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Everything posted by chammy

  1. Ok thank you. I'll give it a go again. Maybe i'm not installing them correctly, or just missing one. hmm
  2. Im also having or getting an error in start up. "The procedure entry point ?rap_add_class@Rapify@@QEAAPEAUrap_entry@@PEBD0@Z could not be located in the dynamic link library DePbo64.dll." Can someone explain? From what I understand is that Mikero tools need to be installed in a certain or special sequence?
  3. Ok I completed mounting a P Drive but my steamapp id is 233800. Is that a bad thing?
  4. Admins, if this is in the wrong place please let me know or you can move it, thank you. But I am not sure if I had posted to offer to pay anyone who can create a template for me. Yes, I have been for along time, trying to create a sound mod for ArmA3 that is compatible with other mods but honestly I have no time to sit and try and figure out the coding and all. I had help from others and I really appreciate it but I just do not have time with 2 kids plus a 1 year old, plus an adoptee, work, and school. I just need a template and some guidance till I am done, at least to have a backing on what I can do trial and error runs as I go along. I was directed to DevHeaven but those guys seem to busy and annoyed with me. At this point I want to make this for the community to share but it seems it might just be for my own enjoyment. But I have left ArmA2 CSM3 collecting dust and not finished, I need to complete something. So if anyone can offer a fee or something reasonable for your time I'll be happy hire someone who is honest and has time and is not vague when it comes to explaining. Its all I got from others here and its just concentration is not what I have these days :(
  5. moved. Hello Admin is there a way to delete this one?
  6. chammy

    Mission requests and ideas

    Hi all. Im just looking for new missions. Any good ones out there? Where can I download some?
  7. chammy

    1.64 Feedback

    Does anyone know where I can start in order to put all this info into the config? I am scatter brained. Its as if BI created this to just further confuse us from doing any modding
  8. chammy

    1.64 Feedback

    One thing left to do...is putting it all together is where I start to get even more confused
  9. chammy

    1.64 Feedback

    A config dump? As in all config? I have but i dont know where to look or what im looking for. I will try that though and report back
  10. chammy

    1.64 Feedback

    Good day everyone, ihope everyone has better or good days in these times. Anyways, I have an issue regarding the update with my sound mods I used, notice "used". Ever since the update non of the sounds mods, like SoS, or JSRS, do not work. I have been working on myself and nothing is changed when tested. Non of the sound mods sounds have changed either. I contacted support and they suggested posting here on Feedback, since I have tried to post on the authors of the sound mods posts and asked directly. I even got on the dev section of discord , or CUP, and all I get are vague or riddled answers, or no answers at all. The question is....when creating my sound mod, is there anything I needed to add now since the update? What normally was like with JSRS, etc. when the mod is activated in the Mod section of the game , the mod still plays vanilla sounds. This is extremely frustrating thank you for you time in advance
  11. You and JD Wang are right. Most gun shots do sound the same, almost. I have a certain way to implement that. Its too bad I had a jist , almost was able to get something created with both help of Lax and Goth, until ArmA3 was updated. Now nothing works
  12. The thing is, Ive been trying to mod a sound mod myself and the info given is all vague and riddled. As if you have to have some kind of privilege to know this info, or a select few have the right to have notoriety over being able to create such a mod. There's no competition on my part, I just want to contribute my ideas as well.
  13. the latest update screwed all the sounds up. The sound mods still play vanilla sounds. Is there any way around that or a way to remedy that? I feel a lot of modders, at least the sound modders, are holding out on that info.
  14. Ive asked for help for years now. Im starting to think most dont want me in on the competition. A competition I say , because its what it feels. I want to add my sound mod but seem to be at a stand still cause i dont quite know what to do with the config files and for help, alls I get are vague and incomplete explanations, as if to have knowledge of the config is like some badge of honor , kinda like an episode of Harry Potter. Or you have to beg to get help, or do some brown nosing I guess I'll just revert back to ArmA2 and try to complete that.
  15. chammy

    Arma 2 Sound Modding 101.

    anyone have an idea where i can find the templates at?
  16. chammy

    Arma 2 Sound Modding 101.

    that might be ArmA3
  17. chammy

    Arma 2 Sound Modding 101.

