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Chris Death

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Everything posted by Chris Death

  1. Chris Death

    Did you know?

    the next one: Using random weather makes also different results for hosts or clients. When you use random weather in MP, i think each one will have his own generated weather on his local machine.
  2. Chris Death

    Modified config and Fade messages

    I took a quick look to my ofp folder, and i figured out, that the file we all mean is the userinfo.cfg file. If we compare this file with others, we may get closer to the solution of this "not gameplay influencing message" OK Malboeuf, you're right this time, it has nothing to do with the addons folder. I'll go for a test by creating 2 new players on my LAN soon. btw - what i already experienced, it has also nothing to do with using squad.xml files, because on my second pc i'm using a player name without a squad.xml file and i also get a "uses modified ...." message, when it joins to my other one.
  3. Another way could also be, to use the camcreate command. I'm not sure if it works, i'll try it out, when i return home from work.
  4. Chris Death

    Did you know?

    to Space Cadet: As we know, triggers are also variables, used by the mission itself (more complex than a usual a or b variable, but still variables). So what i think is, most of the things we are using in MP editing has to be managed like public variables, to tell also the clients that this happens exactly now. I also used a trigger, where you came to close to a house, then you could hear dogs and the russians have been alerted by this. This trigger would have been deactivated, if the russians were already alerted. When i played this map as client, and they were alerted, i experienced, that the trigger still went on later, when i aproached to the house.
  5. Chris Death

    Did you know?

    one more: I used the addaction command for 2 human controlled units so that both could activate a script - for both it was the same script, which should be activated (a kind of advertisement by using titletext) OK all worked fine, my mate and me were both seeing the added action at the bottom right menu. But when he came close to me, i got the same action command twice at my bottom right menu. When he went away it disappeared again.
  6. Chris Death

    Did you know?

    a short one: The join command in mp-missions doesn't work like it should, for human controlled units.
  7. Chris Death

    Did you know?

    Another one: One of my end trigger conditions had to be that all of an 8 men player team are dead. Normally you can use a trigger with the size you want to check out if these men are present. But in my mission there were also other soldiers of same side like the player team. To all of these 8 men i gave names; for example: S1,S2,S3----S8 Then i made triggers to check if they are alive. This worked fine until i started to disable some men at the player selection menu (what is usually in MP games). If one of the 8 men was disabled, the end trigger didn't activate anymore. I tried to ask at the beginning of the mission for each of the 8 if he's alive (if not the variable for his death was set to true) - this also didn't work. So i tried the same thing by use of a script - no success. For testing i let a trigger tell me that a soldier was not here (disabled him at selection menu) but the end trigger still didn't activate even when the test trigger detected the soldier as not present. So i again took the use of the init.sqs and included a script where i asked for each of the 8 soldiers if they are alive or not, and moved the information about this to the end trigger by setting a variable to true. For example: s2 was the disabled unit / s2d=true and in game there was also a trigger with a notalive s2 condition, which would also have set the s2d to true. Finally this worked well and one more time the init.sqs was the key of success.
  8. Chris Death

    Did you know?

    Here is my first one: While creating a coop map, where the user controlled squad (8 specops/day) were equipped with bizon's, law (1 round) 1 hand grenade and 1 satchel charge, i thought all works well. I could see these weapons in briefing, but when i asked another one, who tested the map with me, he said he has HK as weapon. So i tried various things to change the weapons for the soldiers 1) add them by script or manually in the init field of each soldier - didn't work well for clients 2) add them by trigger when the mission starts - didn't work well for clients, and we couldn't see them at briefing (ok we all know why) Then i had the idea to try it in the init.sqs (this script will be executed automatically, if present, by the mission) - this worked for all clients, and everyone could see the weapons in briefing.
  9. Chris Death

    #kick playernumber

    #kick malboeuf - i'll keep this in my mind - lol
  10. Chris Death

    Modified config and Fade messages

    Ey - are you sure you listed the config.bin? I'm at work and can't take a look right now, but i think you haven't listed config.bin. What you listed above looks more like the flashpoint.cfg (i'm not really sure - i'll be when i return home) btw - i just told ya that it has been already answered (if it was correct or not)
  11. Chris Death

    Modified config and Fade messages

    The modified config message appears, when anyone joins a game and his addons folder contains different addons to the server. This message isn't a bad one (it just tells you that you don't have the same addons he has) btw - this has already been posted yet malbeuf (just for the fact that you normally know an answer to all question - lol)
  12. In red hammer's included editor guide the support waypoint is described to use for medical support or ammo/repair support. A good use for the support waypoint is also to let the crew get off the vehicle. That mean: if you have in example an ai controlled jeep, give him a support waypoint, and the crew would get off this jeep, so you can get in use of it.
  13. Chris Death

