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Everything posted by PTV-Jobo

  1. PTV-Jobo

    Blastcore A3

    That would actually be cool if tracer modification eventually surfaces down the line at some point. Get rid of the pew-pew-lazorz tracers finally.
  2. PTV-Jobo

    JSRS2.0 WIP Thread

    My parents and I use to go for random drives growing up in some nice country areas and when we hit the gravel paths it was loud, even more so once you rolled the windows down (yes folks, I am that old that I remember the old days where you actually had to do physical labor to roll the damn thing down! lol :P ).
  3. PTV-Jobo

    Blastcore A3

    I think I need a new pair of pants.... I know I'm not the only one excited to see Blastcore coming to A3. How's it looking overall for you from a development point of view with all of the changes and whatnot? Do you feel there's more room to play in and achieve what you are imagining compared to A2? Or do you find it pretty much neck-to-neck? Quite interesting to see what will be achieved once the game goes full release and things are more established to start working with, since right now things tend change often making doing things a bit of a pain at the moment, haha. :) Great stuff so far, mate!
  4. PTV-Jobo

    JSRS2.0 WIP Thread

    "Go home tired, you're Yokhanan" :P
  5. PTV-Jobo

    JSRS2.0 WIP Thread

    Nope. We have our feelings and concerns with the Workshop right now. Perhaps in the far, far future, but highly doubtful. We have our preferences on how to handle JSRS, and the Steam Workshop isn't on that list in all honesty.
  6. PTV-Jobo


    As a wheelychair user myself, I think this is flippin' hilarious. AttachTo some MG's and Artillary and turn it into a Wheelchair-o-Death! :D
  7. Superb! As said already, this serious needs to be added to the BIKI! Thank you for taking the time to put this together, man. :)
  8. PTV-Jobo

    Fun with User Textures

    That's just wickedly awesome right there, man. Sweet!
  9. PTV-Jobo

    SpeedOfSound Mod (Beta)

    Consider my vote added and indeed enjoyed the video, mate. Really impressive stuff! :)
  10. PTV-Jobo

    astast: Release thread

    Great job on your first ever release, bud. :) (btw, all pictures are working for me currently)
  11. PTV-Jobo

    WIP British Infantry

    Looking sexy (...ladies!), mate. Good stuff!
  12. Same. Every update I still have it and don't know how to fix it so I can play the community created afghan-style maps. :\ Hopefully it's an easy tweak or something.
  13. PTV-Jobo

    Utter crap Infantry changes in Beta

    Did you check if mouse smoothing was on? I can't remember, but I think when I upgraded to the dev Beta the other day it was on halfway for me, and I never use mouse smoothing.
  14. Hey excellent work there! I like how all of the community areas are also now located and included there. A shame my project is more Scandinavian and wouldn't fit in, lol. Going to be a pain in the hell trying to get a location since everything seems to be in the Green Sea area, haha. Anyways, excellent job. I can't imagine how much of a headache it was trying to figure out where everything would be located. I bet it took a long time. Still, it definitely paid off. Will save and print out a copy to keep at my desk for sure! :) Thanks for putting this out!
  15. PTV-Jobo

    Arma 3 Gun license?

    Also don't forget about the new LMG that's actually the 7.62 Negev NG7! :)
  16. PTV-Jobo

    Dust Storm Composer WIP

    That's just pure awesome! Man, now all we need is some good looking Afghan-style maps or at least some of the A2 ones ported over by the creators and throw this in. :)
  17. Pretty cool, man. Wish you all the best with it! :)
  18. PTV-Jobo

    The Recoil Fix Mod [Alpha]

    As much as I loathe BF3, I will say I do enjoy the feel of the rifles when shooting. I really like the feel of the weapon recoil for the rifles and lmg's. It makes the weapon "feel" real to me, but that I'm also trained to properly use it, thus control. And in some ways, a bit smoother or more fluid. In ArmA 3, I sometimes feel like a feeble 98 year old granny trying to fire a rifle for the very first time. I have a bad wrist to begin with from a childhood injury and a doctor's screw up, so the whole "fighting the recoil with your mouse to make it realistic" mentality doesn't float with me. Maybe to some, but not me. We can lodge all kinds of complaints against BF3 and it's developers, but all their stupidity aside, their recoil and handling of weapons just feels a lot better than it does in ArmA 3. When firing now, it feels messy and almost as if I'm having frames dropping in between firing. I'm just hoping whatever these "enhancements" will be, it'll improve the feeling and control of the weapons and not make things worse. But yeah, laugh at me if you will and call me a nutter, but I do rather like the BF3/BF4 weapon recoil feel.
  19. PTV-Jobo

    SOC WIP Thread

    You do realize, once ArmA 3 goes full release, we're going to have more than just Stratis, right? That's like saying, it doesn't make sense seeing jets in the ArmA series, period. The ArmA series has always had planes of various types, sizes, etc. ACE even had in-air refueling capabilities in ArmA 2. To think that planes at all would not have a place in the new ArmA series is rather silly.
  20. PTV-Jobo

    ARP2 Objects Pack

    +1 x 100 Always bugged me with chairs in the ArmA series. It's just as annoying as Minecraft. You build a big house and can't even have a flippin' chair to sit on! In ArmA it would be nice to have a simple sit/stand action for chairs for HQ making and such without endless trialing and error trying to get them on the damn things correctly, especially when you have more than one. Hope something like this happens someday.
  21. PTV-Jobo

    VTS Simple weapon resting

    FINALLY! All I can say is one massive "thank you!".
  22. I think the Design Mastery weapon scopes method would look pretty great in ArmA 3. In fact, the sniper optics introduced today seem to be headed that way as its not a 100% full black screen on the sides anymore. Whether this is a start of BIS finally heading towards that direction or not, I don't know. But all that was missing was a 3d picture of the optic.
  23. PTV-Jobo

    Audio Tweaking (dev branch)

    +1 I use a headset not only for comms (though technically one only needs a mic and can still use speakers), but also since I live with family. I doubt either my family nor neighbors will appreciate the constant diving on the floor when I play on speakers, thinking the military has stormed the front lawn and firing everything they have at the house. :p j/k
  24. PTV-Jobo

    ARP2 Objects Pack

    That is just insanely cool sounding! By that, sounds like we can have some pretty cool HQ's setup. Now if only ArmA wasn't like Minecraft when it comes to chairs and sitting on them. :P
  25. Haha, yeah! I got so pissed off that there hasn't been any dvd release, I ended up buying it on my PS3 to watch at night, especially after the FFAA thread came up. So now I've been re-addicted. Anyways, great work on the recent update. When I look at this stuff, I see a team that really cares for their project and puts in a huge effort not just for themselves, but for us the community. Keep up the awesome work, fellas! :)