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Chris Death

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Everything posted by Chris Death

  1. Chris Death

    Oxygen compatible with..

  2. Chris Death

    Oxygen compatible with..

    sorry for my useless quest , but i thought if somebody can answer your's, mine would be an easy one too
  3. Chris Death

    Oxygen compatible with..

    can i pay cash with € Euro in bangladesh???
  4. Chris Death

    Public servers and leadership

    I'm with you McLane, same as my buddie HKG3. There's only one thing, i believe you misunderstood: If they are talking about squad-leaders, i think they don't mean the leaders of some MP-clan/squad, i'd rather think they are talking about the squad/group leader from the game engine ~S~ CD
  5. Chris Death

    Scripting text conversations

    You could register (if you aren't already) at the forum on http://www.ofpec.com There you go for the Hints and Tips section, and watch out for a thread called: The potential of gamelogic units If you are already registered to their forums, just click on the link below: http://www.ofpeditingcenter.com/cgi-bin....4605694 If this doesn't make sense to you, just read it again and again (took me 2 times, to accept that this is stuff i may need). ~S~ CD
  6. LOL - would like to see them working together as captives Probably, someone could make some addons (e.g: eastern soldiers on side west or western on east) maybe somebody already did. But the nature of this game is: West vs East, so i don't think you can go around that fact. ~S~ CD
  7. Chris Death

    Scripting text conversations

    Well, using trigger's and variables for that is a way, but i would rather use a gamelogic and it's waypoints (or even a script). Here's the gamelogic version: Create a unit - side = gamelogic Let the gamelogic wait at this waypoint until you want the conversation to be started. :note - you can syncronize this waypoint with a trigger, with some other waypoint, or you can use the condition field (like in that example above cond-field: conv) If you are using the syncronize way remember, you can setup gamelogic's waypoints with type: AND/OR The type AND means, if you syncronize this waypoint with (let's say) 3 different triggers, it will wait there until all of these 3 triggers became activated. If you use the type OR and you syncronize it again with 3 different triggers, only one of these triggers has to become active. OK, this was how to let the gamelogic sit and wait, until the conversation starts, now to the conversation itself. Create waypoint after waypoint (as much waypoints as you need to setup the conversation), and use the effect's menu of the waypoints (you can also use the activation field for that) Also you can setup timeouts for the waypoints, same like with waypoints of real units, to set delays between your cutscene. You can also change music, use the camera effects etc. - just play around with it and you'll see how potential the gamelogic's are for doin that. btw - you can also use these gamelogic waypoints for syncronizing with waypoints of other soldiers so that they wait, until the gamelogic reached it's waypoint. And one last (just for info) - a gamelogic doesn't need to walk from waypoint to waypoint, it hops imidiately from one to the next (except you use timeouts/conditions or sync it with triggers/waypoints). hope this wasn't toooo confusing ~S~ CD
  8. Chris Death

    Crash on multiplayer load

    Did you probably use addons in this mission to an earlier time, and have them deleted later? If so, check your mission.sqm file (just open it with your notepad) and check the entries at the top, under addons: If you have used addons before, they will still be inside the mission.sqm, even if they aren't present anymore on the map. If you aren't sure, which of them are unofficial, just delete them all. (do a backup copy of the file before, so that you don't mess it up by deleting things you shouldn't have to). ~S~ CD
  9. Chris Death

    Alarm problems

    huh You wanna have a mission? Sorry, i thought you are asking for how to do that. Well, i can't do a mission for ya at the moment, because i'm at work, but: I can explain it once more (easier) to you. All you need, is to use a variable for that. Let's call this variable: alarmvar Now we initialize the variable with a trigger. Create a trigger with range 0/0, and type into it's condition field: true :note - true means the trigger goes off, once the mission starts Then type into it's activation field: alarmvar=0 This trigger you can place where you want on that island. Now, the alarm stuff: Yes, you need 3 triggers for that: Trigger 1: (remark: this will be your detection trigger) Activation: West/detected by east/once condition field: this activation field: alarmvar=alarmvar+1 :note - this trigger does nothing more, than detecting the soldier/s of side west, by east (you have to specify the range as large, as you want the alarm area to be) Trigger 2: (remark: this will be the alarm disabling trigger) Activation: west/present/once condition field: this activation field: alarmvar=2 (remark: you can also use the addaction command for that instead, but i'll show you the easiest way) :note - the range of this trigger should cover the place, where you want to have the possibility to enable the alarm. Trigger 3: (remark: this will be the real alarm trigger) condition field: alarmvar == 1 :note - this trigger only becomes active, if you or any west soldier gets detected inside the area of Trigger 1 + Trigger 2 was not used (remember the disable trigger) Here's the summary: Alarm expects: alarmvar == 1 west-side get's detected in alarm zone: alarmvar=alarmvar+1 :if you don't disable the alarm, the variable alarmvar will still be 0. This would look like that: alarmvar=0+1 The result will be: alarmvar is now 1 What happens (which trigger expects alarmvar to be 1?) Yes the real alarm trigger goes active :Now the other case, you have disabled the alarm before you get detected in the zone By disabling the alarm, the variable alarmvar will be set to the value: 2 If you get detected in the alarm zone now, it will add the value 1 to the variable. This would than be 2+1 makes 3. I hope it was clear enough this time.
  10. Chris Death

