I don't think there's one. That's my only real gripe. The easiest way to do it is open up the editor and place the content you want class names for. Save the mission then tab+Alt to the desktop and open the mission folder, then open the mission.sqm file. Then look for vehicle="classname"("classname" being the class name you are looking for.)
I did it for you. Here it is:
"LoBo_f16I_4" -F16I SEAD
My apologies. There is a classname .pdf that Betsalel compiled a while back. Thanks bud, very much appreciated. You're a better man then I, I didn't have the patience to finish mine.
Miles, you should put this link in the first post.
Betsalel Class Name .pdf:
And here's a clickable link.( Not sure why just posting a link wont work anymore.)
Betsalel's IDF list
ok, now i need 1 more favor, how do i find out the classnames for the bombs dropped by the f16? specifically i want to use the cluster munitions for mando bombs, i find that four planes dropping hundreds of bomblets is highly amusing against a convoy of urals