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Everything posted by Bravo33

  1. Bravo33

    Ordering Gear Changes for AI????

    As Frederf says, follow this: Select AI Go to map Select Group (in the note pad) Select Trooper Then get him to drop what ever you want. Back to game & pick up. EASY!!!!
  2. Bravo33

    Voice command software with ArmA?

    Used SHOOT for a few days now and following discussions with Osteo can say that it has very few limitations. It's ll down to voice training the microsoft engine. The more you train the better the accuracy.
  3. Bravo33

    Command menu "TEAM"

    You got it buddy, Trach IR definitely gives you spacial awareness. Hey, question for you, I get the command menu pop up when I open fire. Any ideas?(thats with Shoot active).
  4. Bravo33

    Command menu "TEAM"

    Wilco, I'm training and as you say it's improving all the time. How did I game without it. Got so much further in campaign than I thought possible in one day! Hey if you have'nt got track ir then that is a must also .Talk about immersion
  5. Bravo33

    Command menu "TEAM"

    Osteo, Cheers fella, good call, did'nt even think of holding down Shift. I'll try and sort a work round for that one. I do not want to have to key bind Shift + every F number there is but I suppose it could be done. I have found SHOOT fantastic even though I only installed it today. Talk about being able to react fast to situations. If you want a copy of my xml tell me where to post it/ email it. For all who are not aware of Shoot, it is a voice command activation programme linked to key binding and voice recognition
  6. Bravo33

    Voice command software with ArmA?

    If any of you fellas have the SHOOT xml. for ArmA I would really appreciate a copy. I posted a note about problems with team selection as in OPF we had menu 1 item 9 "TEAM" now it looks like you have to select via shift + F? to select the team. HOw do we get this to work with shoot?