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About CarolCray

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  1. CarolCray

    Modified files fix

    Benu you are by the most obnoxious person I have ever meet on these forums... HANDS DOWN! Bill Clinton has nothing on you in the feild of double talk. You say your english is not your native language, what is? LIARNIES? Pronouncing english words is one thing, comprehending is what your reading is obviously out of your league. Your either posting this babble on purpose or your simply the stupidist MF I have ever meet. "TOMMY USES MODIFIED CONFIG - 1.91" "TOMMY USES MODIFIED BIN/CONFIG.BIN" Big freaking difference pal... </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">But why check those files anyway? They aren't needed for resistance, my server does not even have them installed...<span id='postcolor'> "BENU USES MODIFIED BLOW HOLE"
  2. CarolCray

    Modified files fix

    BUMP! sorry I modified my message while you were posting... see above.
  3. CarolCray

    Modified files fix

    LoL you beat me to it... I was just comming back to add: The main reason he got the errors is because he did not follow the proper sequence of patchs working his way back to ver 1.90 Also, about to add: SEE AvonLady FAQ for more details on the proper re-installation OFP/R 4:40am here... guess I'll have to get up earlier next time:) Ohya, 1.75 > 1.9x... might be possible to skip 1.85 the zip is only a few bytes difference. I've never had any of these "mod file' problems myself... ie. never had to re-install. Maybe worth a shot. Come to think of, maybe that's the whole problem. People are skipping 1.85? Now that I think about a few guys have said after recieving those errors "It's been doing that ever since I installed 1.90" ie. Maybe they never installed 1.85 and went straight from 1.75 to 1.90? DING! DING! Do we have a winner?
  4. CarolCray

    Modified files fix

    One of our most trusted players recently re-installed his game and when he logged onto the server his DATA.PBO DATA3D.PBO and CONFIG.BIN file all showed up as "modifed". BINGO! Here's what he had to do to fix it... and prolly the reason why so many other people are having problems with sum-check errors on these files. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Ok guys i found out probably a main reason so many people are coming on with loads of modified files not just one or two. If you are told you have multi files that are modified here is the solution to your problem. 1. You need to uninstall Resistance and then Op flashpoint. 2. You need to go in and delete everything including your flashpoint folder were your game is stored. Including your userprofile. THIS IS IMPORTANT. 3. Go and download the version 1.30 and 1.46 patch for Opflashpoint. Not res just flashpoint. 4. Get the patches for Res up to 1.90. Here is were you can screw this up bad if you don't ***** LISTEN TO ME. 5. You need to install Operation flashpoint. DO NOT INSTALL ANYTHING ELSE. 6. Next install the 1.30 patch. 7. After that install 1.46. DO NOT PUT ANY ADDONS OR DOWNLOADED MISSIONS IN. 8. Next you want to install Resistance. 9. Install the 1.85 patch. 10. Install the 1.90 patch. DO NOT INSTALL ANY ADDONS AT THIS TIME. Go onto the server and see if you have any modified files. You should not. If you do you fucked up the reinstall and you have to start all the way over. I spent 2 hours figuring this out the hard way. I want to give thanks to Hurricane for the support and the spotting when I reinstalled. If you have any problems with this way of doing it or you don't agree with me PISS OFF. This is how I got it to go proper with me after I uninstalled to restart my mission making adventure. I am posting this because I am in a good mood right now and I know alot of you are having problems with this. This is my solution. Others may have there way and you are welcome to use them. I don't care. "Untill you earn the right to call me Hammer it is Lance Corporal to you boy." <span id='postcolor'> And there you have it... Now keep in mind, there are still bad buys out there... ppl re-painting all the soldiers uniforms florecent orange... But don't think I won't catch you:) If your files don't match the server you have A) Installed something wrong... or B) Are trying to cheat. Either way would'nt you perfer everyone be one the same page?
  5. CarolCray

    Modified config

    Dear benu: For your FYI I'm a registered Republican, totally immune to your DemonKraut... er Democratical double talking tatics. If you think consouling and theropy is the way punish little Tommy for tourching your car at 2am then more power to you... Your house will prolly be next. You say, "When players connect to my server with modified files i tell them to reinstall." Well guess what pal... that's EXACTLY what we do! Where on earth did you get the impressing that every time someone shoots us we scream cheater? Clearly you are the one that is paraniod here. Ps. I "USE" to have Satchels addon too, and imho it's not God's gift to OFP. No responce Required, Thank You and Good night... I have a country to save. Go play with your Liberals.
  6. CarolCray