    Alarm problems

    errm - did you read through my method 2? This is, what you want. Alarm expects variable "alarmvar" to be at value 1 This means, Alarm doesn't work, if the value is 0, 2 or 3 The variable starts at value 0 If you deactivate the alarm, the value becomes 2 If your source alarm trigger goes off, it adds 1 to the variable "alarmvar" :note - if the alarm was disabled before, the value would be 3 then. If the alarm wasn't disabled before, it will result in 0 + 1, and this makes 1 -> whoop - alarm goes off you got it?
  11. Chris Death

    How do i find my position on the map?

    Just for info, you don't need to give any answer to their "where are you" shouts. They know, where you are if you e.g: tell them to fall back into formation, or order them somewhere else. The question for your position just tells you, that they can't see, what you're doin at the moment. If you would die, they wouldn't detect this, since the knows about value is 0. If you hear a guy shouting "where are you", you also can be sure, he can't save your rear, if enemies start shooting onto you.
  12. Chris Death

    New idea.... problem

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">like, lets say a unit walks into a trigger area, which triggers the trigger, now since it was that unit that triggered it, I want him to say something. <span id='postcolor'> Well, if the unit, which activates the trigger mentioned above should say something, then use: thislist select 0 globalchat "blabla" or: list this select 0 globalchat "blabla" i can't remember right now, which one of these two versions is the right one (i'm at work and i can't run ofp there )
  13. Chris Death

    New idea.... problem

    The format stuff also works for chat-messages. I'm not sure, but as far as i remember, you can't use gamelogic's for chat messages. Rather you could use any unused (far off the scene placed) civilian unit, telling that message. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">In the "on activation" field, what is the name of the object that triggers the action?<span id='postcolor'> If you are talking about a trigger, it should be "this", or "thislist select 0".
  14. Chris Death

    Ingame mp-browser

    Just a thinking, but wouldn't it be possible, to create some kind of ingame browser by ourself? If you alter/edit the hosts.txt file, while the game is running, it doesn't cause problems. I've tried that, and my server appearance on the server setup screen changed. A server, not showing up before, showed up after changing the file. If there could anybody create some stuff like ASE (i can't do it, not experienced enough for this job), and save the output of the server spy directly to the hosts.txt file, it probably could be done. It would be just a simple ingame browser, but at least we could have one. If this ain't possible, forget what i said.
  15. Chris Death

    Alarm problems

    You could use more ways to do that: You could move the alarm trigger to a position far away from the scene (by using the alarm enable trigger's activation field). You could also use numeric variables; For example: at the start of your mission, you set the variable: alarmvar=0 (use an init trigger, or the init.sqs) In your alarm detection trigger you only use the activation field for adding 1 value to this variable: alarmvar=alarmvar+1 Then you need one more trigger (no range is required for this one), which really makes your alarm. This trigger should have following condition: alarmvar == 1 And where you enable the alarm, you only have to set the variable: alarmvar=2 So what happens now? Once the alarm trigger becomes active, it adds the value of 1 to the variable. At the start it's 0, then it will be 1. If it becomes to value 1, the real alarm trigger becomes active. If you deactivate the alarm earlier, it becomes 2, this means if you add the value of 1 to the already value of 2 it results into 3. Ouch, i hope this wasn't to confusing. ~S~ CD
  16. Chris Death

    Idiotic, newbie, easy to solve problem.

