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Everything posted by PTV-Jobo

  1. The LoBo mod always had the IDF in it. The Gulf War stuff was just a side project/release from Miles and his crew, I believe. That's why this thread is the Lost Brothers thread and not specifically the Gulf War Mod. But reading the front I can definitely understand the confusion about the IDF stuff. :)
  2. PTV-Jobo

    Interaction Scripts

    Oh brilliant! I seriously am looking forward to this setup. It's going to add a whole new element of fun to missions for sure. Can't wait! As far as the search animation is concerned, wasn't there an animation in ArmA 2 somewhere that had where the soldier kind of gives a vehicle a look over searching for stuff? Or was that back in the original Armed Assault? It has to be one of them, because I remember trying to have a sort of checkpoint where civilian vehicles come up to this certain area and activates the animation on the soldier/guard to do the animation and then they drive on after he is done, but never could get it to work right or get the car in the right position for the soldier animation to look right. Just wish I knew which ArmA version had it in there. Gah! If it is in ArmA/CO and not Armed Assault, maybe it might be an interesting animation to use for vehicle searches?
  3. Congrats on the creation of this mod, Tpw! Definitely going to keep this snuggled close by along with ASR AI when me and my guys co-op. "makes it harder to get a bead on an enemy when you're shaking like a dog shitting peach pips." One of THE best descriptions of suppression I've ever heard! lol
  4. PTV-Jobo

    Someone plays with my account!

    Are you positive it has nothing due to all the updates recently and major changes? Usually when that happens, things tend to get reset and stuff. I've had that happen to myself once or twice in the past.
  5. PTV-Jobo

    TMT Turkish Mod

    Congrats on the release! Looks great. :)
  6. PTV-Jobo

    ACE for OA 1.13

    Is anyone else having lock on issues with the ACE Javelin? I've been noticing lately it's very difficult getting a lock. I keep a target in the center and it's like a quick lock and suddenly I lose it again. And a few Sanders missions with enemy tanks coming in is far from fun. I try tracking a tank and it keeps losing lock-on way too easily compared to back in the day when Mando's Javelin system worked. Not sure what's going on. I max zoom, track the target making sure to keep the target as dead center as possible and I just can't get the javelin to behave for me. When it does, the tank is already a few feet in front of me, stopped and taking a shot at me, lol.
  7. PTV-Jobo

    COOP 20 Takistan Force (OA)

    No problem. Totally understand. I think with MSO it has it's own IED scripts in the mission, but if the server loads the EOD mod it somehow allows it to kick in and replace the default IED stuff. at least that is how I'm guessing he did it. But if I hear back on how he did it and manage to get it working myself, I'll be sure to let you know guys know just in case if anyone else out there is interested in doing the same thing. Sure no problem, Bon. :)
  8. PTV-Jobo

    COOP 20 Takistan Force (OA)

    Hi Bon, me and my friends I co-op with play TFOR for quite awhile now and are fans of your work. However, I was wondering if there is a way to have your IED stuff somehow capable of being replaced by Reezo's EOD mod? I like having to use the ACE mine detector and c4 (and on occasion APOBS, mwahahaha!) to get rid of IED's instead of walking up to a big car or something and using the scroll wheel and having it disappear. I contacted the author of MSO to try and see how he managed to get Reezo's EOD mod to "plug into" MSO if using it and see if I can attempt to get it working privately on TFOR to see if I can get it to actually work, but I wanted to also ask you directly if this is something you could maybe consider in the far future?
  9. PTV-Jobo

    ASR Appendix

    Actually quite the contrary with ear protection. I can fire any machine gun steadily and not need any ear protection. I noticed as soon as the ASR stuff was disabled, suddenly I had the ear ringing when firing without earplugs within moments of firing. At least for myself and a few friends during out coops and in the editor as well.
  10. PTV-Jobo

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Nah, just started off on the wrong foot is all. What's done is done. Time for all of us to get back on track and move forward and get back to enjoying LJ's work in ArmA. :)
  11. PTV-Jobo

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    I'm with ya on that one. :)
  12. PTV-Jobo

