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Everything posted by Banksy

  1. Silola just a quick one! 1st thanks for creating such a great script for noobs like me it makes building a mission a lot easier and also makes the mission unpredicatble which is great. My only problem is I have a large area with enemy in it and we play on realistic server which means no icons on maps, cross hairs etc. I am trying to end the mission however if we did it as all opfor dead we would be there for weeks trying to ferret out the last ones. What I am wondering is there a way to end the mission on destroying the D30's or something similar. Unfortunately I have tried ! (alive D30); but that doesn't work as the D30's need to be named. Any help would be good and please remember old and slow when it comes to this programing stuff.
  2. Ok guys this map building thing has become an obsession!!!! I have finally been able to get my map in game with textures and addons, I must have read the tutorial a million times and tried 1000's of different variations. 1. Where I am stuck is creating a terrain from a real world map like google earth etc, so hopefully someone out there can either explain where the best resource is and how to use it in Wilbur or terragen. I can get a satalite image from google earth but due to all of the terrain is is unusable in wilbur as it creates heights for all of the terrain like tree's etc. 2. Creating the satalite image I have used the game textures as the ground texture on a wilbur created terrain is there any other suggestions. What I am doing is makeing the texture a stamp and painting it onto the terrain in photoshop now it works in game and buldozer but the efferct is pretty poor. Please someone put me out of my pain!!! As I think I am starting to get an obsesive compulsive disorder with regards to map making.........
  3. Ok I haven't checked all of the topics but I want to know is there a way of adding a camnet to a vehicle menu so that when you park up you have the option to deploy camnets over or adjacent to the vehicle.
  4. Banksy

    Google earth etc

    Thanks for that! being the total nube that I am I am sure I will figure it out the hard way, why does everything have to be so complicated.........(Old brains find this hard)
  5. Banksy

    Visitor 3 Quick Tutorial

    ok I have followed the tutorial word for word and tried this three times each with some form of result. I can see the map both in visitor and also buldozer, my problem is all I get in buldozer is white terrain, I have no errors when loading however I get no textures of any form in buldozer. I have also added the objects can place them on the map however when I start buldozer I get a box saying: - Cannot load Texture ca\plants\data\ban_4_lod_ca.paa So help from here would be good. So quick update it would appear that I get no colour in anything everything is white, plants, rocks, buildings etc. OK got a little help found my mistake and also that the Layer folder for some reason didn't or won't save in my P:\mymap\data foler it just stores as P:\Layers, converted the *.png file to *.paa files (thanks to a guru with code) and low and behold got something other than grey/whit I now have the sat_lco as my texture, for some reason still do not see the BI textures in buldozer. Ok then added the CA file to P:\mymap\data and extracted the various addon *.pbo's into it and followed the instructions to get them into Visitor (wroked) the problem is still only get white or black images of the addons and the same similar error code when it comes to starting buldozer, so once again now need help just getting this bit right or am I there already?
  6. Very new to all of this scripting, triggering and alike and thanks for all of the posts as they have helped me gain some very basic knowledge. I have been playing around with the flare triggers and would liek to use them in a mission, however I was wondering is it possible to place a wire on the ground so that it gives a scout an opportunity to discover it prior to setting it off. I think just have a placed trigger is slightly unfare and unrealistic. How hard would it be to create a strand of wire that you could place between two points i.e. break in a fence or in the bush