I'm new here, but have been reading this forum constantly for about a month. Figured I would start posting. Anyhoo...
On the campaign mission where you start out lost in the woods, I maneuvered my way to a small villa southeast of the starting point. Advancing cautiously I noticed one of those small Euro cars by one of the houses. Quickly I jumped in the thing (I know, not very soldierly, but I was desperate! and put the pedal to the metal onwards toward the newly designated pickup point. As I crested that first hill, a Russian patrol was right on the other side! Before either of us could react, I did a massive hit and run on three soldiers!! It was an insane, chaotic, yet extremely funny moment because it totally surprised me. Somehow, I shot past a T-80 that seemed to be just as surprised at my appearance as I was by his and took off down the road getting slightly singed from one of his misplaced shots in my backside. I was never bothered by the Hokum or Hind that was patrolling the skies either which I thought was weird because it was a definite problem in the beginning. I eventually took the car offroad where it began to bog down, so I ditched it and did an all out run toward the pickup zone about 200 meters away. Panting and out of breath, I eventually made it without another single shot coming my way.