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Everything posted by PTV-Jobo

  1. Confirmed. I too, see the unsightly waterline bug. Unfortunately, FATA doesn't have a pond.pbo to delete. :(
  2. PTV-Jobo

    Speed Of Sound

    No offense, but how do you think it makes the creators feel as well. It's nice hearing some praise and such, but this whole battle over who is better is utter bullshit that gets on the nerves of those of us who work on said projects. We don't do it to out-do one another, we do it for ourselves and to share with the community to enjoy, period. It's not about competition.
  3. I had a friend suggest them to me, spent shit-tons of money on 'em and ended up giving them to my father. The audio was alright, but those things made me feel like my head was put into a psychotic vice after the first minute or two. And before anyone says it--yes, I stretched them over my HAF 932 for about 3 weeks give or take. They didn't come off that case at all until the 3 weeks was up as a test. They loosened up, but ever-so-slightly. That was just the major complaint on the list of complaints. One could argue about not buying into so-called "gamer garbage", but I would argue also that just because something is expensive, doesn't also mean the best neither. To be honest, I had years ago a cheap $30 no name brand headset that sounded and felt better than those 360's, lol.
  4. PTV-Jobo

    Speed Of Sound

    No, I forgot to mention it as well. Did observe that as well, but past that really enjoyed SoS.
  5. PTV-Jobo

    J.S.R.S. 2.2 Soundmod

    You mean the mod logo .cpp file?
  6. PTV-Jobo

    Speed Of Sound

    Agreed 100% I was sporting a migraine but didn't want to sleep it off, so in my boredom while browsing ArmAholic I noticed the new version was out. So I figured, "Eh, what the hell....give 'er a shot". I' have to say, this is definitely the best evolution of your soundmod. There's not a whole lot about it that I don't like. Yes, I am a member of the JSRS Studio and sure I felt a bit like I was being naughty trying this out, lol, but I also like to see what the community is up to and see their hard work for myself. Loved the downwash effects and the choppers overall. There was one thing though that was a bit annoying in a funny way and that was the brakes on the vehicles like the hunter, ifrit, and the AAF's car. When you are going slow, the brakes sound fx freak out and makes it sound as if you are driving a very asthmatic clown car--honking and wheezing all over the place. :p The sound fx are good, it's just I think just the config/timing might need some tweaking of values of some sort so it's not rapidly playing them at LMG speed, since it smooths out once you hit max mph. I think I remember LJ having to mess around with brakes and stuff to get everything timed right. But other than that, I think it's definitely enjoyable and quite immersive. Keep up the excellent work, mate. Liking the next/updated direction you are taking your project. :)
  7. PTV-Jobo

    Arma3 - AGGRESSORS

    Don't worry, besides you have me in your corner--so you're good as golden, mate. lol :p
  8. PTV-Jobo

    J.S.R.S. 2.2 Soundmod

    Aww shucks, you're welcome. I have to admit, this is by far my favorite logo I've done for our studio. Although the new studio logo is also a runner-up. I'd call it a tie, at the moment....(but I like this one more, shhh. :p)
  9. PTV-Jobo

    J.S.R.S. 2.2 Soundmod

    I'm calling dibs on your 666th post, though. :p
  10. PTV-Jobo

    J.S.R.S. 2.2 Soundmod

    What's "a lot"? And what specifically. Trialed the update before release and didn't notice any 1st person sound bugs personally. And that's with running JSRS, CAF_Aggressors, A3Map pack, and tons of other addons together. It'll help a bit if we can get some specifics to look into. Thanks. :)
  11. PTV-Jobo

    M136/AT-4 pack

    Yes, please! Would love to see this baby fully disposable. <drool>
  12. PTV-Jobo

