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Chris Death

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Everything posted by Chris Death

  1. Chris Death

    Custom faces

    Gordy, i'm not quite sure how to do it, as i haven't made any unit addons yet (only sound and face addons) - but i assume that you have to put somewhere something like: face = "facename" in the cfgVehicles section I remember that in the nampack 2 there were some units, using their own configured faces, which couldn't have been changed by the mission editor (because of this i would even advice you not to do so because the face wouldn't be changeable in that case). If you're still after it, try dpbo'ing the nampack and have a look, how they did - or send Ebud a private message and ask himself for that. :edit - btw i'm pretty sure you'll get way better info on that when posting your question in the addons section here or at OFPEC, as it's an addon only related question and not a mission editing one (even tho this thread already covers implementation of custom faces, but think about which addon maker should make a new look into this old thread for what a reason). ~S~ CD
  2. Chris Death

    Custom faces

    You've hit the nail right on his head by that; does one mean by this questions: i want to make a face addon or i want to use more than one custom face same as the the one i'm already using Now would you start posting upon such a 2 way'ed question everything to do for creating a face addon? Anywayz - TobiWanKenobi has got straight answers to all of his questions here and when i posted the link to OFPEC, it happened upon his question: My answer covered exactly what he was asking for: Maybe you understand now why i've been a little bit upset about Blains "i'll teach you a lession now about how to help ppl" post And btw - Tobi's post came out at a time, where the custom faces thread by Liquid Snake was always on top of the addons section, therefore it was visible even from the OFP forum main page alot of times these days + i remember having read at least 3 or 4 different threads of the same kind like Tobi's one during the same week, when he posted it. ~S~ CD
  3. Chris Death

    Farmland objects pack!

    ~ ~ CD
  4. Chris Death

    Custom faces

    Who's been harsh inside this thread, apart from the "bugger", which came from the original poster himself, and i'm sure even that wasn't meant offensive but like he would have said: "ouch i would have appreciated to be able to get more than one custom face by doing it the easy way". As for "go and find it somewhere else" - if you meant that because of my reply, then tell me a better place to send somebody to learn doing stuff like making addons/missions or getting solutions with a minimum chance of getting involved into a flame war You see my post count? - i mean i am not proud about the number of posts i made, but at least 90 % of the posts i made here were to help ppl with problems they ran into during their mission editor carreer Unfortunately there are always the same questions popping up every now and then (or better say every week), and there are so many threads where their solutions will already be posted in. Ya know - every now and then i tend to repeat telling solutions, i've already told to others before, but you have to understand that sometimes - especially when the same kind of questions appear in 3 different threads at the same day, i tend to try inovating ppl to start reading something, so that i don't have to teach them every basic little step from "how to start the game with -nosplash" until "how do i create my own dialogues and use them correct in multiplayer maps". On a sidenote i also would like to tell you that i even didn't post more than 10 questions during 3 years of ofp mission editing, until i came to that level where i am now - instead i tried reading over reading through all the threads which did offer something new + experimentising myself in the mission editor alot of hours (ask me Mrs., in case she still knows who this guy in front of his computer is ) + whenever ppl ran into problems and posted them here or over at OFPEC, i tried to recreate the situation they wanted to do, just to come back and offer them a working solution. It's just that i also learned by experience that it's not so good, posting whole complex solutions to questions like: how can i use more than 1 custom face Ya know - this can end up in a 1 week full time job, even tho everything has already been written somewhere else before and that more than only once. And same way as i described above, many ppl of the comunity did it. ~S~ CD
  5. Chris Death

    Farmland objects pack!

    excellent pack you made there  One request i would like to make: As OFP is a wargame, there's one thing left behind recently; destroyed houses - ruins - half destroyed houses - houses with wholes from any kind of shell impacts I know that you've already put the one or other of such objects into your pack, but IMHO there are still to few of such objects available. Well, there are those which can be found on Kolgujev, but for some reason i seem to get some "Deja Vu's", everytime i see a ruined town on a new island. Those ruins would give so much more atmosphere to close quarter battles situations, if there were just more different types of them. They offer nice cover, close quarter battles against AI will increase in quality, same as the chances for getting them tho they went stuck in a house (ya know crappy AI does that). Off course it would not only be close quarter battles they were needed for... ...hmm - i think you got what i mean anywayz. If that would be possible in a later version, you would really hit the hearts of alot'a ppl in the comunity i believe (well mine for sure   ). ~S~ CD
  6. Chris Death

    Us woodland camo netting

    I must say: desert version looks awsome, as it really fits perfectly into those ground textures - wondering how it will look like on Tonahl, Sinai Peninsula or other desert isle's (as SW Nogova ain't the place where desert combat maps get made usually). Also the snow camo looks very good, but one thing really annoys me there (attention j/k now): What a help is the best camo ever, if then there is such a stupid soldier with snow camo standing on an asphalt road where there is no snow ~S~ CD
  7. Chris Death

