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Everything posted by PTV-Jobo

  1. Every time I launch with this and fire a weapon, I keep wanting to do this: http://i.imgur.com/tI1Daip.jpg I just love the slapback. This in combination with any sounds--even the new and ever-improving sounds the BIS department is putting out sound really sexy with this running. Glad to see the slapback made a comeback (did I just make a slight and horrible pun here? heh) with the update. I can definitely see this evolving into something really awesome over time. The slapback alone just really transforms how you feel firing a weapon. And this thing has even transformed some horrible made sounds you might come across in packs for weapons, etc into something you actually love using now, haha. When firing you just feel the weight, the kick, and gases (sounds like one of those really weird porns or something ). Anyways, just wanted to chime in again saying how much I've been enjoying this little system. Makes me hope that in the future other sound mods won't force their reverb systems so we can pair this with them better to avoid doubling effects, overpowering your slapback, causing bugs etc. Even if they don't, I sure as hell ain't giving up using this, that's for sure. Going to have to pry it out of my cold, dead hands....er, eardrums? You get the point. :p
  2. This is one of the big reasons I decided to give it a download and try it out. Unfortunately it doesn't appear to be working on my end just running this mod and CBA and the current stable build of ArmA. I do use like AGM and other mods like RHS, so that's why I also went back and tried with vanilla and don't seem to notice anything different with Nightvision (from your mod and not the BIS made ones). I basically tried a few of the many types of NVG's the mod gives us and combinations (which I love by the way). Used the NVG's with the clear lense goggles for example and putting them down in 3rd person I just didn't see anything different or new other than the NVG effect (wide view area, scanlines, etc). Does anyone else have a picture or something of what I should be seeing? :confused:
  3. PTV-Jobo

    Arma 3 - Marksmen DLC First Look Livestream

    Yeah we all know the sexier the gun the better it performs. Just like with cars, the more high performance stickers you put all over it, the faster it goes.
  4. PTV-Jobo

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    --snip-- Nevermind, going to dick around a few more things and post back anymore observations.
  5. PTV-Jobo

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    TBH I've noticed since the new stable patch that I'm getting mercilessly slaughtered. I too also use the RHS mod and Leights OPFOR. I also use bCombat. Prior to the update, everything was quite enjoyable, but after the update--for whatever reason--the opfor are like doped up hulks with ak's. Getting hit from nowhere a mile away from some ak wielding maggot. Not sure what is going on, personally.
  6. PTV-Jobo

    Audio Tweaking (dev branch)

    The new cracks remind me of this heavy firefight video: http://www.apacheclips.com/boards/media/4327-Heavy-fire-fight-Syria Not totally there yet, but if they keep tweaking, I'm sure we'll get something pretty damn near. :)
  7. I'm sitting here miserable with the flu and decided to download this and give it a shot instead of laying in bed all day moaning (the bad kind :P ). I can say without a shadow of doubt I am glad I did. I've tried it with vanilla, Dfyre, SOS and was blown away. I think compared to other reverb systems I found myself tipping over more towards this surprisingly. Just something about it. I will admit it's not yet perfect (I stress yet), but it's on the highway speeding quickly towards it. So while this system might need some minor tweak here or there, I can definitely say this is quickly becoming a favorite of mine. I will stress though, that everyone's systems sound pretty good and enjoy them. However for me as a matter of personal taste, this is certainly on my winning shelf. I can't wait to see where this goes in the future of its development!! One of my favorite moments was laying down with my ASTFOR MG3 testing it with RHS's 3d Elcan mounted and firing that thing on full auto with your system. While the weapons are currently tweaked for Dragonfyre, it was orgasmic. You really begin to feel something subconsciously when firing weapons with this on. Pretty cool. :D Anyways, I've blabbered on enough. Just wanted to chime in with my mere two cents worth of feedback. Keep up the grand job, mate! :)
  8. Loving the sounds, can almost feel the rifle firing in your own arms when listening. To quote the old but great Homestar Runner series--" !"
  9. PTV-Jobo

    Zero Dark Zero

    Thanks for the response, Goblin! Good to know, haha. Certainly love the sound of the direction you're taking it though with all the tools and whatnot. Will certainly make the EOD Tech aspect more fun. Looking forward to it. :)
  10. PTV-Jobo

    Zero Dark Zero

    Is anyone else having issues with the EOT aspect of the sample mission? I have the Black ESD Diagonal Snips, but when I go up to any IED's like the dug in one right across from the EOD staging area as well as the large dug in one under the bridge as well as the small urban IED's....can't interact with any of them to disarm. It states to have Black ESD Diagonal Snips and that the area for the wire is very small which suggests a resolution of 1920x1080--which is my native resolution. I've been all over that thing standing, crouching, laying down, naked straddling it, smacking it on the ass and calling it daddy....no interaction to "diffuse" those ied's to placed in the editor and marked. And yes, I did also run only cba and the mod. No change. Needless to say a bit confused why there are dug in IED's all over and I have the tool (the ESD Diagonal Snips for some reason get equipped in the slot where the compass does, I believe?) and hovering every pixel of these things and also scroll wheeling incase I catch something, but nadda. Is there any videos of the EOD stuff to compare technique perhaps?
  11. You have no idea how much I am looking forward to such an ability ingame. I'm one of those idiot types that needs to visually be pointed in the right direction sometimes, lol. Guess I'm getting old and senile. :P Looking forward to testing it out, thanks!
  12. *UPDATE* Here is a link to an Imgur album featuring some real early WIP shots of a new MG3 SOPMOD model being worked on for Project AstFor by a friend of mine. http://imgur.com/a/xNcN4#0 Also the classics wep pack is going well and so far the Galil's are quite enjoyable to use and look quite nice in the Swedish Grey-Green paint scheme, though we will still also ultimately provide the original black paint scheme as well. Ill also be looking into how the whole MRT mod thingy works, as I'd really like to have the 3x actually flip physically instead of the old way of having standard and 3x view....I prefer having little details like that. ;) Anyways, just wanted to show we're still here quietly nudging along and not dead.....yet. lol :p
  13. PTV-Jobo


