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Everything posted by Cyphus

  1. Cyphus

    Bring back driving and cursor as in OFP

    I'd personally love to know if there it's possible to freely select targets like this when flying the choppers. My favourite 'quick' mission in OpFlash was Ground Assault, but the equivalent ArmA mission just annoys me, as selecting the right target is now such a pain. TAB TAB TAB TAB, etc...
  2. Cyphus

    Draw your tactical plan

    Planetside has this, but its a commander-only ability, and you have earn it by gaining XP as the commander. First you only get waypoints, but you then progress onto freehand drawings and text. They're pretty damned useful, even if some commanders use them to draw xmas trees and stick figures. As only the commander can use this feature, it doesn't really suffer from abuse.
  3. Cyphus


    FWIW, there is an MMOFPS out there - Planetside - in which I've met many an OpFlash player. You get big field battles, tanks, aircraft, etc in which its not unusual to have 200 people all fighting in the same base-battle.
  4. Cyphus

    Linux server does not start

    I had the same problem. I found that adding Product="Resistance"; To my flashpoint.cfg file convinced it to start...