    Modified config

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">adding more sounds to the game is not possible without it.<span id='postcolor'> Wrong... guess again. There are several excellent quality sound packs out that DO NOT use anything but a different SOUND.PBO file. Ps... Please post the name of your server, that way eveyone we kick we'll just send them to your server ok? Nice attempt at defending the cheat infested game CS. Gimme a break, everyone and his pet monkey knows it has nothing to with "the spirit"... Good grief, cheaters ruined that game... FACT! Not "hysterical crap" as you so elegantly put it... Now that I think about it... You remind me of the guy last night that said the reason his config.bin was goofed was beause he had Keg editor upgrade... we laughed for 10min and desided we would let him play... on account he was so funny. 3min into the game his BMP took 6 laws into it without any damage... oh no he wasn't cheating was he benu. Musta been 'mass hysteria' huh? You know like when a group of ppl see a UFO... LoL! Have fun.
  7. CarolCray

    First two days on multiplayer

    Hi, if your into teamwork and playing with some really nice mature ppl that don't take the game WAY TOO SERIOUSLY:) try: Radishville.com The server is only up between the hours of 6:30pm to 20am EST. and I believe 24hrs during the weekends. We play all types of missions that require no add-on's. We have alot of 56k players. All matches are 30min. Also be sure you to install 1.90, seems pings rate were dramaticly improved with this patch. If you really want to get the best out of this game as far as pure team work is concerned check the 'downloads section' on that site for a program called Roger Wilco. As the in-game chat seems to lag most ppl using modems. As you say (and I too) the most important thing about having a truely good experiance and getting the most out this game is playing with like minded ppl. 90% of time there is an official admin: look for "Produce" / "Radishville Regular" tags and they don't tolorate any... baloney:) Ohya... Buy resistance! Looking forward to killing you... Carol Cray
  8. CarolCray

    Modified config

    Kevin... Yes it has been tested, and yes it does work. Fact is simply removing all the vegatation from an Is. is only the tip of the iceberg my friend. Word to the wise, "modified config/island message" = BOOT!! "modified config.bin message" = BOOT!! Accept no substitues! Been catching red-handed a ton of ppl modifing there armour setting lately. Here's a post I made about this in another forum: ====== Ok it's been getting outta handly lately almost to the point where I'm about to throw in the towel with all the ppl logging on with modified this and that messages. Then when you try and ask them civil like, they either ignore you or get all pissy and holy'er that tho on you. I only have maybe 2 more weeks to play on-line (or off-line for that matter) and I refuse to have it ruined by pimple popping pustulating pimps. The next person I catch driving a jeep the size of my foot... hopping out and shooting me dead. I swear I'll track your IP and shoot your freaking dog/cat/hamster/whatever dead as jack rabbit then eat it right in front of you! -end rant- -begin solution- Now for those of you who are honest and have somehow unknowingly had your files altered. Mostlikely by a add-on that used a .EXE to install it (BAD IDEA! I offer a simple fix. There are se7en main files that MUST NEVER BE ALTERED! CONFIG.BIN DATA.PBO DATA3D.PBO ABEL.WRP CAIN.WPR EDEN.WRP INTRO.WRP If any of these files are altered it produces a message when you log on such as: "TOMMY USES MODIFED CONFIG.BIN FILE" ect. Now the config file is special, notice exactly what it says, "config.bin" as apposed to a typical: "TOMMY USES MODIFIED CONFIG FILE - 1.90" (or 1.85 / 1.91) In this case it simply means he is using a different OFFICIAL patch ver. 1.85 / 1.90 / 1.91 ect. Also note this is the ONLY file that produces this 'variable' message because each patch alters this main file. If the message says "CONFIG.BIN FILE" it's more than likely a cheat. OR the work of some egotistical addon creator that has no idea what he is doing so he had piddle with all your files just to get his stupid add-on to work in the game. idiot. Here's the bad news... If your files are goofed and your are just an innocent bystander that was playing with your files with O2 or De-PBO or messed with your Config.bin (BadDog! nothing short of a total re-install will help you. ====== Dear Suma, I know we have had our moments but implementing a sum-check for these files into the game was nothing less than a sheer stroke of pure genius! I dunno what we would do with it. What I do know is without it, this game would be worst that both CS and Quake3 combined... ie. Cheaters Paradise. The Se7enth Angel sounded his trumpet and they were loud voices in heaven which said... wurd to your muther. Se7enthSeale
  9. CarolCray

    New official unit !