    Ardennes island v1.0 by reinhard

    Sorry, if this has already been touched before, but will there be paths for ai being able to cross the bridges in your next version? ATM it looks like i've left my dogs outside a supermarket they're just standing there having no clue what to do now, and as soon as i'm back from the other side of the river, it looks like they're happy again wagging with their c*cks Else it's a really cool island with a nice touch of ww2 era. btw - about the discussion wether to use cwc buildings or not - IMHO cwc buildings do really fit best into ww2 maps rather than anywhere else in OFP. - I'm talking about those cwc buildings, you're already using there - it's just that they really do not fit together with any MARPATS/BAS/VDV/etc. but with ww2. ~S~ CD
  8. Chris Death

    World war 1 mod

    hmm - What about Battlefield 1918? That's a mod for BF1942, and IMHO it gives the player a very good WW1 feeling. You should have a look around for BF1918 sites, as i reckon having read a lot of vehicle/unit/weapon specs + nice pics. http://www.battlefield1918.de/gallery/4/close/ Here's a link to the picture gallery (unfortunately it's in german but here is a little translation so that you know what to find where) Bildergallerie = picture gallery (collection) Fahrzeuge = vehicles Flugzeuge = planes sonstiges = miscellanous Waffen = weapons überarbeitete Fahrzeuge = reworked vehicles ~S~ CD
  9. Chris Death

    World war 1 mod

    lot's of trenches artellery Red Baron Zeppelin's ~S~ CD
  10. Chris Death

    Woodland hummers

    Just wondering about: how much time for working on the pack was wasted yet for giving an answer to a question like this one. Kuba, if you'd take yer time to read at least the last two pages in this thread, you should get the answer to your question twice. ~S~ CD
  11. Yes there is; have a look into the comref, where it says: group reveal unit ~S~ CD
  12. hmm - maybe when typing that, this guy was really only thinking about russian AI's and totally forgot that russians are real people too. IMHO best would be to see it at least that way and don't start an exchange about opinions of different kinds Pics r lookin great btw. ~S~ CD
  13. Chris Death


    hmm - why looking for a newer comref, when everything you figured out lately is already in there? taken from the comref: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">Array assignment Assignment used on arrays assigns only pointer to the same array to the target variable. When b is an array, after executing a = b both a and b represent the same array. When b is changed, a is changed as well. One particular situation that can lead to this behaviour is aList = list sensor_name. You can force creating a copy of array by using unary operator +Array So all you need to make your snapshoot is: create an empty array and add the array of thislist to it, instead of duplicating the array thislist ~S~ CD
  14. Chris Death

    Greatest generals in all of history

    I know he wasn't a general but an admiral: Sir Francis Drake - who fought back the "spain armada" And i'm pretty sure that the romans had a lot of well doing leaders, as their military doctrine was already a well thought one, and so was their use of it. - maybe Maximus as one of them. Sarcastic one: Musolini - for knowing when it's been the right time to change sides ~S~ CD
  15. Chris Death

    What vehicle/weapon you'd like to see in ofp

    MRLS u mean? arty and mrls - have you heard about CoC yet? ~S~ CD
  16. Chris Death

    Side specific and not unit name?

    hmm - there's only one little thing, noone seems having thought about here: A trigger with the suggested settings: activation: west - present - repeatedly onActivation: "_x setcaptive true" forEach thislist ...should normally do, what it looks like -> it set's each west guy inside it's area to captive state - works fine for the first time - - but: it will only work a second time (or more), if the trigger gets deactivated again. This means: as long as there is still one single WEST unit inside the trigger area, not one new WEST unit who enters the trigger will be set to captive. All WEST units need to leave the trigger's area (to deactivate it), before it can be activated again. Well, at least this has been fact before the 1.9x patch series, and i wouldn't see any reason, why it should have changed as it's just logic. So if this could be a problem for you, could simply use another trigger + a boolean condition to instantly setcaptive true everybody inside the list(s) of the side specific trigger(s). Ah yeah, btw - and don't ask me this time again what i want you to do This will do nothing, if you think about it again. onDeactivation = trigger's list is empty now "_x setcaptive false" forEach thislist = every unit, who isn't there anymore will be setcaptive false => nobody The secret here is: use two WEST present triggers One for the captive true area, and the other one a little bit taller for the captive false stuff (inner & outer trigger). Now you only need to to subtract the guys inside the inner trigger from the guys inside the outer trigger, and you'll have access to both parties again - the captives and the noncaptives. just thought this could help to prevent you from later troubles, if it becomes more complex and you don't know why it doesn't work anymore as supposed to. ~S~ CD
  17. Chris Death

    Basic, silly question but...

