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Everything posted by PTV-Jobo

  1. PTV-Jobo

    Enhanced movement and more

    Oh god no....I suck as it is. Then to have the humiliation of being knifed by the AI too? I'd end up in the fetal position under my desk, sobbing uncontrollably. :p
  2. PTV-Jobo

    Enhanced movement and more

    Awesome! Does that mean, say a soldier carrying quite a bit--like a light machinegunner--will go up and over much more slowly and more fatigued? I remember watching a video of some Canadian soldiers and the poor M240 gunner had one hell of a time getting up and over some of the walls (not above-height walls, but tall enough to need to do the ol' "alley-oop!" up and over after handing off his M240). Anyways, really impressive stuff Mr. Benson. I'll certainly look forward to using this upon release. :) Great job so far, mate!
  3. PTV-Jobo

    Under Suppression Fire Effect

    Surprisingly enough, I'm in full agreement on that. It is one of the very few things I actually like about that damn game, if anything. Well, that and the ACOG view (kind of like using the Aimpoint view for the ACOG instead of a black screen with the reticle in the middle, which bugs the hell out of me in ArmA personally. I'd prefer BF3's ACOG view.). But yeah, all this black screens, blinking black screens, etc. people do--don't like at all personally, especially when I close my eyes out of surprise wearing my headset with the volume blasting and blink on my own. If it's more like BF3--which I hate to even type that title's name, lol--I think it'll turn out just fine. Also, I'm liking the idea of the underwater sound distortion when under suppression. Never even thought about that. Would make being under heavy suppression really intense and feel chaotic. Nice one!
  4. Yep, I always do a clean install. I have been using 314.22 and still get this. Funny enough for myself, I've also begun experiencing it in The Secret World as well. The only way around it at least temporarily long enough to get some game time in is to go in into Afterburner and lower the clock on my 570 to around the 760's range. If I don't do that, I get the DX stuff. So, after enough banging my head and cursing up a storm, I finally bought a 670. Something tells me (and hoping I'm right) that at least for my situation it's down to a shitty card from Gigabyte since mine was from the first series and they crapped 2 other revisions before discontinuing them. So after being told by tech support to try my card in a few pc's via the support ticket and ignoring everything I said to them....yeah, Gigabyte can shove this card. Will report back after I plop in my new MSI 670 and let you know if my DX woes are gone or not. Heeeeeeeeeeeeeere's hoping!
  5. PTV-Jobo


    Definitely in favor of beaching capabilities. Could lead to some exciting missions/gameplay for sure. I'm hoping someone could put up a ticket for us all the vote on.
  6. I love you, you glorious team! I keep watching Bomb Patrol: Afghanistan and keep wanting to do stuff like that ingame, but there wasn't really much EOD content in ArmA. But now it's wonderful to see a team putting thought into and designing some killer EOD content and capabilities for the future. :)
  7. Yeah the little black dot was a bit unexpected, but I gave up caring when I saw how nice AiA worked and finally being able to enjoy some of the A2/CO goodness in ArmA 3. It more than makes up for any bugs and limitations currently faced with development of AiA. All I can say is thank you for your hard work on getting this together and working for us. I installed ArmA 2 but hated not having some of the goodies and abilities of ArmA 3, yet I got sooooooo bored of playing the same tiny content of ArmA 3. So to be able to mix them a bit breathed some new life into both for me. So thanks a ton for all of your hard work on the project man, we appreciate it greatly! :)
  8. Yep, can also confirm this as well. I got scared and thought my monitor was going or something at first, lol. Minor annoyance if anything.
  9. Well, it currently works for me, plus I even tested an old favorite coop via the editor (Operation Hesiod on Cherna) with all ArmA 2 units and while it lagged a bit (I guess because of A2 scripts and whatnot) it worked quite well. Quite curious about MP now. :)
  10. PTV-Jobo

    Craig's Normal Hat Madness

    The TF2 hat wars have begun, hide! Kind of reminds me of this video I saw: Now we just need an ArmA 3 version. :p But seriously, it's pretty cool. Nice to see some fun, creative and zany stuff come to ArmA. ;)
  11. PTV-Jobo

    Wizz !