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Suma @ Dec. 23 2002,18:43)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">If you think OFP gets worse with each patch released, why do you want another one to be released, which, given how incompetent we are, would certainly be worst of them? Â We released this addon because we wanted to set-up some standard how addons should like (following OFPEC tags guidelines, including sample mission with addons). We plan to release a set of tools that will make installing addons much easier, and we need to test some of the tools before publishing them. We also wanted to give OFP users some nice christmas gift. Creating this addont required almost no programming time, and only a moderate ammount of atrist time, and which is probably the most important, Araon really enjoyed creating this addon, no matter how useless it may seem.<span id='postcolor'> I did say: IMHO OFP is the best game to ever hit the market hands down, did I not? ie. Incompetent? I hardly think so:) You say: "We released this addon because we wanted to set-up some standard how addons should like"... funny I still have'nt seen a post from BIS saying, "This is how it's done guys, use this as your template."... but hey, hind-sight is 20-20... right? Besides get real... there are ample people making addon's right now that follow all the guide lines pefectly... those who are not, are simply to lazy to read the manuals from those who take the time to write them. But I guess that's why your creating tools now... for the lazy and truely incompetent one's that prolly should not be making add-ons anyway... am I right or wrong? Suma It is nor ever was my intention to ruffle thy feathers, I was only expressing my deepest disappointment... Thx for taking the time to express yours in me. I can tell Ive seriously po'ed you... your spelling and grammer errors rival my own:) Love always, Carol Cray
  10. CarolCray

    New official unit !

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (toadeater @ Dec. 22 2002,11:56)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"> Quote (toadeater @ Dec. 21 2002,14:43) What was the purpose of this? Is this the remnant of some kind of test? I hope it isn't the complete waste of time it appears to be. Please fix the @#+*$^*(*%^!!! game's bugs and stop fooling around. Was I dictating to them? I asked a question. I find someone spending the time to make WW1 airplanes and bicycles in light of the current situation with the OFP engine a bit strange. I mean, they could have put a turret on the BRDM2, or maybe a TOW launcher on the Humvee, or add a Russian heavy machine gun, or the countless other things we have actually been asking for and could use. But no, instead we got a bicycle and an obsolete airplane that doesn't fit into the OFP time period.<span id='postcolor'><span id='postcolor'> NO DOUBT!! Since the release of 1.90 game play on-line has become a complete joke! I'm not even gonna mention how screwed up things have gotten with 1.91. There are atleast 10 TOP quality people creating addon's for this game... INCLUDING BI-PLANES! With that in mind, you would think BIS would be concentrating on the patches... not useless models!Besides the game is called: Operation Flashpoint 1985, NOT 1930's! You guys released O2 for modellers... Since then they have taken this game to new heights. They are doing what they do best... models. Why not concentrate on doing what you do best? OPF IMHO is the best to EVER hit the market PERIOD-HANDS DOWN! But it seems that with ever patch released on-line game play gets a whole new bag of worms and with 1.90 has become all but unplayable. 160 maps on the server we played with 1.75, yet now with 1.90 we can only play 5 of them because of false addon messages that crash everyone back to the lobby, or to their desktops! Now with 1.91 it's gotten even worst, if you can imagine that. Most all the official league maps now have ammo pouches that spawn by the hundreds until the game is so lagged out NO1 can play even with 4Ghz machine... Sad but true! All we wanted for Christmas was a patch that actually worked... What did we get? A bi-plane... aka lump of coal... wow, thx alot Santa. PS... to all you ass kisser's that told me to STFU... Have fun playing with your new toy and fighting AI in SP mode... I could careless about SP mode. May comments were to those who bought this game to play on-line against humans... something your not capable of. You Polly Annie one liners have no effect on me. Fact is you prolly could'nt fight your way out of your own house...
  11. CarolCray

    New official unit !