    You could use titletext ["%1",_ab,"Plain down"] instead of "down" you could also use "in" down means it appears at bottom of the screen, in means it will be faded in at default place (center of screen) There are even more options, but you'd better have a look into some tutorials for that. You could also use this: player globalchat ["%1",_ab] The sound of the hint command i think, can only be altered or hidden, when editing the default game sounds, as satchel, wright or others did.
  17. Chris Death

    Help me pls

    Well, i'm sorry to say that, but you're right in this case. I think, there has been a link in this tutorial, which is nomore active by some reason. Since you wrote the last post, i've been searching through the OFP editing related sites, but i couldn't find the script, you're searching for. However, i will continue my search (or i can't sleep anymore) until i find that script. Also, you could ask the creator of this tutorial himself for the script (check the top-line of the file for his e-mail). ~S~ CD
  18. Chris Death

    Unofficial addons in multiplayer

    lol - often discussed, still not fixed Well, i still don't think that BIS is goin to enable automatic download of unofficial addons. I'm downloading most of the addons, and i like them aswell. They add some more atmosphere to this already very atmospheric game. But don't forget, that addons can mess up your whole game, if they aren't created properly. If you know, which addons you have downloaded, you have at least the option to scan your mind for the latest stuff you've put in. If you wouldn't have controll for adding them, it could get very anoying to find the addon, which messed up your game. Especially, if your (let's say) machine gun is messed up, and you haven't been machine gunner for a month or more. Try to find this addon, downloaded by the game itself, in the last months. Also don't forget, there are people out there, who decided not to use unofficial stuff, and they could get a grant on BIS, if they wouldn't be asked wether they want or don't want to receive an addon. OK the crash to desktop is a bit rough, but aren't we all a bit rough sometimes ~S~ CD
  19. Chris Death

    Help me pls

    Sorry, but this is King of the hill tutorial, what i've mentioned above. If you download the tutorial, you'll see the filename is kingofthehill.txt. If you have a look into the text file, you'll see that there is an exec call for a script called: score.sqs </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Trigger 1: Global Gameloigc Type: None Once Condition: true Activation: [] exec "score.sqs"<span id='postcolor'> Wasn't it that what you were asking for? And finally, this is the title of what to look for at the link: A tutorial on how to make a King of the Hill Mission in Multiplayer
  20. Chris Death

    Any good towns?

    Montignac, Sainte Pierre and Lamentin (all on everon) could also be, what you asking for.
  21. Chris Death

    Help me pls

    You will find a complete tutorial of how to make a KOTH style mission, if you scroll down to Multiplayer tutorials at the link below: http://www.ofpeditingcenter.com/tutorial.shtml hope this helps edit: ah yeah, and the script you're asking for, should be included aswell.
  22. Chris Death

    Missing stuff

    RED, there could be a true thing in what he means. I noticed a problem today aswell, with using imported sounds. I'm working on a mission on jungle everon, and i'm using imported jungle sound. For example i've setup a trigger, covering the woods, which activates a script and this script loops playing my jungle sounds as long as you are inside the trigger area. The triggers are set to be activated multiple times, so that you can leave the wooden area, go back into and whoop the sound appears again. I'm exiting the script by using the deactivation field of the trigger. All works fine, but for some strange reason the sounds stop playing after a while. The problem could be caused by the triggers aswell, for the reason that you probably can execute a script only for a specific couple of times. I need to test it a bit more (haven't got enough time yet). I think it doesn't depend on the sounds itself, because if i'm entering another trigger's area (playing the same sounds) it works. I'll put some more time on this soon, and i'll head up with the results then. ~S~ CD
  23. Chris Death

    Tell me about lag and an upgraded net code

    Aculaud, better ask yourself. Will a better netcode be better than a worser? I think it's the reason, why they are changing the netcode. ~S~ CD
  24. Chris Death

    "synchronize" command?

    Shouldn't this be done by the game itself? What i mean is, a game should recognize, not all are in sync and then do what you asked for above. :note - i know we're talking about ofp + direct-play
  25. Chris Death

    A question no one understood

    Nice hint russin Well hellfish, i saw your question last week, and i also have seen the replies you got Sorry for not replying there, but i've been short on time. You want to have the orders given by an AI commander (just for info to you others out there) OK at the top of this editing section on page 1, you find a thread called: Scripting Reference Inside is a link to the official comref, where you have to look for the "command" command (lol funny combination of words). Also i would recomend you to go for an unofficial comref you might find some good ones at http://www.ofpec.com or at http://www.operationflashpoint.cz They are even more detailed in some case then the official one (you have some samples included and more) hope this helps