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bobby budnick

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Everything posted by bobby budnick

  1. bobby budnick

    Basics of performance in the Arma world

    Naturally it is your CPU, and you are being punished for it. For instance, I am partial to AMD CPUs and am being punished for it. Not just in this game but FSX and other games too. You should get used to playing games at worse than console settings and framerates as I have. Either that or buy into the Intel CPU monopoly. Your choice.
  2. So you spend all that time getting your settings just right and jump on to multiplayer only to find that you can't customize your name. Do you think I'm going to go back on all that work? Especially after the same problem being in every version of Arma ever? Nah, I'd rather just do something else. Especially with how boring the multiplayer looks right now.
  3. This method leaves much to be desired. Before this Steam DRM, we could concurrently run development versions and "stable" versions. This appears to replace the original version because Steam does not have a robust update system because they wish to forcibly ram updates down your throat!
  4. Don't apologize, next time just don't post at all given that you have added nothing to the discussion. My specs are irrelevant when they aren't even being fully used.
  5. Arma 3 loads slowly for me with little disk utilization and only 2 of 6 cores used for loading. I am using -cpucount=6, so there is nothing I can do on my end. I don't think I will be playing very much when I can run around the neighborhood before it's finished loading. At that point, why even bother?
  6. bobby budnick

    Bug regarding helicopter yaw?

    I have bound the same buttons and have the same problem here.
  7. bobby budnick

    dePBO not working on 1.54 content

    Thanks for the tip. I found the unencrypted missions_baf.pbo in the common folder. Works for me.
  8. bobby budnick

    dePBO not working on 1.54 content

    The better question is when will any of the 3rd party tools be updated to work? Contrary to what was written in the previous posts, no depbo tool works for the DLC missions_baf.pbo. The DePBO 3.15 and 3.16 change log even lists being updated for BAF. Yet Eliteness and the DOS extractPBO tool do not work, both saying something about an unknown file header. I'm just trying to edit the missions to be more to my tastes, but between this and the helicopter rant I am probably approaching outlaw status here.
  9. bobby budnick

    Helicopter Flight Characterics

    How about stop trolling and actually post a compelling reason for your argument. Otherwise stay out of the discussion. "Big Dawg". Seems to me some people just seem threatened that their arcade-style shooting sprees may come to an end.
  10. bobby budnick

    Helicopter Flight Characterics

    I try to only post when It is needed except for in situations like this when I am attacked for some reason. I actually joined the forum before you did. If your posts are anything like the one you just made the number of them is pretty meaningless. Let me preface this by saying I live for PC helicopter simulations and have had the privilege to be aboard several real life helicopters, military and civilian. If you want me to explain some helicopter flight effects that are not modeled or modeled incorrectly I will do just that. 1. Flight Control System and associated avionics on helicopters that feature this in real life. 2. Autopilot and associated avionics on helicopters that feature this in real life. 3. Rotor Yaw - is nonexistent on all helicopters 4. Translational Lift - modeled improperly on all helicopters (more response needed when pulling up on stick) 5. Tail rotor authority - modeled improperly at low and high speeds on all helicopters, V-22 has almost zero rudder authority 6. Realistic start-up times and procedures. My Rationale for this one? It would keep the inexperienced players out of the complex and expensive aircraft and prevent their misuse. If new players want to fly, then they can fly a bi-plane or something. 7. Altitude effects on the rotors and engines. 8. Realistic damage modeling - helicopters are much too resilient as it is. 9. Dynamic rollover and the necessity to land "easy" in real life (ties into #8). 10. REALISTIC TARGETING SYSTEMS!!! Spamming tab and letting them fly is not how they do it... So with this said, please explain to me where I need to "learn to play".
  11. bobby budnick

    Helicopter Flight Characterics

    FSX does not simulate helicopters correctly by default either. The Dodosim 206 being one exception. The only realistic simulation of an AH-64 is Jane's Longbow II. What I don't understand is why people continue to make excuses for the awful flight model in Arma and Arma II. BIS is never going to fix it if people keep saying it is accurate. People if you are trying to make a realistic mission, please leave aircraft out of it! Not one aircraft in this game is up to the standards set by the infantry and armored combat aspect of the game.
  12. The mission has about a 45 minute timer. I think all the campaign missions are timed which ruin them for me. Fortunately, you can change the time to 999999 or whatever in the mission's mission.fsm file. Search for "time" or "length" and you will find a spot that says "_time" or "time" + a number. Change this to whatever you feel like. In addition to this, it's really fun to play as people your not "supposed to" such as tank commander of the convoy instead.
  13. bobby budnick

    For those having performance issue with OA

    I wanted to say I can confirm this. The task manager shows all 4 cores being used much more now. There are similar reports across the forum.
  14. bobby budnick