    Does any one now how to..

    have you also tried "incargo"? if this doesn't work, at least another suggestion: the general command to detect if a unit is in a vehicle is _unit in _vehicle / now you have to clarify that it's not the driver, gunner, or commander (i know, better would be to detect cargo as cargo/ just another way)
  14. Chris Death

    skill settings

    yes FatBob there is a way (expecting you don't mean your own addon group) create your own group on an empty map (you can also create more than one) - and copy/paste them to your maps - i'm sure it's not exactly what you were asking for, but it's a way to do it - other way is; create your own addon-group (you could also use original soldiers for that)
  15. Chris Death

    Annoying tigger problem

    Is your trigger condition maybe set to true? If so, change it to this (just a thinking)
  16. Chris Death

    Need help for stopping movement

    You can solve your probs by placing waypoints exactly onto your group leaders or units, you don't want to have moved during cutscene, and as condition use some variable, which you set tue tro at the end of your cutscene. When the variable goes to true, they would procced to the next following waypoint then. (Edited by DV Chris Death at 7:33 am on Dec. 11, 2001)
  17. Have you tried to place several waypoints with a large radius at the same location, and last one a cycle, maybe this could do it. The units would move to somewhere inside this large area, not always to same point.
  18. Rob: he asks for already finished missions to dload i think. fsaexample: The problem is, that only the leader of the group may respawn in most coop maps, where respawn is included. btw; if you would use a way of respawning everytime like in a ctf or tdm), the coop mish would be to easy and boring after a while (your skills would decrease after a while, cause you wouldn't care about getting killed if you can respawn again and again. I've made a mission, where 2 men can respawn 3 times (two groups, each 4 men) - i also created this mission for playing with a buddy on my LAN. If you want i could at least send you this mission or i could also change the number of leaders to 3 or 4 (how ya want). So if ya interrested, post here your wish (number of groups, and how many men in group), but i won't do the unlimited respawn thing.
  19. Chris Death

    skill settings

    it makes ai units better in aiming, and better at all - using an ai unit with 100% skill, can save many loss of performance by lag - they also start to move around you and flanking you or comming from behind - an ai unit with 100% skill is always better then 3 ai's with 0% (or maybe more)
  20. Chris Death


    Which kind of text you want to have displayed? If it is just a chatline, you could use the sidechat command: _unit sidechat "blablabla"
  21. Chris Death

    Blackhawk(s) Down

    I haven't tried yet, and i can't to it right now, cause i'm at work, but what kind of behaviour you are using for the flying choppers (maybe careless) - try aware or combat (maybe they avoid of crashing together)
  22. Chris Death

    Web Page

    oops - sorry Henley - i just have seen, that i can't read - the site you were talkin about was http://www.ofpediting.net , and i was talkin about http://www.ofpeditingcenter.com forget my comment, i did b4 (Edited by DV Chris Death at 4:34 pm on Dec. 4, 2001)
  23. Chris Death

    Web Page

    <a href="http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin/ikonboard/topic.cgi?forum=8&topic=2940 Henley" target="_blank">http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....>Henley</a> - as i could figure out in your post beyond, i can't imagine, that you are really as good as you feel. Be sure, that http://www.ofpeditingcenter.com is one of the best OFP editing sites (Edited by DV Chris Death at 4:30 pm on Dec. 4, 2001)
  24. Chris Death

    Waypoint Cycle

    I just wanna tell you, if you don't know (except SUMA), if you finally want to break the cycle of waypoints, it can be easily done too: Add a trigger with type switch, condition (how ya want) and sync (F5) it with the cycle waypoint. This causes, that when the trigger is activated, the unit or group which is doing the cycle, will move to the next waypoint, you placed after the cycle waypoint. Example: wp1=move, wp2=move, wp3=cycle, wp4=seek&destroy - this means the unit/group is doing the cycle from wp1,2,3 until the trigger is activated, and then it will change to wp4 (even if it isn't through all waypoints yet)
  25. Chris Death

    32 player mp mission

    I don't think, that you can get this map to a playable level to run (with 32 players and 200 vehicles) - remember the more players, the more objects = the more data-transfer is needed to get all the information to the clients - this sounds really very very laggy for me.