    for ArmA2 or 3?
  18. chammy

    No one wants to help with a mod

    Why do answers have to be so cryptic and vague? If you all dont want to help me or at least direct me to cut and dry , straight forward and clear and concise explanation so I wont have to bug or inconvenience anyone all the time then just say so. Its not like I have all the time in the world either, juggling work with ridiculous hours, school, a new baby, and high maintenance kids (well not really) I dont know why asking for a little help is like an unsolved mystery, its starting to look as if a lot of you who have the knowledge of this coding and scripting is a sort of earned right of passage, or you hold the keys to power, when the average guy comes to ask for some guidance. Sorry I ranted and was frank, but I have asked on a lot of other threads and ArmA3 sites and all i get are vague answers or I get ignored. Even asking the developers I basically get a door slammed in my face LOL
  19. chammy

    ~ ArmA 3 Sound Modding 101 ~

    And the mystery and the wait goes on :P
  20. chammy

    ~ ArmA 3 Sound Modding 101 ~

    I am assuming that particular rifle may be sharing a shader from another rifle or folder. And a question for everyone, specially you Megagoth :).... Ok, i finally got a tool to repack a pbo, granted it is repacking correctly. I am checking the packed PBO to see if all items or folders and wss files are in and they are. The only thing now is I keep hearing the vanilla sounds for a particular test rifle, the MX. What I am doing is using a config file and just renamed some attributes to it but made sure all paths are at least, correct: P:\CSM4\Addons\CSM_MX This is the path to the ArmA3 folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3\@CSM4\Addons Now here is the first section of the config file: //Class CSM4_MX : config.bin{ class CfgPatches { class CSM4_MX { units[] = { }; weapons[] = {"arifle_MXC_F","arifle_MX_F","arifle_MX_GL_F","arifle_MX_SW_F","arifle_MXM_F","arifle_MX_Hamr_pointer_F","arifle_MX_ACO_pointer_F","arifle_MX_GL_ACO_pointer_F","arifle_MX_GL_Hamr_pointer_F","arifle_MXC_Holo_F","arifle_MXC_Holo_pointer_F","arifle_MX_SW_Hamr_pointer_F","arifle_MXM_Hamr_pointer_F","arifle_MX_pointer_F","arifle_MX_Holo_pointer_F","arifle_MX_ACO_F","arifle_MX_GL_ACO_F","arifle_MX_SW_pointer_F"}; requiredVersion = 0.100000; requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Weapons_F"}; version = "1"; }; }; class Mode_SemiAuto; class Mode_Burst; class Mode_FullAuto; class CfgWeapons { class Rifle_Base_F; class arifle_MX_Base_F: Rifle_Base_F { drySound[] = {"JSRS2_MX\MX_dry", 0.362341, 1, 100}; reloadMagazineSound[] = {"JSRS2_MX\MX_reload", 0.362341, 1, 100}; class Single: Mode_SemiAuto { sounds[] = {StandardSound, SilencedSound}; class BaseSoundModeType; class StandardSound: BaseSoundModeType /// Sounds inside this class are used when soundTypeIndex = 0, according to sounds[] { begin1[] = {"CSM4_MX\single_s1", 1, 1, 130}; begin2[] = {"CSM4_MX\single_s2", 1, 1, 130}; soundBegin[] = {"begin1", 0.25, "begin2", 0.25}; this lower half I cut off to save space. Ok, the section "weapons" ..should I have left it as " {}; " blank? Or would that have made any difference? I filled it in with the other class names just in case assuming thats what I needed to get it to work. Now, with all other sound mods; SoS, Dyna, and JSRS, they are doing the same thing. Just Vanilla sounds and nothing has been changed. I think with JSRS only a few bullet sounds are sounding modified at this point. Am I missing something? A version? Ive checked the confid folder of ArmA3's sound_c file after I updated the version , to see if there is anything changed or renamed and its the same as before. Notice its a insert from JSRS. I am only using this as a way to figure out how it is done or, if it even works thus far, so i can start creating my own or using it as a template
  21. chammy

    ~ ArmA 3 Sound Modding 101 ~

    The error im getting with pboproject is: no tools binarizeno tools signifileBis Tools are not install for this engine type grrrrrrrrrr
  22. chammy

    ~ ArmA 3 Sound Modding 101 ~

    I have one more problem :( I am having trouble trying to make a darned pbo. ive tried Addonbuilder, pbomanager, pbomaker, pboproject and all I get is errors. Well, pbomaker, all that pops up is the dos with a few symbol titles and that's it. The explanations given to me from BI forums to Steam to Discord are all very vague to say the least and looking up info and instructions turn out to be very cryptic to me. Can someone at least give me step by step? WHy is making pbo so much more a pain in the butt compared to ARmA2?