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Everything posted by PTV-Jobo

  1. PTV-Jobo

    Project True Viking

    Thanks everyone for the feedback, and more importantly....all the love. It was really a bump-filled journey, but was one well worth it. I couldn't let things just go. Had to reevaluate and give it one last try and this time--learning from my own failures. Not just for myself, but more importantly for the guys who worked so hard over the years and to you guys, the community, who cheered us on through good and bad. You all deserved to see this release far more than I do. And I am happy to know so far it's well received (well aside from the Workshop commenters having a mental breakdown over skin-tone apparently, lol). May not be jam packed full of things, but I think while it lacks somewhat in other areas of content, what makes up for it is the heart put into what we do have. And with that said--we've no plans on stopping! 🙂
  2. PTV-Jobo

    Project True Viking

    Not at all. One of those things where no matter how hard you try prior to release, someone always manages to slip right through--haha. Thanks for the report!
  3. PTV-Jobo

    ArmedForces:UK Vehicles

    Looking good! Also congrats on the kiddo, mate! All the best.
  4. PTV-Jobo

    USP Gear & Uniforms

    Badass! Keep killin' it fellas. I really like your thinking style and approach. 🙂
  5. PTV-Jobo

    [WIP] French Army Mod : ArmaModFrance

    Big respect, team. I've been pretty impressed with just about every picture you've shared of your progress. Can certainly see the quality and love there. Awesome work!
  6. Seemed to have worked. I do have one other issue personally. The battle eye checkbox in the screenshots are non-existent for me. So there's no way to manually disable BE on the server through FAST.
  7. PTV-Jobo

    What was your Gateway Arma?

    I was really deep into America's Army Online. Bridge Crossing was my jam. Was unfortunately one of those who knew all of the drop shot techniques that usually wipes out half the opposing team before they have a chance to hit the bridge, haha. Ended up eventually getting adminship on the DNAF server, then from there got involved in a well known clan that frequented the server and before I could blink I was voted in as the new leader. Lots of good memories of those days. But eventually as I grew older, I wanted more out of my gameplay. Two friends of mine from Norway at the time told me about OFP. Everything sounded right up my alley, especially since due to my disability I couldn't join the military in real life, so to hear there was a game that would allow me to "escape" and kind of be the the virtual soldier I otherwise could never be because of my disease.....needless to say it peaked my interest a lot, haha. Unfortunately, I was already late to the game, so those friends told me that the guys who made the game released a demo of their new game Armed Assault. Tried the demo and here I am years later still just as much in love with Arma as I was back in the day as a kid. Here's hoping my old ass will be able to see someday an Arma 4 to enjoy next! *knocks on wood*
  8. Going through the same issue as ReDGamerR. Doesn't go any further for us, because have to type in your steam guard code, but unfortunately there's no way to enter it. So you are stuck with the above and nothing much else.
  9. All I can say about that video and the interior sounds....:
  10. All sounds really great, although I'm sure some of this info we've already talked about privately as well, hehe. But yeah man it sounds (Hah, get it? I make a pun! No? Ok, I'll see myself out....) really interesting. I think so far one thing that pleases me quite a bit is how you're evolving the inside vehicle shot sounds. As you know this is something in a lot of games and really, really had hoped for in ArmA. I know the fear there was that it would probably require a bit of scripting to do right, but I'm glad you figured out a workaround. I hope perhaps a little more can be brought out of that over time. The sound dampening effect is really good, just needs to maybe be made a little more pronounced audibly? Like really drive home the point of sitting in a thick metal box while you have a weapon outside on top firing. But even now, I finally feel like I am inside a heavy metal IFV or something firing. Not like back in the day where everything almost sounds the same inside as outside. Back in the day, there was no real genuine sense of sitting inside metal beasts. Now if only BIS can fix the camera view of some vehicles so when you go into optics mode and fire inside a vehicle you don't get ear raped by sonic cracks. As if your camera is sitting a little too in front of the weapon just because you go into optics mode, lol. I also agree with Steve about the suppressors. The sounds themselves are awesome, but I think they definitely could be raised a bit louder and maaaaaaaybe a slight more punch. Which leads me to next point of being happy with the statement of "Player weapon sounds are loud and have strong reflections. Bass heavy but with more dynamics.". I know this is a topic that can drive you nuts, because no matter what you do--someone is going to whine that everything is too loud. And if you lower it more, then people also complain it's too quiet. For me? I'd rather it be loud and just adjust my game volume instead of having ArmA's sound maxed as well as my Windows sound settings maxed and have to raise the volume to my headset to get some good volume from weapons. Because at that point anything outside of ArmA sound-wise will give you a heart attack and/or make you deaf since you forgot you had to max out your sound settings to get some good "Oomph!" in ArmA , lol. Sorry not sorry to those who prefer soft and dainty pew-pew's. Glad to hear you want some balls on those sounds with some nice volume and strong reflections. Yeah boy! When I fire a weapon with JSRS running, I want to feel like Gunny is in my head shouting at me to see my war face. Not the audio equivalent to the UK's current recruitment fiasco in the news. Know what I mean? lol One other thing on my mind is the 40mm UGL's. For quite some time they sound kind of, hmm how to explain it properly.......explosive? Like too powerful, just firing a GMG from the hip if you know what I mean? Not sure if it's just some config settings or something with reverb making it sound a little too powerful. But from what I've watched and read up on as well it's more like a slightly sad "Thoop!" (Example video below starting around 0:34 seconds in) So if possible, maybe look at the ugl firing sound someday to make it a bit more "Sad Thoop"? Other than these very, very minor things I really can't think of anything in particular that stands out enough to ask or suggest, when compared with your current plans on where to take JSRS. I'm sure if anything else pop's into my stupid brain, I can let you know.
  11. PTV-Jobo