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    +1, bingo right on the nose. :) Secondly, many mod makers have declared that no one modify their work. That might get your panties in a bunch there, pal, but it's an addon makers right to do so if they desire as its their time and hard work being spent to put it together. If they don't appreciate someone editing their work for whatever reason, it doesn't take much effort to respect that with some maturity and understanding. An addon maker owes you absolutely nothing. You have no special rights to open and freely dick around with anothers work after they openly ask the community not to do so. It's not hypocritical, it's just showing a bit of respect and understanding for their hard work that they provide for free. Especially when people have had been in a habit of doing such things only to then release it around either as their own work or releasing it around and when it screws up everything, people then come to the original author demanding they want things fixed that were never suppose to be broken by some arrogant prick that thought they had all the right in the world to tweak and ultimately break in the first place and pass it around or something. As others have stated--don't like something either kindly post about your thoughts on it and maybe it'll be taken into consideration or just mix and match with other soundmods' .pbo's as some of them are quite modular and able to be mixed without having to modify anything. But when you come in and post that something is horrible, every other guy has him beat and act as if the community owe's you something and you can just do whatever the hell you want to other peoples hard work without a single shred of thoughtfulness because "it's a community" so somehow people have 100% all rights and privileges to open up everything they want and freely modify away--don't get all defensive and arrogant when you don't get your way or someone who has put thousands if not more hours of hard work gets a wee bit pissed. There's a reason there are addon maker groups focusing on authors rights. If you can't accept that, then that is your problem. Most of us around here have no issues whatsoever in respecting another's hard work they do for the community for free. Many of us are intelligent enough to at least put in a 2 second effort of common decency to at least ask the author if something could be used or modified. Sure, we can't stop each other from modifying stuff. And yes, things have been done for private use. But even then, a lot of times people at least asked--knowing full well they can do it either way and no one will either know or be able to do anything. But that's because they still had a bit of respect and was nice enough to ask to do so. See what I mean? You storm in calling things crap, without so many words telling LJ to fix it to suit you, openly admit you are tinkering with his work and then have this spoiled attitude of "I can do whatever I want in this community, it's a free addon and I'm entitled to do whatever I want, unless they want to be called hypocritical!". So you can't be too surprised your original post wasn't received too positively. Perhaps you didn't mean for it to come off that way, in which case I'd be a little more tactful in future postings and maybe learn to respect an addon makers hard work and understand just how much hard work goes into something like this, as right now it doesn't come off as if you do or let alone even have one shred of care to.
  13. PTV-Jobo

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Feel free to purchase good professional recording equipment, a rifle and record yourself being shot a few times and then have a friend or loved one send 'em over to be placed into the next version of JSRS. Thank you for your help. :)
  14. Has anyone died around the huey? I found one just now, went up to it and found in my action menu "Save Huey", but it didn't seem to do anything. Got in as gunner to see if the gun is even operational and instantly died and now lost all my stuff and shoved back to the beach. I'm pretty pissed, especially considering how far I ran for hours none-stop and all my gear just to get insta-killed by the huey. Nothing I can do about it, but was just curious if anyone else ended up doing the same thing? :\
  15. Thank you Doofy! I was hoping someone would do some crates. Looking at the same ones over and over again got boring. So it'a pretty nice seeing you're putting this together for the community. It's a welcomed project for sure. The only thing I request is if possible, could you also link us to bigger pics of your work. Right now they are just soooooo tiny. I know they typically have to be kinda small'ish when posting the image directly due to forum rules, but a linker to a higher res version would be nice. :)
  16. Happened to me once before on their server(s). That's why I refuse to play on FR servers and stick to other ones. Thankfully thus far I have not the misfortune of randomly dying and losing my gear to a hacker on like the EU and NY servers.
  17. SSSSSHHHHhhhhhhhh! Don't poke the hornets nest filled with all the anti-ACE kids, then there will be endless posts of their complaints and thread derailments as people who love and people who hate ACE fight for supremacy and the final say. :D j/k It would be kinda funny to see after this project is done to see sort of a ACE plugin of some sort where it adds use-able water bottles/canteens and MRE's, haha. Although I might be then prone to shooting my own team mates if they open the MRE's and find a cookie or rice crispy treat. :D :p
  18. It all sounds great. Looking forward to it, mate. :)
  19. +1 on every single server. I can't even play at all now.
  20. I doubt any weapon modelers would be interested, but I figured I'd toss in a request to see a VHS assault rifle: http://cdn5.thefirearmsblog.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/p1010007-tfb.jpg http://cdn5.thefirearmsblog.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/p1010008-tm-tfb.jpg http://cdn5.thefirearmsblog.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/p1010004-tfb.jpg http://cdn5.thefirearmsblog.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/p1010003-tfb.jpg http://cdn5.thefirearmsblog.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/p1010005-tfb.jpg Kinda like a Tavor and Famas did it in the backseat and gave birth to this.
  21. PTV-Jobo

