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  1. Bet

    USDemo and Securom issue

    Are you perchance running Process Explorer as well? That's been the cause of this error in my case as well as others. If you're not, then you just have to reboot your machine without running the Sysinternals tools you're using. The rebooting part is a definite bummer, in that every time I want to play ArmA I need to reboot. It's the annoyance of a StarForce activation reboot taken to a whole other level. I find myself wishing I had gone with the Sprocket version See this thread for more details on the problem For the last part of your question, the reason the demo is protected is that piracy groups can use unprotected demo files to speed their efforts at cracking or circumventing copy protection. It kind of goes hand in hand with using copy protection in the first place. At this point I'm hoping that the Atari North America release has a less invasive version of SecuROM or some other copy protection altogether. I would buy another copy of ArmA in a heartbeat in that case, and give my import copy to a friend that doesn't rely on official Microsoft tools to keep their OS in line Edit: Ah dang it, I just realized that you're using the US demo. That means it uses the same version of SecuROM
  2. The problem is that I want to run ArmA with the DVD as well as retain control of my computer. Do you have a solution for that?
  3. Is there any word on whether SecuROM/Sony will be able to fix this? Or is this going to be the nature of SecuROM from now on? I know that the copy protection has had issue with the File/Registry Monitor programs from the same guys, and they asked people to let them know if it ever targeted Process Explorer, which now someone has. Unfortunately now those forums are locked thanks to spam so I can't bump that post. Going without Process Explorer on my system is like operating with a finger missing. Its primary residence is on a portion of my second display, sometimes full-screen on it, since I'm routinely tweaking something on my system performance-wise and monitoring how system processes are behaving. I fear that's why it there are now issues, in that the user has too much information about what's going on... Like the poster in the second thread I linked above, it's amazing that official Microsoft programs are now attacked by SecuROM. I could almost believe that the console wars are spreading to the PC, and Sony is getting revenge on Microsoft for the PS3 doing poorly in a roundabout and sadistic manner. A thought so ludicrous that it could actually be possible. Having to choose between control over my system and playing ArmA is painful