    Refraction blast wave

    Awesome! Thanks for sharing with us! :)
  12. PTV-Jobo

    USP Gear & Uniforms

    Trust me mate, you have nothing to be sorry about or need to explain yourself. I've been there with ASTFOR, it's not easy to see through successfully even when you have numerous people on deck to help. People who want an apology are either people who think making this kind of mod as "It can't be that hard, they're probably just lazy" types or the self-entitled assholes who don't care about all the time, hard work, stresses, etc you need to invest into doing something like this. It's enough to put even the most enthusiastic people through their paces. I use to shit rainbows nearly in terms of enthusiasm starting my project, and after a few years of a real solid dose of reality, that quickly changed. And then feeling the pressure to rush just to satisfy people out of fear of them talking shit all over the internet about "eh these guys are going to be like every other flopped mod out there", it takes its toll in very big ways. So don't feel like you owe us in the community anything. Do what you have to in order to not see the success you desire for this, but do everything possible to cling tightly to that passion for yourselves. Everything else will come through own its own in due time. When you are ready and happy enough to release confidently--you'll know. The people who genuinely support your project will understand and will eagerly wait. And the rest? Oh well, they'll get over it. Keep doing what you're doing mate, and above all else--have fun doing it!
  13. PTV-Jobo

    ArmedForces:UK Vehicles

    Looking awesome, man. Nice job! :)
  14. PTV-Jobo

    USP Gear & Uniforms

    Looking awesome fellas, really digging it! :)
  15. PTV-Jobo

    Arma 3 Photography : Questions and Comments

    @KikoMazar You keep killing it with your screenshot sorcery, man. You keep me coming back to the Photography section always eager to see what you do next. Awesome, awesome work! :)
  16. Nice update test so far. Liking the new little "features" added like the new weapon shake sound effects, etc. Really nice! I will say though from a personal tastes perspective, some weapons like the HK's and M4/M16's (RHS) for example now sound weakened and a bit dulled somehow. Like you fire a MX or Katiba and it has a strong nice volume punch that hits you. But then you go to a 416 for example and you can hear something that has potential in sound-style but....just doesn't have the punch and crispness as its counterpart rifles at the moment compared to the previous version. Maybe a bug or something, not sure. But I'll do some more testing in the future. Either way, another awesome update! :)
  17. PTV-Jobo