    Hellfish, this depends only on the timing. The first unit put into cargo will be the one sitting in the driver's cabin. You could do: player moveinCargo xxx followed by all other's moveinCargo xxx P.S: not sure if "_x moveinCargo xxx" forEach units would reorganize the seats again (means that player would get a new set), but if so: just moveinCargo xxx each guy seperately by a trigger, executed after the player moveinCargo. ~S~ CD
  18. Chris Death

    Medium sized urban desert

    You could try Jelallabhat island - rough/desert - urban - all's there. Search thru the islands at ofp.info and you gotta find it. ~S~ CD
  19. Chris Death

    Not able to throw grenade

    hmm - i fear that's not all true, being said here: If i removeAllWeapons myguy, and addMagazine "handgrenade", i can use it. If i do not change anything related to weapons on an ai unit, and if i removed all weapons for me, i can use the grenades from the dead ai. If i removeallweapons from the ai, and only add him a handgrenade, i can't use his grenades If i only addMagazineCargo a handgrenade to a barrel, i can use it and btw: :note - if removeAllweapons does not work for you, then you've done something wrong - no need to remove 'em seperately then ~S~ CD
  20. Chris Death

    Kill tally (for entire group)

    Nope - it wouldn't cause lag - the eventhandler just sits there and gets executed, once a unit has got killed - nothing before and nothing after (except the code, running when the unit gets killed). Also you wouldn't have to add it to each of them seperately - you could make a trigger, covering all of them: activated by their side and in the onActivation field you would add the eventhandler for each unit in the triggers list = only one line to add it to all of your enemies. If you would add the eventhandler killed to each member of your group, then the only thing you could track down is: how many members of your group were killed by you I'm not aware of any simplier/easier less laggier method to track down your kills. ~S~ CD
  21. Chris Death

    Kill tally (for entire group)

    Look out for the EventHandler "killed" in the comref. Such an eventhandler, added to a unit returns the guy, who has killed him and off course the unit who has been killed You need to equip each unit with an EH like that, and nobody can prevent you from tracking kills anymore ~S~ CD
  22. Chris Death

    Not able to throw grenade

    It's: removeAllWeapons this or: removeAllWeapons soldier btw - i've tried some things now: 1) remove all weapons from a guy and give him only 1 hangrenade (using the correct method ) Then i killed him, and couldn't take the grenade from his dead body When displaying the weapons and magazines by a radio call, it still showed me that he has a hangrenade 2) placed a red barrel + this addMagazineCargo ["handgrenade",1] No problem for me to go there and take the handgrenade + throwing it onto the soldier i made in step 1) ~S~ CD
  23. errm - how comes you think i want you to do anything  OK, player distance object (in a vehicle) works in singleplayer and now. As i'm editing missions for a long time now + a lot of multiplayer stuff, all i can tell you is: unit distance unit (when having been inside a vehicle) did not work 1 1/2 year ago in multiplayer on a dedicated server. I can't tell you right now, if it's been an issue with a previous version of OFP, or with multiplayer, but it's always been my goal, not to run twice into the same mistake. Therefore i haven't tried unit distance unit without the vehicle unit a second time from there. I know nobody was talking about mp here, but ppl tend to use working techniques from sp in mp editing aswell, just to not have a clue later then, why it doesn't work anymore, as the syntax looks so fine. Therefore i started to use and to suggest rather methods, which will work for both (sp/mp), than only in sp. Now the goto "enemy" thingy; Reserved variables or command-names will cause not a problem when being used for goto's so: feel free to use reserved variables in goto statements, but i very often noticed that ppl also tend to screw their command functionality up by using reserved variables in another way than it's supposed to be. This will start with harmless goto's, and then when they don't think about it anymore, they will use same var-names for other stuff like global variables. At least it should be told to ppl, that enemy is a reserved variable, when suggesting to use it in another way. Ya know, i've been supporting a lot of ppl by solving probs for their missions in ofp now, and i've seen a lot of mistakes being made because of theories, which did work here, but not there. Sorry if you felt my post offense to you, that wasn't my intension here  :edit - ah yeah, one thing i forgot: 5 meters distance is not enough for sure The only noise i could hear when doing that was: aaaaargh, when i drove over them guys - no time for any of these enemies standing around to even think about killing me. Maybe it'll work when riding on a bycicle ~S~ CD
  24. hmm - checking the distance amongst each unit from a trigger's list can become a bit odd. Why not check if the number of units from that trigger's list, closer than 5 meters to the player's vehicle is more than 0. #loop ?"(vehicle player distance _x < 5)" count Elist > 0: goto "discovered" ~3 goto "loop" :note - i wouldn't use 5 meters, as it's very close, and it would be no problem for the player to overrun each enemy, before he's even able to target the player. ::note - Also i wouldn't use: goto "enemy", as enemy is a reserved variable. :::note - vehicle player is necessary, as the distance check will be useless, in case of the player is inside a vehicle. ~S~ CD
  25. Chris Death

    Ofp user wishlist...

    What about Jelallabhat island? There is a bunch of talibans + vehicles + artyguns out Only one issue about a wrong configured rpg soldier, but the maker also released a fixed config.cpp for a "fix_yourself". Should be available at ofp.info - ok, no south/north korean, but koreans they are. hmm - mailmans bosnian serbs and more (uce to jam), bkm's muslims (including even a few objects like a mosquee etc.) ~S~ CD