    Hahaha, that's awesome dude! :D
  14. PTV-Jobo

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    Complaining about sonic cracks, ear plugs and using the out-dated term "bazooka". I'm not sure ArmA is the right game for this gentleman. Just an observation or two, lol.
  15. PTV-Jobo

    JSRS3: DragonFyre

    Exactly, even with my current specs without mods ArmA 3 runs like sh*t. I wanted to build a new rig for 2015, but half of my friends were like, "John, don't even bother. You'll spend 2 to 3 grand on a tough rig that'll end up whimpering with ArmA 3." I'm starting to agree lately and getting bummed out. But yeah, we get and understand the frustrations with performance. But as the above mentioned already, we can thank BI for some of our headaches in the performance department.
  16. Agreed. I hope in time we'll see improved sway/inertia. I'm also hoping in the future they'll tweak deadzone a bit as well. Call me crazy, but since ArmA 2 I had just a enough deadzone set to give a bit of room for play. It felt really smooth the way it was setup. But in ArmA 3, it feels like I'm holding the rifle with a pair of drunken granny arms. It feels way too accelerated and erratic. Only way to faux-smooth it is with the dreaded mouse smoothing, which means even more aiming issues and the inability to get on and stay on target. Still, even so I must admit with a bit of deadzone and the inertia, it feels a bit more alive for me. I hate this whole rotate your entire body in place as if you are strapped to a Lazy Susan. It's nice going into a building and having a little room to move and aim while going through a doorway instead of turning my entire frigid body. I'm sure there will be a billion groans when people read about deadzone, but dammit--I like it! :P Between inertia, deadzone and all the weights in my mouse I start feeling a tiny bit more like someone holding a weapon and not a stiff robot with a stick firmly planted in my arse. So hopefully BIS will listen to the people who know what they are talking about in terms of sway and inertia--though I'll wait before attempting to hold my breath to that--and someone at BI will slow and smooth out the deadzone for those few incredibly weird people who actually like having their weapons with a little give to it and not have to rotate their entire body just for a slight aim to the left and right. ;) (I'm sure both friends--LordJarhead and Robert Hammer are going to see this post and groan, "oh god, he's bringing this crap up again?!" haha)
  17. PTV-Jobo

    RH wip Thread

    lol, thought the same thing. Who the hell is going to notice a barely noticeable detail when you're holding it? Unless you're on the receiving end and even then I highly doubt such an insignificant detail is going to matter as by then you're either A) About to be shot or B) Already shot. :P
  18. Yeah we'll probably have a desert variant of the camo eventually. I guess right now it's more of a focus on getting the thing actually pieced together which will probably be in woodland-style. But yeah, it'll definitely support desert-style as well since I tend to love the Afghan scenario, so I'm always dicking around on PR Fata and stuff in the editor, lol.
  19. Yeah, so far Robert sent over to me the "classics" pack as I call it--with the Swedish-style Galil's, Negev, MG3, etc. Just sweeping up any bugs and fine tune along the way. Right now LJ's getting sounds redone so it fits 100% with the rest of Dragonfyre as well--since obviously Dragonfyre is like the official sound mod choice for ASTFOR and all sounds made for the mod will be built around it. Still need to get AT equipment sorted and brought in, Robert's also working on the XCR rifle and unfortunately there has been a delay on the Galil ACE as the person who is suppose to be doing it has stopped returning communications with Robert so we may end up having to scrap it. Still, to be honest already testing the old school Astorian galil's, they are fun enough on their own. :) We're also working on the infantry side. StalkerGB sent us over our older A2 Astorian mlods as well as his A3 British soldier mlods to help get the infantry models jumpstarted. Of course right now being the holidays and whatnot, we're going to be putting development on hold until after the new year and pick up where we left off.
  20. PTV-Jobo

    82nd Airborne Division OCP

    Lovely texture work, mate! :)
  21. PTV-Jobo

    JSRS: DragonFyre -- WIP Thread

    You forgot the mandatory urine test and nude bear wrestling requirements for all of our testers. (I still say that LJ cheated me out of a win due to covering the bear's body in vaseline)
  22. I'll +1 that as well. Everyone has their own preferences, but for me and it seems like others out there like LAxemann as well, to have an addon that would also disables for non-vtn weps would be great to have!
  23. To be honest, I like the zoom. I use to use a mod back in ArmA 2 where zoom was preset. So when you look through a holo it would be pre-set and no manual increasing of zoom. I was really crushed to not see it brought over to arma 3, but now I do with this mod. So....yay! :D
  24. Should be possible with something like hidden selections or whatever, no? I know even back in A2 there were mod's where rank tabs were on uniform shirts and you can put a init code to choose the rank (since all rank images were inside the pbo) you wanted to use. There was also the M1A1 mod where there were several locations for markings and tank names you could choose to apply. But I'm just shooting from the hip in terms of vague memories and wonderings, so don't quote me on any of this. lol.
  25. Thanks, Baddazs. Will def keep you in mind! Our Scandinavian History Guru is a bit AFK due to real life, so should he be unable to return to the project, I'll give ya a shout and discuss things. Also cool missions would be a welcomed addition once we finally get to a point of beta release to the community. :)