    Bi-planes? Geez what's next BIS, flint lock riles and muskets? Maybe some pirate ships too eh? I know what about cowboys and indians? Or tribes of neandrethal men with sticks and stones... Ya ya that's the ticket. Ok so it looks cool but... EXACTLY how does it fit in with game I bought? Oh and Ps... I game never use to crash... till I installed 1.91
  12. Over the weekend it was discovered (accidently) that anyone with o2 could .....
  13. ST6M1Penetration-BETA / 4.37m http://ofpclandestineoperations.homestead.com/Campaign.html Custom Features (by Rubble_Maker): Geometery ToolBox - Spline curve-based camera/object movement - Unlimited camera usage - Scripted AI Dynamic Voice Generator - Spontanous simulation of enemy/friendly voice Ambience Sound Engine - Random background noise engine BattleCam - Ability to randomly track multiple tragets - Usage of spline curve-based camera movments Laptop Satillite Viewer - Ability to reposition target veiw by double clicking anywhere on map! - 5 levels of +/- zoom - Custom sound ===== Hi everyone I know it's been awhile but as you can see Rubble_Maker and myself have hard at work... Well maybe Rubble a bit more than myself:) Now reaching the stage where we some feedback on how this plays out for ppl. Everything above is implemented into the beta, so enjoy. The final version will be "Resistance" version. All required Add-on's available on-site. TiA Carol Cray
  14. CarolCray

    New penetration beta available.

