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Everything posted by Crazysheep

  1. Crazysheep

    The Iraq Thread 2

    lol that would be an interesting turn around.
  2. Crazysheep

    Who runs the wars?

    This is the problem that several people have mentioned. Rather than coming up with a counter-argument, many Americans are just saying "omg-pinko-commie-fruitcake-conspiracy-theorists-whydoyouhateussomuch!?!?"
  3. Crazysheep

    The Iraq Thread 2

    I've just had a thought.... Could this have a negative effect on progress in Iraq? With the threat of Saddam returning to power gone, will Iraqis feel more inclined towards the resistance?
  4. Crazysheep

    Who runs the wars?

    This reminds me a bit of season 2 of 24, if anyone saw that; a private oil company wants to set off a nuke in LA and blame it on terrorists which would result in an invasion of the middle east and therefore lots of money for them. Is the writer of 24 a conspiracy theorist? I mean, with the Carlyle group, I really wouldn't be surprised if it turned out they helped along 9/11 a bit; the only counter argument is the suspicious stuff is possibly a coincidence, and "They wouldn't...would they?"
  5. Crazysheep

    The Iraq Thread 2

    Brutal? The operation isn't brutal or cruel. The coalition has a just and rightful cause. The only thing brutal  is the resitance fighters killing US soldiers and civilians. So a war which results in more people dying than would otherwise is not brutal? All wars are brutal...and compared to the Iraqis you killed, you can't call the resistance brutal for killing US soldiers. With civilians, fair enough.......but soldiers? Come on, think for yourself man.
  6. Crazysheep

    The Iraq Thread 2

    Didn't America do that as well....? To a larger extent...?
  7. Crazysheep

    The Iraq Thread 2

    Saddam has not disapeared into the wilderness never to be heard from again; he's still commanding the resistance to fight against a superpower. And letting himself be arrested would weaken the resistance; people don't support a loser. It is not necassarily fear for his personal safety, but fear for his (rather twisted) legacy.
  8. Crazysheep

    The Iraq Thread 2

    IRT Walker: I concede.
  9. Crazysheep

    Joint eu military

    You have to understand that no country is in charge; it's like saying that Texas owns the rest of the USA because the President happens to be a Texan.
  10. Crazysheep

    The Iraq Thread 2

    Saddam is too old for fighting, and he is a leader; surely you can agree that if George Bush decided to join the US troops in the field that would be a stupid move? But looking at Saddams early life, with attempted coups and so on, he did take a lot of risks. It would suggest bravery; I think that because he is so, well, evil, you aren't allowing him any positive attributes. No offense, but that isn't the most mature attitude.
  11. Crazysheep

    The Iraq Thread 2

    I disagree there; I think winning public support is a better way of weakening resistance. If you have soldiers on every street corner, it leads to three problems: 1) Iraqis will feel their security is being invaded and begin to resent troops 2) It would be quite easy for Iraqis to take shots at random troops from inside a building then run away 3) Mistakes happen in war; more troops present would mean more civilians killed in the crossfire. So while temporarily making it harder for the resistance, it will give the resistance more supporters; then there might be relatively large scale attacks on a few more isolated guardposts, and some carnage on the streets. This will only cause problems.
  12. Crazysheep

    Political correctness gone absolute bonkers

    Did all Americans come up with this? No, it was ONE (probably very lonely and socially outcast) American that did this. The UK has a similarly hideous, if not worse, track record when it comes to PC decisions. Need I say "Ba baa baa" or "blackboard"? such as..? Blackboard must now be chalkboard, and it has to be "baa baa shee-eep" because it might offend black people. Stupid, huh?
  13. Crazysheep

    Is there a deal between al-quaida and the us?

    The stuff Saddam had (VX and Sarin) goes out of date after 5 years; he can't have them now, all his facilities were destroyed 5+ years ago so he couldn't have constructed new ones either.
  14. Crazysheep

    War against terror

    Haha, it wouldn't surprise me. Out of all the forums I've seen, we have the most dissenting voices here who fully understand what's going on with tba, or at least better than most people. If tba knew about here, it would a useful source to see what educated Europeans think about Bush.
  15. Crazysheep

    The Iraq Thread 2

    Jessica Lynch condemns the Pentagon for using her as propaganda
  16. Crazysheep

    Real world

    I'm English, 15, and doing my GCSE exams. I'm probably the most angsty messed up teenager ever; I'm underacheiving at school, (Bs and Cs, as opposed to As and A*s as I'm supposed to be getting) I'm a bit of a junkie/alcoholic, I'm an insomniac, and my 16 year old girlfriend needs an abortion. So, life is bad, I guess.
  17. Crazysheep

    The Iraq Thread 2

    Wow, another BW down? This is terrible, maybe it DOES have the potential to be another 'Nam after all....... At first I highly doubted it, as a few weeks ago US soldiers were dying at a rate of less than one a day, now they are dying in large amounts.....things can only get worse, I wonder how this will turn out?
  18. Crazysheep

    Matrix revolutions

    I think the matrix films are vastly UNDERrated; a lot of the criticisms about it being shallow and pretentious are from people who don't understand yet (very few people do) that it's about religion; I haven't seen it yet, but I reckon that there'll be an unlikely alliance between the machines and the humans against Smith. This is because at judgement day, and the matrix films are about religion, the dead will come down from heaven and create a NEW heaven on earth; the matrix represents heaven, and Smith represents the devil.
  19. Crazysheep

    Total war 2006

    Could someone actually post exactly what the book says will happen?
  20. Crazysheep

    Maybe guba isn't as bad as we thought.....

    It's just to show how dang evil those commies are!:P Seriously, in the next OFP I would like to see less of a 2 dimensional good guy/bad guy arrangement. I mean, Guba was a little ott in some places.....I'm sure that even the worst soviet general wouldn't just kill everybody on an island out of spite.
  21. Crazysheep

    Maybe guba isn't as bad as we thought.....

    Guba wasn't a renegade in Resistance. He was under orders from Moscow.
  22. Crazysheep

    The Iraq Thread 2

    Enough with the personal arguments.......that's what PMs are for, and it's boring for me (and probably others, know I shouldn't just think of myself) since I just use this forum as a news resource and rarely post.
  23. Crazysheep

    The Middle East part 2

    Slightly off topic, but I've just been chatting to someone from Israel who is saying Palestine was never a country, and that the Palestinians are refugees from Arab countries that threw them out to Israel. How true is this?
  24. Crazysheep


    Guess not just me then.
  25. Crazysheep


    ??? Is it just my computer, or has....erm......the world disappeared? I can no longer view any regions.....