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Everything posted by Ceyko

  1. Ceyko

    Ideas for the next flashpoint upgrade

    This is not a patch idea, but more of a sequel story line. I'd like a campaign to take place in the states. Possibly involving nukes having taken out half the east coast, and the enemy invading. The characters could be stationed at Fort Hood, TX and both the 4ID and 1st Calv divisions would be mobilized to take out the threat. The joy of using Fort Hood is that the 2 divisions have planes, helicopters, more tanks and arty then you'd care to count and then all the supporting infantry and vehicles. I think this could make for an interesting story line and game play. The only problem I can think of is who the invaders are and where. I'd say after nuking the northeast and eastern coast, they'd probably want to try the south or southeast. However, due to PR and political issues...who would the invaders be? I'm in Bosnia working for the military as a civilian contractor, it would be nice to drive my tank to Dallas and give the wife some sugar. haha Take care, Ceyko
  2. Ceyko

    Self waypoint

    Greetings, I played the whole original campaign ver 1.46 and loved it. Â My biggest problem is that when your flying you have to switch back and forth from the map. Â Now I realize that in real life you have to use terrain and maps to get where you want to go. Â However, there is also GPS. When you are not the "leader" you get commands to move and it shows you were to move. Â Is there anyway to do the samething for yourself. Â So you can decide where you want to go and have a little box show where it is. Â This would come in handy when flying so that you can fly and not have to worry about checking the map. Â Any help is appreciated. Thank you, Ceyko
  3. Ceyko

    Self waypoint

    Spoiler Warning... Well, an example would be the last mission...status quo (Or even the last real mission) when your flying the helicopters and need to get to a specific place. (wherever you want to go) I prefer to fly and let the gunner do his thing on my commands. The problem is that I am trying to track targets, and find my way around the maps, plus avoid or eliminate AA fire. It'd be nice if I could set a destination on my map and when I'm in the game that box with "move" under it would be there. Let me know if I need to elaborate more. Thank you, Ceyko