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Yeah, it's been brought up before: :)
  22. That's part of the fun of this game--being separated, having to get your bearings and try/fight your way through in hopes of finding a familiar face. Being torn away from loved ones and friends while not knowing if you will ever see them only to end up joining a band of survivors and possibly meeting a friend eventually all adds to the wonder of this mod and its atmosphere. If you are looking for something more easy, perhaps this is not the game/mod for you and your friends. Perhaps L4D might be more befitting...I dunno. But I hope they don't change it. It's annoying and frustrating, but that's what makes it an adventure and all about survival and uncertainty. Yeah a bit annoying, but this is an Alpha still. This is all rather complex and not sure if this can be eventually fixed or not. It's easy to just go back out to the lobby and hit ok. If you are sitting there for 3 minutes, just go the fast and easy way of just going back to the lobby and hitting OK again. :) LOL! Yeah I'm still trying to hone my skills with shooting them as they move. Right now I have to wait until they are punching me before I can aim for the head. :p Welcome to the zombie apocalypse...that's the point--fight to survive. Not only against zombies but against humans and our unpredictable nature as well. ;) People do it plenty of times. Sometimes they just kill for what they need or just want. Seriously, people can't seem to want to grasp this is exactly the uncertainty we would face in real life. I mean hell, look at what happens during just natural disasters--people helping each other but also killing, raping and pillaging too sadly. Why do people insist on neutering the harsh reality that we are fully capable of being psychotic, trolling, blood thirsty assholes just as much as being super kind and friendly. :confused: :eek: It would be pretty awesome though to collect metal and wood and be able to allow you and your group to fabricate barricades to protect themselves inside buildings and such so you can stockpile supplies and stuff and not have some guy casually walking in when you are busy or disconnected, etc. It then forces people to plan approaches, etc. Oh God no, please no....then it'll only end up resulting in a bunch of immature kids running the stores. If anything, I'd say do it only if the players in charge of the store are actual admins and/or part of the mod team to ensure fairness. Otherwise, those player run stores are going to result in armed robberies, because no one is going to put up with a 12 year old trolling 'em for supplies. :p Fair enough. To each their own opinions. Perhaps some additions like side missions and such like you mentioned might actually be a cool idea! Maybe like radio messages from somewhere and you and your group have to decide whether to trust it enough to check 'em out or something? I dunno. You might be onto something the more I think about it. Hopefully the mod team will consider such possibilities in the future. But overall, I love the atmosphere and psychological aspect of this mod and how you don't want to pull that trigger but forced to and feel really and sincerely horrible or sometimes even hell bent on revenge. It really makes you face what you are truly capable of as a human being. Love how it feels so The Walking Dead-esque too.
  23. That's true. Last night after hours of searching and running for my life, I had some great stuff plus a nice m240 only for someone to join the server and instantly kill everyone somehow, so we all lost our gear. That by far sucked worse than getting killed by some rabid hillbillies hiding around Cherna or Electro waiting for people to come by and shoot and probably cannibalize. :P
  24. PTV-Jobo

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Actually I hear a subtle sound even for the vanilla one too, unless you had a car elsewhere on that sample mission in the background? It's just JSRS's one is more pronounced I guess.
  25. Thanks for taking the time to explain all of this, mate. You don't realize how complex everything can be until you hear it explained. So much for the idea of just swapping sounds. While I'd love to see how the customization solution would work out, it sounds like it could end up a bit chaotic and risk breaking things? In that case, I'm fine with the current sound. Either way, it's a hell of a lot more fun and "immersive" than the built in stuff in ArmA. Hopefully by the time ArmA 3 comes out, maybe things--whether TS3 or whatever--will advance further and give you guys some more flexibility to do such things without having to jump through a ton of hurdles just for minor things such as sounds. :)