    ST6M1Penetration-BETA / 4.37m http://ofpclandestineoperations.homestead.com/Campaign.html Custom Features (by Rubble_Maker): Geometery ToolBox - Spline curve-based camera/object movement - Unlimited camera usage - Scripted AI Dynamic Voice Generator - Spontanous simulation of enemy/friendly voice Ambience Sound Engine - Random background noise engine BattleCam - Ability to randomly track multiple tragets - Usage of spline curve-based camera movments Laptop Satillite Viewer - Ability to reposition target veiw by double clicking anywhere on map! - 5 levels of +/- zoom - Custom sound ===== Hi everyone I know it's been awhile but as you can see Rubble_Maker and myself have hard at work... Well maybe Rubble a bit more than myself:) Now reaching the stage where we some feedback on how this plays out for ppl. Everything above is implemented into the beta, so enjoy. The final version will be "Resistance" version. All required Add-on's available on-site. TiA Carol Cray
  15. Trailer Movie v2.0 - 3.76m ClandestineOperations Presents Campaign TheCRAY Intro Moive v2.0 A production of Carol Cray and Shaun Michael Ltd. File Name: TheCrayIntroMovie.zip Files in zip: CAMPAIGN TheCRAY.ebeden_jungle.pbo GermanGirlsx2.zip ReadMe.txt Required Add-on's: Ebud Jungle Everon Available at: http://www.ofpeditingcenter.com/addon_depot/view_type.asp?type=4 GermanGirlsx2.zip (included in zip) Mode: Single Player Constructed on: P3-500 / 128m ram STB Ultra2 / 64m on board. Credits: PatrolDebug.sqs Patrol/Group Debug Script (Advanced) by toadlife ([email protected]) http://www.toadlife.net/ofp/ ---- Rotate.sqs GENERIC OBJECT ROTATION SCRIPT 1.2 developed by snYpir w/assistance from Wozza email [email protected] ---- Move.sqs GENERIC OBJECT MOVEMENT SCRIPT 1.3 developed by snYpir w/assistance from Wozza email [email protected] ---- Tailrotor.sqs Tailrotor Failure script by Fox2 ---- Camera Class 101 Jeroen 'ZaPPPa' Floor ===================== Main Bug(s): As with all the scence's timing is everything. Every camera switch and object movement is timed to whatever music is playing for that scene... ie. ANY lag will effect the overall rythum of the movie. For best overall results I suggest you restart if any lag should occur during the first scene. Note the system (above) I used. A toy by todays standards so you should have zero lag thru-out depending on your specs. See 'WalkThru' below for more details. Also I dump ARIEL for a better peice of tail... TheGermanGirls:) Included in zip file. ====== README ====== Comments: After 3weeks it's finally here... v2.0 FULLY SCRIPTED! For those who enjoyed v1.0 Ive included some new scences so you won't get too bored:) It also rounds out the storyline more evenly. Now on a more personal sidenote... NO! the rumor's are false! My wife did not divore me for spending 24/7 over the past month learning to script. She only moved out... Main Characters: TheCRAY Shaun Michael Robin Tice Alysha Colonel Dutton General Robert Audiss QUI LO GRANDMASTER of WHITE LOTUS DING HO GOLDEN IMPERIOR of TRIADS ...and the lovely Roxanne. ========= WalkThru: **Scene 1: Malaysia We start out "10 years ago..." in Malaysia. Here we watch a quick fire fight as a UH-60 comes in for an extraction. Pay close attention to the 2nd camera's motions. I incorperated a bug in snYpir's Rotate.sqs to give a very dramatic effect. The camera is set for a 270 degree rotation. It starts off at ground level pointed at a enemy jeep. As the camera begins it's rotation it also begins to climb to appox. 100ft. At the 1/2 way mark it descend back to ground level. Way cool effect:) Bugs: Near the end of this scene, occaionally the AI will lolly gag his way onto the chopper. No big deal, but technically he suppost to already be on-board before this final camera kicks in... and we watch the chopper rise into the clouds and fade to black. 75% of the time you never see the man boarding (as planned) and everything works out perfect. But if you do see him picking his nose trying to deside which side of the chopper to get in on... don't sweat it... everything will still move along as planned. **Scene 2: Alysha Poor Alysha... left behind by the pencil pushing pimp's of war. Sad but true. Watch how close the camera comes to the chopper as they cross paths. The closer the better. It does'nt really mean anything, other than the effect and knowing everything is humming along perfectly. Sometimes you cross paths @10ft from 1another, other times @100ft. Bugs: None that I saw. Though during the actual kill you may see one of 2 things. 1) A single machinegunner pops off a few rounds into Alysha's chest. 2) 4 machinegunners unload full belts into Alysha then reload and do it again in a fury of crossfire... Sweet! **Scene 3: Section 8 (insane) A simple scene covering the fate of TheCRAYs' actions with the chopper pilot from the Scene 2. Here is also where we first meet Colonel Dutton (Lt. at the time, remember this is all still '10 years ago...' and General Audiss. Nothing spectacular, 2 simple cameras and a bit of on screen reading. Bugs: None. **Scene 4: Attack on St. Pierre Let the headache's begin! Good grief I have a more trouble with this scene than ANY of the others combined. Freakin' AI pilots are flat-out idiots! With 3 in the air over St. Pierre... there is a 30% or better chance of a mid-air collision. Again no real big deal... just let it flow as there is nothing I can do about it. I thought of only using 2 chopper's... but what if they hit? Leaving nothing in the air to continue the invasion... DoH! Bugs: None other than the occaional pilot error. ==== END INTRO SECTION ==== ==== MOVE TO 'PRESENT DAY' BRIEFING ==== At this point you should be caught up on the 'history' of TheCRAY, as we fade to black and move to the 'Briefing'. Read thru it and hit 'Start' **Scene 5: NRO Base Present Day... hold on I feel another migrain coming on... A quick rotating camera covering the base. A pinhead jumps from a jeep and flags down General Audiss. They converse and Audiss moves into a tent where he has a few choice words with Dutton. Fade to black. Bugs: It took me 2 days to figure out why Audiss would stop evey 2ft and use his binicular's to walk 10 freakin feet into the tent! By the second day I was ready to kill something. Finally I had to removeall to get him to stop... what a moron. The other thing that nearly drove me insane was the pivot they do just before entering a tent or building. Getting the distance correct from his starting point to the tent entrance was a madhouse because either A: if his starting point was to close he would walk thru the tents side then pivot once inside. Or B: if he was to far he would freakin walk around ALL THE WAY around my camera and across the base and EvEntUaLLY back to the tent... WHAT THE F!!!!!! Anyway, 'removeall' fixed this so there should be no bugs in this scene. **Scene 6: Astwood Cove, Bermuda Finally we meet Roxanne... a.k.a. Beauty and the Beast. Standing at TheCRAYs' beach house... or should I say compound? A breif conversation with the CIA chopper closing in. Greeting are exchanged and TheCRAY boards the chopper. Flying off into the sun with some 'situation' screen reading. Bugs: None. Scene 7: Credits Bugs: None ==========Tada=========== Author Contact: Main email: [email protected] AOL Instant Messenger: OneXGreenBeret OFP Forum(s): Carol Cray OFP Online: Se7enthSeale Enjoy... TheEnd