it wasnt working, I think I need to try it aain, I was naming the unit like a1, then using a1 addweapon "javalin"
  10. Thanks guy, I'm checking it out now.
  11. Yeah, thats true, I guess for some its the almost surreal that they like. I can do both.
  12. Heh heh, thanks froggyluv, don't worry I don't think things wrong. Well Yeb, I can make a total conversion, lots of work though since BI used so many sound samples ( like 5 to 10 different sound wavs for one action ) but I can do that. I am working to make an actual mod rather than a regular "unzip and overwrite" just in case , but i just don't know what is best to use. Right now Iwant to figure out the config. files so I can do this, though, I'm not sure what tools to use yet.
  13. I'm going to make 2 versions. 1 thats more echoy and one more of pops and stuff, like a day time echo around open feild, like desert.
  14. chammy


    Wow, its like OFP all over again from the start in 2001 woopeee!
  15. chammy

    Authentic sound & weapon Mod

    Hey Predator, I was checking out your viewpoints and , don't you think the supporting arm should be a little lower out of view? Cause when I aim in both supported and unsupported in real life I don't stick my elbow way out, and I have not seen anyone else do that either. And yes, I do see what you're talking about as in the sights are too far out , as if aiming with the rifle out stretched.
  16. chammy

    Sams sound mod

    Heya, I'm the one who made it, I think the link expired but I'm making a newr one followed by a few other versions and a pack for ArmA as well. Here's a link for my samples: You can still install it and it wont mess your configurations or computer up. You can make a back up sound.pbo just in case you dont like it.
  17. chammy

    Authentic sound & weapon Mod

    Hey Pred, check out my new samples, finally have time to get more done for ArmA and OFP. These are more or less, trial ones just to see how they look or sound rather.
  18. chammy

    The ultimate realism

    You have some great ideas, but one thing at a time. I'd like to see more jiggly 1st person motion when running and looking around. I mean, just like when using the optics or tele, the motion it implements when aiming through sights. he explosion effects need to be quicker, sure the smoke and drop effects are cool and detailed but when u see a real explosion it is much more quicker and violent with lots of sparks, and not alot of streams of smoke, not alot of fire either.and when there is wind, smoke from an explosion should dissapate in the direction. grenades and smaller explosions shoudnt rise into the air so quickly cause they dont usually. Lots of great ideas though. I 'd work to aim at making the enemy AI not be such good pok shots where you get hit as soon as the AI shoots a round.
  19. chammy

    Why a DVD and not CDs?

    I just got the UK version, NSTC whatever, in dvd, well, I can't run cause I do not have a dvd drive duh. BUt i will get one soon enough. The question is why did they release it in DVD and not cd? Is DVD the new arrangement for PC games now?
  20. chammy

    Why a DVD and not CDs?

    Uh...I built my computer, hence I do not have a dvd drive because I didnt think I'd need one, because I have a dvd player to view movies already, but I do have one on my laptop . But I think all the sarcasm here is welcomed and find it quite ammusing thank you. I never said I wanted to cut corners here, just an alternative which I already know the likeley outcome, though, I didnt forcast a sudden surge in sarcasm here. thank you all.
  21. chammy

    Why a DVD and not CDs?

    fyi, I do have a computer that runs it quite nicely, specially the demo. an amd athlon xp 64x dual core 4200 + VisionTek pci express 256mb ATI Radeon x1600xt smart shader 3.0 crap with that fancy memory type 2 g os ccz or cco , something like that, memory so yes I have the right specs
  22. chammy

    Why a DVD and not CDs?

    Yeah I hear ya and my laptop reads the dvd no problems, I wonder if I can just copy the data from there to my computer , no, but then I would need the cd drive to read the dvd though, hmm, well , its off to the store i go...thanks all.
  23. chammy

    Arma will not launch/ load/ start

    Thanks hoz, but I think I do not have a dvd drive , as I checked on the model details, its just a standard cd/rw. bummer, maybe I shouldve got the torrent download doh! oh well, now I have to shell out more cash and get a dvd drive as well, unless, would i be able to load the game or exe onto my laptop (cause it has a dvd drive) and then copy it to my comp, then do some tweaking? (not drug tweaking)
  24. chammy

    Arma will not launch/ load/ start

    Well, i thought I had a dvd/cd rom drive , although it says in the properties that it is but it doesnt read any of my other dvd's except for a video format of a movie that was made for me and it plays on my drive, but not regular dvd's. Hmmm, that could be your problem also, maybe.