    Handicapped player

    As a real life cripple ( ) I can agree that it was kind of weird how in Arma there was no jump/climb natively. Sometimes my character feels like Claptrap: "Stairs?! NOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooo!". Then again, that's pretty much me in real life too, lol. I doubt it was to try combat bunnyhopping or something silly. Maybe they didn't have time to implement correctly or something? I don't know. But thankfully there is an excellent mod called Enhanced Movement by the awesome BadBenson that allows you to jump over obstacles and climb walls. I am even able to have a buddy crouch against a higher wall and use him to get up and over. It's not perfect or fluid-like as you might see in scripted AAA title games might have with a cinematic or something, but it works and works quite well for something missing from the base game. Maybe look into that mod for your needs. Maybe the dev's will take note of it and put it on the board of things to implement in Arma 4.
  18. PTV-Jobo

    EL_76 Logistics

    This is just pure awesome! Nice work!
  19. PTV-Jobo

    USP Gear & Uniforms

    Everything is looking beautiful as hell. Lovely stuff! :)
  20. PTV-Jobo

    USP Gear & Uniforms

    Yeah, I noticed this as well around the forums--a lot of times now I just see something like "12345678.png", and when I try right clicking and opening it in a new tab, Imgur (for the most part) says the links are broken. Glad it's not just me suddenly noticing, now I know I'm not going crazy. :P ;)
  21. Yeah we run all of them, including GREF. I'm wondering if maybe with the Escape mission there's some sort of ai scripting that is keeping it from happening. Next session we play and try another mission, I'll keep an eye out and ask the others to as well.
  22. That's still weird. This is everything the Casual ArmA Players Group runs on the server and client: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=937923182 Although I believe most of us don't use the suppress/immerse stuff or the Incon Effects. But as you can see, we run CUP, ACE, all of RHS and the ACE compat files, ASR Ai, JSRS & RHS packs, Achilies for zeus, and Shacktac HUD, and on occasion that new ai mod that says it helps the ai not see through vegetation on Tanoa. My entire 6 hour session as a AFRF RHS Russian trying to escape RHS USAF with m4's, m16's, dmr's, etc. Some of which dynamically have in their loadout RHS sidearm's. I personally have yet to see the ai use a side arm, it's only launchers, primary weapons, grenades (lots of them!) and static weapons. Not sure what is different between us, but I've not experienced this issue yet (thankfully). Pretty weird.... Then again, it is ArmA.
  23. Just got done with a 6 hour session of Escape from Tanoa with some people, running the latest as well as the RHS compat files. We were Russians escaping from US forces (both RHS), and haven't had any pistol bugs for anyone. We got mowed down by everything but pistols funny enough, lol.
  24. Welcome to the official WIP thread for Project ASTFOR (Astelandic Armed Forces Mod) for ArmA 3. Some of you already know about the project, while others may just simply know of it. It's been a long time coming, but we've finally decided to come up out of the proverbial dark hole for some air and say hello to the community officially. Information will be added to the first page as it comes in, per usual. Project ASTFOR is basically built around the premise of a fictional Scandinavian country of our creation which we've come to simply call "Asteland", existing within the fictional "ArmAverse" located in/around the Norwegian Sea area. While currently housed in proximity at the moment to Norway, the Astelandic kingdom is an independant entity. Furthermore, Asteland is officially a Constitutional Monarchy and member of NATO. Since Asteland is Scandinavian, it obviously draws in influence from said countries. However, while the ASTFOR team is focused on keeping hold of some form of realism within this project, the team also does take some creative license here and there along the way. While much of the equipment deployed with the Astelandic forces are familiar to the Scandinavian world, we also have taken creative liberties in some of our choices of said equipment as well to keep some of that uniqueness we wanted with our project. That is why you will find some non-Scandinavian equipment such as choosing the use of the Galil and Negev LMG (thanks to some of the non-Scandinavian influences we've decided to keep) instead of the usual over-used and seen everywhere M4's or HK 416's and M249's. [As of 12/2015] Yokhanan thepuglife Jones RobertHammer R0adki11 Task Soldier aka "That Guy" Folkward (Weapons) Galil SAR AG890k (Astelandic version of Sweden's prototype Galil, the FFV890c) AGA25k (Astelandic version of the Galil ACE) Negev LMG (5.56 commando/NG7-style) Carl Gustav ,45 USP SAKO TRG-42 Barrett M82 MG3 & MG3KWS (Upgrade) M14 (Model JAE 100) M60E6 (Vehicles - Land) CV90 + variants Rheinmetall AMPV Rheinmetall Survivor R Rheinmetall Pzh2000 XA-180 "Patria Pasi" Leopard 2A4 MAN HX60 4x4 MAN HX58 6x6 MAN HX77 8x8 Rheinmetall YAK Jackal 2 ....