    Why remove deletecollection

    I have used deleteCollection in many scripts. It would be a shame to see it go. Examples include: Invisible cobra mounted to top of truck to simulate bushmaster cannon Invisible M119 mounted to C-130 to simulate AC-130 Making trees invisible/deleted at mission start for a custom map feel Please reconsider.
  15. This problem has bugged me for a while now. In the extremely simple example mission, you can walk up to the MLRS and order it to fire by choosing "FIRE ROCKET". On a local server, a rocket immediately fires. However, on a dedicated server I can hear the sound of the rocket firing but no rocket comes out. Can someone explain why? Maybe I have found a bug. Example Mission: http://www.sendspace.com/file/l2mhnd
  16. I wanted to bump this up so some knowledgeable people would see it and hopefully help me out. Let me know if you have any questions about the problem or downloading the mission.
  17. Use exitWith{}; You can put something in between the brackets too for it to do when it exits. Like this: exitWith{hint "Exiting Now"};
  18. This probably means you specified an incorrect classname. For example, "AH-1Z" instead of the correct classname "AH1Z".
  19. I gave it another try. Download links to the demo mission: http://www.sendspace.com/file/lmnr1s http://d01.megashares.com/dl/f3b0883/DEMO.zip Contents of the README: Introducing Crowd Pleaser: an AC-130 Spectre Gunship demonstration. C-130 custom actions: generally use these once, though there are checks that will not let you do anything bad. Prepare Spectre - Immediately outfits the C-130 into an AC-130 Add Gun Crew - Mans the AC-130 guns with AI gun crew Remove Gun Crew - Dismounts and removes AI gun crew Radio Triggers: You may use these repeatedly Radio Alpha - Target and fire Radio Bravo - Target Radio Charlie - Scan for human targets Radio Delta - Scan for tanks Radio Echo - Scan for technicals The laptop object is for using human players to man the guns. The laptop only appears at the base near the runway when the AI gun crew is not manning the guns. The _AIR mission is for singleplayer fun with an AI gun crew, and the _GROUND mission is for multiplayer testing. The targeting routines need to be more fine-grained and allow for cycling of targets. Quick Start: 1.Run CROWD_PLEASER_AIR.chernarus 2.Choose custom action "Prepare Spectre" 3.Choose custom action "Add Gun Crew" 4.When approaching target choose radio 3 "Scan for human targets" 5.When within weapons range choose radio 1 "Target and fire"
  20. I tried this for a while and gave up on it. The biggest problem is not that the guns don't point down, because you should have enough angle when the C-130 is banking like the real spooky. The biggest problem is that once the C-130 is running or in motion, when you rotate the cannon it collides with the "railing" in the center of the cargo area of the C-130 and both go flipping up into the air and explode. The only way I can see to do it is mount the cannon unrealistically on the outside of the C-130. BTW, If you need a better view, press '0' for the optics view for the cannon.
  21. bobby budnick

    A couple questions before I buy this

    In case you have not realized before, the flight modeling in the game is terrible. Better than Arma 1 though. How about the non-existent rudder control on the V-22?
  22. bobby budnick

    horrible bug

    I have had those bugs on the manhattan mission. With the white screen bug, you need to reload to an earlier save. Save often. There are a maximum amount of 7 saves since 1.02. When you reach 7 saves, a menu will pop up with a save select screen when you choose to save again. For the movement bugs, try moving any vehicles near him, and try switching to "safe" mode. Try to open the advanced settings only while in the main menu.
  23. bobby budnick

    Morphicon (petergames.de) ArmA 2 Download Released

    Petergames is very slow and unprofessional. I ordered yesterday and only just got my e-mail. When I placed another order from Metaboli, I got the download links immediately.
  24. 1. Opteron 185 2GB DDR500 Nvidia 9800GT 2. German / 1.00 3.Ordered from Petergames, never got an e-mail, so I ordered from Metaboli and was able to immediately download. I have only been able to play a few hours. Audio:Very good. About the same as Arma. Visual:Also very good. I liked the way Arma looked and I love the changes BIS has made. Amazing. Gameplay: Moving around feels similar, which is good. I have to get used to the head bobbing. The flight model seems much improved. This was one of the biggest things I nagged about with Arma. I took the F-35 for a short flight and it felt great. I have yet to try the helicopters. The rest of the vehicle selection looks impressive. It is going to take some time to try out the AI. Technical: + : Good stability. - : Install takes a long time. Game runs a little slower than Arma right now.
  25. bobby budnick

    Morphicon (petergames.de) ArmA 2 Download Released

    I guess I'm all out of common sense here. Still haven't received an e-mail of any kind.