    Glad to see I wasn't the only one, lol.
  12. PTV-Jobo

    TOH Flight Model - Misunderstanding

    I think the term you're merely locking onto is "model". BIS knows the community has been generally craving changes to the actual flight model, so to assume BIS knowing this is trolling the community into thinking there will be flight improvements when in fact they merely mean pretty insides (which is no big deal, as many in the community are fully capable of delivering the same quality if not even more improved) is a bit silly in my humblest of opinions. There's even a game back from 2000 called Flight Model Simulator. Or for another example, JSBSim--an open source Flight Dynamics Model software, which quote: "models the flight dynamics of an aerospace vehicle." So as you can see, I think there's more to suggest possible improvements in flight handling than mere pretty insides. To say the community is flat out wrong is a bit foolish as the game is not even beta yet, so only time and BIS will tell exactly what and how things will go.
  13. That's pretty cool in itself. But to see a product of a father and son, hanging out and a father passing the torch to carry on as a next generation of modder....that's wicked awesome. Congratulations on your first release, Samael (awesome name, by the way!). Good job! :)
  14. Yeah ran the latest nvidia beta and downclocked my card via Afterburner from 790 to 760 and am generally able to play a lot longer than 15 minutes like before. But I still get it here and there. Still thinking of just buying a new GPU since Gigabyte's tech support sucks. Having to explain the issue to someone who is either not a native English speaker or just completely daft, telling me solutions to issues I'm not even having. I already established it's not heat related, yet they keep telling me to watch temps and also yank the gpu out and try it in other pc systems. Yeah, like I have a whole lineup of extra PC's flying out of my butt that I can just test my gpu in... *facepalm* I already told them it's ArmA 3 and BF3, as I never get this error with any other games I play (except maybe Saints Row the Third back when it was released). So maybe with a 670 I'll get lucky and avoid this issue. Probably not, but....I'm done with this Gigabyte 570 TI and Gigabyte's useless bunch of ignoramuses in their tech support department.
  15. PTV-Jobo

    British Para Beret

    +1! I would kill to have a plain one released where the community can add a patch or something themselves. I'm one of the few weirdo's out there that love beret's if worn correctly (i.e. like the Brits, and not large, sloppy n' floppy....ok that sounded wrong, lol), while a lot seem to have a large disdain for them. I dunno why, they look pretty nice. Would love to even have just a plain one that can be recolored or something. But it's up to the creator of course for the future. :)
  16. I strictly use Photoshop, but I'm sure GIMP could handle the job as well. :)
  17. PTV-Jobo

    Nogovan Armed Forces [WIP]

    Lookin' good, bud. :D
  18. +2000 Definitely looking forward to seeing them in ArmA 3 in the future as well. Fingers crossed! :)
  19. Yeah mine went away for a short while and was only crashing by forcing itself into the taskbar but I could still hear the game continuing. The whole desktop was sort of unusable until opened the task manager to see it listing ArmA as not responding and having to manually kill it. But last night this DX thing resurfaced with a vengeance. I was so pissed I even opened a support ticket with Gigabyte directly to see if they could think of anything--especially since my card is the original (and discontinued on NewEgg) they put out and already popped out 2 revisions. I read up and also see people with it in Hitman, Age of Conan and especially in BF3. Looks like while the BF3-like pro's (better graphics, sound engine and capabilities) are here, I'm getting the same crashes which basically keep me from playing the Alpha just about completely, heh. :( I ran through every single suggestion minus a clean OS install which won't help at all, and maybe lowering the factory overclocks Gigabyte did in-house for these cards. I don't think it's because it is an alpha, because look how long BF3 has been out and plenty who played it suffer the same thing there still. And what worries me is if those guys who have a bigger army of employees and tons more cash they can wipe their butts with and use to light cigars have yet to solve it, I don't know if BIS will be able to track down a fix. So I'm not sure if I should wait and see, or start saving to replace my Gigabyte 560 with a GTX 660/670 (if by some stroke of luck I get rich :P ).
  20. Yeah, I noticed even loading in MP it's taking quite awhile. Hopefully they'll add at least "Loading" so I know it is and not crashing yet again, haha. ;)
  21. Thanks Bigbear, glad I'm not too alone with this buggery going on. Pretty much kind of like in BF3--when I am in close quarters moving around fast or finally starting to have fun, the game quits like "NOPE!". Looked through my RPT again and keep seeing this every time the session crashes:
  22. Oh god, yes! It would make my life in ArmA 3 so much easier. I am ashamed to admit it, but I'm an arrow keys user (always was growing up and also due to my disability, it is actually more comfortable for me :( ) *ducks and hides from all the boo's and hiss'es* Anyways, something like the scroll wheel combo would be a hell of a lot better for me. Since you are using a combo with the wheel, it shouldn't mess up the usual scroll wheel menu stuff. At least I don't think it would? Anyways, I personally think it would be a great idea. If others disagree, perhaps just giving us the ability to have a choice at the very least between the default and scroll combo would be welcomed.
  23. PTV-Jobo

    Project RACS

    Hey I got a lucky guess right, woot! haha. Have to say, it looks pretty damn sexy with the RACS camo scheme on her. :)