& More! Note: Land vehicles will have interiors. (will take forever, but it's worth it!) (Vehicles - Air) Bell 412 NH90 AS 550 Fennec JAS 39C/D (Vehicles - Sea) Absalon class frigate Hamina class corvette LCAC-1 Jurmo Class landing craft Unfortunately since it's early creation, we've met quite a number of challenges and unfortunate events that did their damage to the project. Namely, lot of people coming around with false promises and hopes, only to never deliver but leave after the damage was done. However, like the phoenix--we too kept rising from the ashes and keep fighting to move forward with our project. So what do we require to keep this project alive and moving? Everything. Whether you know your way around 3d modeling (weapons-based or infantry assets), or texturing....we accept any and all help we can get. The more hands on deck, the better and the quicker we can get this little gem of ours into the hands of the community to play with and enjoy. Basically any help we can get will benefit this project. So if there are people out there who really like the sound of our vision and want to be apart of a team where they are free to relax and explore their creativity in a friendly and welcoming environment---feel free to contact us and let us know. And for those who are able to help but worried about time schedules and the like, don't worry. We work strictly in the time frame of "when it's done". We prefer things take their time and be done right rather than rushed through with lots of mistakes that will take even longer to fix. So if you feel the desire to want to help but limited in time or busy finishing up on another project--don't worry. We are a very flexible and understanding team. All that matters is to see this project through to completion rather than end up yet another promising-sounding project that never got the chance it deserved to succeed for the community. :) [UPDATED 6/4/2017] http://i.imgur.com/dzakSqO.jpg http://i.imgur.com/4gqiXGH.jpg http://i.imgur.com/KVF5E9D.png http://i.imgur.com/RQrS4xo.png http://i.imgur.com/kXmpSoo.png http://i.imgur.com/NdbgwgM.png http://i.imgur.com/NTnmyJB.png http://i.imgur.com/kRzDRW7.png http://i.imgur.com/bplAsYe.png http://i.imgur.com/b2Y4mmM.png http://i.imgur.com/Uo3tWEY.png http://i.imgur.com/CShXnIi.jpg http://i.imgur.com/DMcLomO.png http://i.imgur.com/YR4PnLT.png http://i.imgur.com/hTNCUrH.png http://i.imgur.com/ok6NCx0.jpg http://i.imgur.com/yOTMge5.png http://i.imgur.com/sfjdGnC.jpg Q: Why is Asteland using a Galil?! Shouldn't they have [insert every other rifle under the sun that we've seen 50 billion times]?! A: Discussions concerning this have been tackled numerous times, please visit these for our reasons: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/166606-project-astfor-astorian-armed-forces/page-5#entry2629131 https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/166606-project-astfor-astorian-armed-forces/page-20#entry3043787 Q: This looks great so far! So, um...what kind of ETA are we looking at? A: When it's done. Q: I noticed some non-Scandinavian weapons/choices. What gives?! Why not a M4, HK 416 or something? A: Short answer--because we wanted to take a bit of creative license with our project. Many of us were bored back in A2 after seeing so many M4's, 416's, etc, that everyone seemed to release and use. It's kind of like how you try looking for a squad to join and notice there's 50 billion different "omgsupereliteDeltaSFRangerMarineReconChuckNorris" groups out there all looking and sounding alike. Sometimes, there's people like us who want something a bit more....unique or different. Q: How big will Astland be? A: We're constantly back-n-forth with such topics as this. Obviously when it comes to things like maps for ArmA, it will be different in terms of size scale compared to the "real life" size of Astoria in the ArmAverse, since you have to make sure the size makes sense and makes certain facts and figures seem plausible (i.e. population size, armed forces size, amount of resources, budget, etc). So right now, nothing is set in stone yet and like much of the mod—subject to change at our discretion. Q: Did we hear right, you guys are putting interiors into your tanks?! A: Yep! We've looked at photos as well as even renting a license from Steel