    astast: WIP Thread

    I like it. Nice boonie. :)
  13. I have somewhat of a similar issue, only I can't move forwards and backwards. What control binds are actually controlling this? For infantry and land vehicle movement I'm one of those arrow key nutters (don't ask, lol) and even tried the arrow keys and that just keeps scrolling through the lists and stuff on the 3d editor. I can go up in height and down, rotate left and right, but I can't move at all.
  14. Yeah I'm sort of in the same boat. Checked the website wiki and couldn't find anything as far as keybinds used with this system. I inquired about the Custom User Key on the insurgency tutorial. I saw you posted about #20, tried it to my left win key (my previous keyboard had 2 win keys and 1 apps key, now I only have 1 win key), and no go. I know the bind key works, because I also use the same key and bind # for the kick-ass Apache that we can somewhat use in ArmA 3. I checked and made sure I had the whole this addWeapon "laserdesignator"; for my TL as well and still no go. I'm sure I'm missing something that's right in front of my stupid nose, but it's nice to see I'm not alone with this issue at the moment, haha.
  15. I am, and I have a event handler error as well. I'll try getting a screen shot for you next time I load up ArmA.
  16. Yeah a lot of them work with the map pack, unfortunately there's some lighting issues and this annoying haze that won't go away no matter if you even max your view distance and details.
  17. Interesting. Might be a pain in the ass to talk BIS into such a thing for their already made fellas, I'd imagine. However, what still interests me is that we as a community who are working on soldier models can do such a thing with our models. So if they are willing to work on this feature (which I hope and pray they will at least consider for this awesome project), I'll try to make sure to see to it the ASTFOR project's models will have some leg-less "Lieutenant Dan" versions of the models. ;) As far as I'm concerned in regards to realism and healing up, it might not be everyone's cup of tea. But just because it might not be, doesn't mean a few nay-sayers should forbid the rest of the community of having the option to have/use such a feature. I'm sure mission makers can easily make it where if your leg is off and have to get evac'ed that the player has to pick another slot. Might not be ideal, but the overall point I'm trying to make is if they are willing to look into such a feature and if there are community modders who are willing to provide leg-less models of their soldiers to use with this system--then we should leave it to those who want to use it to be able to. Think it's dumb as rocks? Then don't use it. Easy as. Why limit capabilities, because it's just not your "thing" while it may be for others? That's like soldiers training on VBS2, get their leg messed up and their superiors forbidding them from using the software anymore because their character has his leg blown off. At the end of the day, if its do-able and the team is willing to consider it and the modding community willing to support it, go for it. I'm not too bothered by the leg off thing, but seeing someone limp around after getting messed up would be a welcome feature. It would also be interesting if the wounded person on the ground would roll around in pain instead of face-down in the dirt. I know there was a revive system in A2, where the guy would roll around and scream in pain. Sure, some injuries you might not do such a thing and be able to endure the pain if you have a high threshold, but you also wouldn't always be face down asleep 100% of the time neither.
  18. *prays to the modding gods and prepares to sacrifice a few virgin goats to see this happen as well*
  19. PTV-Jobo

    J.S.R.S. 2.2 Soundmod

    I've been using both just fine, here. What are you running? It helps to be more specific for troubleshooting than just typing, "Yeah something stopped working...fix it, please." sort of posts. :)
  20. PTV-Jobo

    Sangin WIP

    Seeing the video above, take as long as you want! This is an awesome feature that is well, well worth the wait.
  21. I just had to write a post and thanking you for a job well done. A friends of mine and I placed ourselves down and flew over the map in the Canadian mod's Huey with some 'Nam era tunes blaring. What a great time. One of the best parts was, unlike BIS's maps, I was at a steady 60+ fps with everything damn near maxed out. Altis on my gtx 670 1gb card I get around 19 with only 2500 view distance. So now only do I have a kick ass jungle to lurk through, I have wonderful frame rate with it. :D By the way, while thinking about it I do want to say I hate you for adding that damn parakeet sound to the environment (lol j/k). I swear lurking in the jungle with full fog and rain, I nearly shat myself stalking through the jungle! It was funny though when my friend was low-flying over the trees and hearing it, it sounded like he hit the damn thing while flying so low over the trees.
  22. PTV-Jobo

    Annihilation [NATO/DEVGRU]

    I have a question/issue here, I'm wondering someone could help solve for me. Basically for private use, I tried porting this to Takistan via the updated A2Map pack mod. It seemed to work pretty well, but today I tried replacing the boring, stupid future Iranians,I tried to replace them with the Taliban via the CAF_AG Aggressors mod recently released. Now basically I changed the factions txt to read Taliban instead of the CSAT, and also in the config it reads as such: And also further down the config: And also replaced the CSAT rifleman class on the map where it has the opfor, friendly and nato riflemen that get deleted (I don't know why they are there exactly) to one of the Taliban rifleman classed. And yet, it still uses CSAT. I don't get it, I replaced the default classes with the Taliban class names as you see above, yet it keeps giving me a middle finger and gives me the damn Iranian super soldiers instead. It's done my head in and can't for the life of me figure out why.
  23. PTV-Jobo

    SOC WIP Thread

    W00t! Cheers, bud! :)
  24. PTV-Jobo

    TexView 2

    I have the same issue. I tried reinstalling, running with admin rights, dragging and dropping, etc. Opens very, very few .paa files. 98% of the time it just crashes whenever trying to open .paa files. :\