Beasts Pro for a month to gather pictures, movies and to experience how proper tanks not just look but functions as well and how we can achieve something close given ArmA's limitations and playability. Now due to size, workload, etc, things might not be 110% all there, but we hope to get as much in as we are able to. The UV mapping alone will be a living nightmare. Moreover, we do hope to explore the possibility of having some sort of interaction with some of the interior. We won't be going crazy with the interactions like the awesome Apache for A2 as it'll be way too much and complex for us currently. However, we will look at some basic stuff to turn on monitors, start the engines, etc. Basically, give the crewmen a better feeling of immersion instead of the usual, stale and boring BIS method of jumping in and immediately on your way. It means tons of work and stress, but it'll be worth it. We like to look at the finer details and see how we can make things more fun and awesome when and where we can. Q: Ok, sounds good, but seriously....when will it be done? A: Please refer to the top question and our official response. If you still proceed to keep asking us this question, you will be beaten repeatedly to death slowly with a spoon by an obese man dressed like an adult baby as he shouts, "Not the momma!". Thank you.
  25. Apparently you were under a rock for the past 3 years of development? The problem wasn't a so-called "all or nothing approach", the problem was we didn't have anywhere near the amount of help we required, period. We had one person who was in charge of infantry kit who got overwhelmed with real life and college, another who was handling weaponry who also had to leave due to dedicating full time to first year of college, and another who had to try doing everyone else's job on top of his own in between school and work to try saving the project while we spent 3 years reaching out to the community and all we got were post "likes", "Wish I could help, good luck and keep going!" posts, and for the most part silence because there was either just no real interest or because we weren't a big name team/project. I've posted numerous times, my modelers on the team even tried appealing to the community. Instead of making assumptions, try reading up a few dozen pages. Don't assume because we had pre-planned the layout of the mod we were shooting for sort of RHS or CUP-sized first release or something. That was never even remotely the plan at all. We've spent 3 years in pursuit of just getting a uniform done. 3 years! Every time someone offered to help, they'd either never start or in terms of our last uniform guy a few years back, started on a bunch of stuff while making promises and vanished, leaving us holding the ball. Guy before that? Told me, "Nah, that's gay....I'll do my thing and you'll like it because it'll look good" because he was planning on making assets for another team first behind my back and then feed us the same assets back. I wish I was joking, but that's the kind of shit I had to be told or deal with word for word with people from this community who "wanted to help", or the fact of how people who claimed they wanted to help, but made every effort as humanly possible to NOT do any work, just sit around bullshitting with the team or arguing and bullying me as project creator into changing my ideas to fit what they wanted otherwise they'd threaten ever so friendly and subtle to leave since they--guess what?--weren't being paid. *Fakes being shocked and surprised* Need I continue? Got a few hours to spare and able to read a few dozen typed up pages of every bad thing that has happened along the way of development that people can only make baseless assumptions about, hmm? No? Yeah, didn't suppose so. If I come off as a bit of an ass, so be it--I earned that right, especially when on one hand people are trying to enlighten me of why things ended up this way while knowing nothing about what goes on behind virtual closed doors and ignoring the facts or my spending 3 years practically groveling like a pathetic loser around the community that we desperately needed help only to find silence and a pat on the back and now that the end has finally come to ASTFOR, now people are circling us like vultures going "Yeah, sorry your dream got squashed n' all, but um...so yeah can I have all your shit to use then since you don't need it anymore?" via messages or emails.....but no, you're right, if only I had just micro-released all of the tons of imaginary assets here and there, it would have solved all of these problems right from the start. Aw shucks! Welp, you live and you learn as they say! I just wish I could have been enlightened to this this fact ages ago. :'(